صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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E ra di a' tion, n. a send

ing forth brightness. E rad i cate, v. to pull up by the roots.

E rase', v. to destroy; to

rub out; to root up. E rasure, n. a blotting

out; erasement. E rect', v. to build or set

up; to exalt. a. upright; bold, confident. Er ra' ta, pl. of erratum, n. faults made in printing. Er ro' ne ous, a. subject

to errors; full of errors. Error, n. mistake; blunder.

Er u di' tion, n. learning; knowledge.

E rup' tion, n. a breaking out; bust; pustule; spot.

Es cape', v. to get out of danger; to avoid. n. a getting clear; flight. Es cutcheon, n. a coat of


Es cort', n a convoy; a guard by land. v. to con


Es' cu lent, a. eatable; good for food. n. any food. E special ly, ad. princi

pally; chiefly; particularly.

E spou' 'sals,n. marriage; the act of betrothing. Es' sence, n. the substance or virtues of any thing; scent; perfume. Es sen' tial, a. necessary; very important.

Es tab' ish, v. to settle;

to confirm ; to fix. Es tab' lish ment, n. settlement; a stated salary. Es teem, v. to value; to think well of; to prize. n. regard; respect. Es' ti ma ble, a. worthy of

esteem; valuable. Es' ti mate, v. to rate;

to compute. n. a valuation; a calculation. Es ti ma' tion, n. esteem ; honour; opinion. E ter' nal, a. without beginning or end.

E ter ni ty, n. duration without end. Ether, n. an element finer and more subtile than air; air refined; a chemical preparation. Eth' ics, n. the doctrine of morality. Et i quet', n. forms of civ

ility and ceremony. Et y mol' o gy, n. the true derivation of words.

Eucharist, n. the Lord's
Eu ro'pe an, n. a native
of Europe.

E vac' u ate, v. to make void ; to quit; to empty.

E vac u a' tion, n. an emptying.

E vade', v. to avoid; to

escape; to battle. Ev a nes' cent, a. vanishing; small; imperceptible.

E van gel' i cal, a. agreeable to the gospel; divine.

E van' gel ist, n. a writer

or preacher of the gospel.

E van' ge lize, v. to preach the gospel.

E vapo rate, v. to resolve into vapours; to fly

off. E vap o ra' tion, n. the flying off in fumes or


E va 6sion, n. an escape; excuse; equivocation; shift.

E va' sive, a. elusive; equivocating; shuffling. E' ven ing, n. the close of the day.

E vent' ful, a. full of inci

dents or changes. E vent' u al ly, ad. in the last result; in the end.

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Ev er last' ing, a. perpetual; having no end. Ev er more', ad. eternally;

without end; forever. Ev' i dence, n. proof; testimony; witness. v. to prove.

Ev' i dent, a. plain; clear; apparent; notorious. E vince', v. to prove ;

to show; to make plain. E vin' cive, a. tending to

prove; making plain. Ev o lu' tion, n. a display;


motion; extraction. Ex+ act', a. nice; rate; methodical; punctual. v. to demand; to require.

Ex4 act' er, n. a person

who exacts; an extortioner.

Ex+ ag" ger ate, v. to enlarge; to aggravate ; to heighten by represen tation.

Ex4 ag ger a tion, n. hyperbolical amplification. Ex4 âl ta' tion, n. the act of raising up, or being exalted.

Ex4 am in a' tion, n. the act of examining by questions, or experi


Ex4 am' ine, v. to ask questions; to consider; to sift. Ex4 am' ple, n. a pattern

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or model; precedent. Ex4 as' pe rate, v. to vex; to provoke; to enrage. Exc vate, v. to hollow;

to cut into hollows. Exceed', v. to surpass; to

excel; to go too far. Ex cel', v. to outdo in good

qualities; to surpass Excellence,n. eminence; dignity; purity; good


Ex' cel lent, a. being of great virtue ; notable. Ex cept', v. to leave out. to exempt; to object to. pr. unless. Ex cep' tion, n. exclusion; thing excepted. Ex cep' tion a ble, a. liable to objection. Ex cess', n. superfluity; intemperance.

Ex ces' sive, a. beyond

due dounds. Ex change', v. to give one thing for another. barter.


Ex cise, n. a tax levied

upon commodities. Ex cite', v. to rouse; to

animate; to stir up. Ex claim', v. to cry out

with vehemence. Ex clude', v. to shut out;

to debar; to prohibit. Ex clusion, n. a rejec tion.

Ex clu' sive lỹ, ad. with

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to exclude from the fellowship of the church. Ex cres' cence, n. somewhat growing out of a nother without use; a superfluity.

Ex cru ci ate, v. to tor

ture; to torment.

Ex cul' pate, v. to clear from the imputation of a fault. Ex cur sion, n. a digression; a ramble; an inroad.

Ex cu sa ble, a. pardonable.

Ex cuse, v. to extenuate

by apology; to pardon. Ex cuse', n. an apology. Ex' e cra ble, a. hateful; detestable.

Ex' e crate, v. to curse; to wish ill to. Ex' e cute, v. to perform; to put to death Ex e cu' tion, n. a performance; death inflicted by forms of law.

Ex4 ec' u tive, a. having power to act.

Ex1 em' pla rỹ, a. worthy

of imitation.

Ex+ em' pli fy, v. to illus trate by example; to copy.

Ex4 empt', v. to privilege ;

to free from. Ex+ emp' tion, n. immunity; privilege. Ex' er cise, v. to employ ; to practise; to exert. n. labour; practice. Ex+ er tion, n. the act of exerting; effort. Ex ha la' tion, n. what rises in vapours ; the state of evaporating; act of exhaling. Ex4 hale', v. to send or draw out vapours fumes


Ex4 haust', v. to drain ; to diminish to draw out till nothing is left. Ex4 haust' less,a. not to be emptied; inexhaustible. Ex4 hib' it, v. to show; to display.

Ex hi bi" tion, n. display ; act of exhibiting. Ex4 hil' a rate, v. to make cheerful; to fill with mirth.

Ex+ hort', v. to incite by words to any good action.

Ex4 hor ta' tion, n. the form of words by which one is exhorted.

Ex'i gence,
Ex'i gen cy,

n. press

ing necessity; demand; sudden occasion. Ex' ile, n. banishment; a person banished.

Ex4 ile', v. to banish; to drive from a country. Ex+ ist', v. to be; to have

a being.

Ex+ ist' ence, n. state of being; actual possession of being.

Ex4 on' er ate, v. to unload; to disburden. Ext or bi tant, a. enormous; excessive; extravagant.

Ex' or cist, n. one who by conjuration casts out devils.

Ex4 or' di um, n. a pream

ble; a formal preface. Ex4 ot' ic, a. foreign; not produced in our Own country.

Ex pand', v. to spread; to

spread out every way. Ex panse', n. a wide extent or space; heaven. Ex pa' tiate, v. to range at large; to enlarge upon in language. Ex pect', v to wait for; to apprehend good or evil.

Ex pec ta' tion, n a looking or waiting for; hope.

Ex pec' to rate, v. to eject from the breast by coughing

Ex pe di en cyn fitness; propriety; expedience. Ex pe' di ent, a. fit; con


venient; quick; expe. ditious. Ex' pe dite, v. to facilitate; to hasten. quick; nimble; active. Ex pe di" tion, n. haste; a warlike enterprise ; speed.

Ex pe di" tious, a. speedy; quick; swift.

Ex pel', v. to drive out; to force away; to banish.

Ex pend', v. to lay out; to spend.

Ex pense', n. cost; charges; money expended. Ex pen' sive, a. extrava. gant; luxurious; costly.

Ex pe' ri enee, n. knowledge gained by trial and practice. Ex per'i ment, n. the tri

al of any thing; proof. Ex per i ment' al, a. founded upon experiment ; real.

Ex pert', a. skilful; intelligent; ready; dextrous. Ex' pi ate, v. to atone for. Ex pi a' tion,


n. atone

Ex' pi a to ry, a. having the power of expiation. Ex pi ra' tion, n. the conclusion of a limited time; death

out; to die; to breathe the last.

Ex plain', v. to expound ;

to illustriate; to clear. Ex pla na' tion, n. illustration.

Ex plan' a to ry, a. containing explanation. Ex' ple tive, a. something used only to take up


Ex pli ca' tion, n. interpretation; explanation. Ex' pli ca tive, a. having

a tendency to explain. Ex pli" cit, a. plain; clear; express.

Ex plode', v. to drive out

with noise and violence. Exploit', n. an achieve

ment; a successful attempt. Explore', v. to search in

to; to examine by trial. Ex plosion, n. the act of driving out any thing with noise and violence. Ex plo' 'sive, a. driving out with noise and violence.

Ex port', v. to carry out of a country. Ex' port, n. commodity

carried out in traffick. Ex port a' tion, n. the act

of carrying out commodities into other coun tries.

Expire', v. to breathe Ex poses, v. to lay open:

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