ample employment for his sanctified energies, and addressed himself to his work with the utmost zeal and devotion. In preaching the word of God both to Europeans and Natives, and in the performance of pastoral duties, he was indefatigable, as well as in the superintendence of schools for children, and catechumen-classes for young people. Though necessarily much engaged in the management of the temporal affairs of the Missions under his direction, he was an active member of the Committee of the Madras Auxiliary Bible Society, and of its Translation-Committee, and of several other religious and charitable Associations. In addition to his other engagements, he prepared a lucid and comprehensive treatise on Caste, and its bearing on Christianity and Missions, which was published in England a few years ago; he also contributed to the "Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine," and other periodicals, several valuable essays on Paganism and Popery, and on other subjects connected with the work of Missions. The labours and anxieties connected with the important position he held, are supposed to have weighed down his frame, and to have shortened his earthly career. He appears to have suffered from diarrhoea for a few days before his death, and to have sunk into the grave exhausted, mainly, by the toils and conflicts of the Missionary life. To his bereaved and mourning widow, to his three daughters, who are all married to Wesleyan Ministers, one in England, one in Madras, and one now at the Cape of Good Hope, and to his only surviving son, we offer our sincere and heartfelt condolences. Never was the head of a family more worthily lamented; and seldom has it been our duty to record the removal of a man whom we more highly esteemed as a friend, a Christian, and a fellow-servant in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ. This additional loss from the highest rank of the Ministers engaged in the Wesleyan-Methodist Missions, is an affecting instance of the shifting character of human agency, and urges upon each one in his several sphere, both at home and abroad, to "be diligent in his Master's business," to "work while it is day, because the night speedily cometh, in which no man can work." "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord!" Since the preceding lines were written we have been favoured with the following interesting particulars, in a letter from the Rev. R. D. Griffith, dated Madras, April 21st, 1849: My very hurried letter of Sunday last will have informed you of the unexpected and lamented decease of Mr. Roberts. His funeral was attended by an unusually large number of persons of all classes, from the Chief Secretary of Government, to the humblest native in the presidency. This melancholy event was made the subject of remark on Sunday last, in the services of the Cathedral, Kirk, Chapel of Ease, and London Missionary Chapel, and on Thursday evening in those of the Free Church; and, in every instance, expressions of the high. est fraternal regard for Mr. Roberts were made by the several Ministers who officiated on those occasions. The funeral sermon will be preached in our chapel to-morrow evening, Winslow, of the American Ch een on terms of intimate friendship with Mr. Roberts for thirty years. The Athenæum, United Service Gazette, and Evening Advertiser, contain editorial notices of the event, in terms most gratifying to Mr. Roberts's friends. A Committee Meeting of the Madras Auxiliary Bible Society, held on Monday evening, passed a resolution in testimony of the esteem in which they held Mr. Roberts, and of the value they set upon his labours; and also expressive of sympathy with Mrs. Roberts and her family. From individuals of all classes, (Civilians, Merchants, Military and Medical Officers, Clergymen &c.,) I have received letters of condolence. As for myself, I dare not trust either my feelings or my judgment in making any further observations on this mournful visitation. Of this, however, I am sure, that, by the death of Joseph Roberts, the Protestant church has lost one of her most intelligent and energetic Ministers; and the Wesleyan Missionary Society, one of its very best representatives. His disease was climacteric,-a rapid and general decay of the powers of nature, unattended by any suffering or organic disorder. From remarks repeatedly made by himself, it is confidently presumed that this sudden breaking up of his once strong constitution was hastened, if not induced, by the official anxieties of which latterly he was the subject. He is, however, now beyond the approach of all evil; and happy shall I be, if my dying hour be so serenely bright as his was. We regret to announce, also, the death of the Rev. Francis Whitehead, Wesleyan Missionary at Tobago, and of Mrs. Whitehead. The following extract from the "Tobago Chronicle and Royal Gazette," of May 3d, is the only account of this melancholy event which has yet reached us. The respect felt towards the deceased is indicated by the paper being issued in mourning. WE sincerely regret that it becomes our melancholy duty to record the death of the Rev. Francis Whitehead, Super intendent of the Wesleyan Missions in this island, (Tobago,) and that of his beloved wife, within the short space of three days. Mr. Whitehead had been suffering from general debility for some months past. Believing that a change of air might prove beneficial, he left Scarborough, on the morning of the 9th ult., for the Mission station at Elsineur. The change was not, however, attended with the anticipated result. morning of the 30th, unfavourable symptoms were perceived; and, although no serious apprehension was entertained at the time, he expired that afternoon. His remains were brought into town early the following morning, and conveyed to the Mission-house, where they remained On the until five p.m. They were then removed to the chapel, where the service was performed by the Rev. J. Elliott, and from thence to the burial-ground of the Scotch kirk. Mrs. Whitehead was removed to town the following afternoon, and remained at the house of Mrs. Bevell, a Leader of the Wesleyan-Methodist society, where every kindness and attention was paid to her; but we regret exceedingly to say, that she spent a night of painful anxiety and heartfelt sorrow. In the morning she became delirious; and, although medical aid was immediately procured, she expired between ten and eleven o'clock a.m. Her mortal remains were interred beside those of her husband in the evening. They have left a girl about three years old, too young to feel the irreparable loss she has sustained. ARRIVAL OF MISSIONARIES. THE Rev. George Parsonson and Mrs. Parsonson arrived at PortElizabeth, Algoa Bay, on their way to Port-Natal, on the 14th of March, after a pleasant passage of sixty-seven days from the Downs, and eighty-five from Gravesend.-For the Christian generosity of Thomas Cooper, Esq., of the Isle of Wight, and his friends, in granting a free passage to Mr. and Mrs. Parsonson in the ship "Augusta,” of which they are the owners, the Committee renew the tender of their respectful thanks. And they are happy to take this opportunity of publishing a short extract from Mr. Parsonson's letter, dated March 30th: "We are much indebted to the owners of the 'Augusta' for their attention to our comfort in the vessel;-to the Captain for the facilities he afforded for conducting divine service every Sabbath, and for family prayer every morning; as well as for the kind attention he paid to Mrs. Parsonson ;-and to the Committee for the kindness shown to us in London, and the comforts put on board for the passage. But most of all do we feel indebted to the God of providence and grace, from whom all blessings flow." LONDON-PRINTED BY JAMES NICHOLS, HOXTON-SQUARE. THE WESLEYAN-METHODIST MAGAZINE. SEPTEMBER, 1849. BIOGRAPHY. MEMOIR OF MRS. MARTHA SPENCER, WIFE OF THOMAS SPENCER, ESQ., OF THE MOSS, PRESCOT, LANCASHIRE: BY THE REV. ABRAHAM WATMOUGH. MRS. SPENCER was the daughter of Mr. Edward Bourne, of Belper, in Derbyshire, where she was born in 1811. Her parents were both members of the Wesleyan society, and were unremitting in their endeavours to train up their child in the way in which in after-life she should go. They did not sin against the Lord by ceasing to pray for her; and both by precept and example were careful to point out to her the good and the right way, and to induce her to walk in it. Miss Bourne was remarkable, even in her earliest days, for the mildness of her natural disposition. This was seldom discomposed,-a result not issuing from anything like want of feeling, but rather produced from the character impressed on her mind by the all-wise Creator, whose works are full of variety. This evenness of temper was visible in Miss Bourne through life; and when sanctified by divine grace, and governed by holy love, produced effects which it was delightful to contemplate. There is reason to believe, that, from her infancy, the truths of revealed religion, such as death and judgment, heaven and hell, engaged her earnest attention. They were brought before her, especially by her devoted mother, from the very beginning; and, according to the design of the great Author of the domestic constitution, in his positive and repeated injunctions respecting religious education, became with her original elements of thought, powerfully influencing her earliest mental developments. For they were not left, as it were, to themselves, though, even in that case, their presence is a far happier circumstance in the history of an immortal being than their absence could possibly be. But her parents had dedicated her to Him who had promised to be not only their God, but the God of their seed. "The promise," they said in effect, "is to our children as well as to ourselves;" and therefore, while they instructed her in divine truth, they earnestly prayed that their instructions might be rendered 3 M VOL. V.-FOURTH SERIES. |