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the Lord. Dominica was the first station where he resided, and it having been a French colony, Popery still abounded there. There were twenty thousand inhabitants, two thousand of whom were Protestants, and of that number one half were members of their church. It fell to his lot to commence a new station in a distant part of the island; and there not having been any resident Missionary there before, he found plenty to do. He found, that out of twelve hundred Negroes on one estate, only ten individuals were able to read. He took the plantations by rotation; he went from estate to estate, at night, after the people had concluded their work, preaching the cross of Christ, and endeavouring to found the basis of a better state of things. When he was afterwards again appointed to Dominica, he was astonished at the improvement which had taken place there since he left. Schools had been erected, where hundreds of children were receiving instruction, many of them being able to read the word of God; a society had been formed, containing several hundred persons warmly attached to the cause of God, and supporting the institutions of the church among them with liberality. When he was first appointed to Dominica, it was a time of slavery, and the difficulties they had to encounter were very great; but when he went there the second time, slavery had been abolished, and those who were most forward in opposing them previously, were now the first to support them, having found it their interest to do so. After being two years in Dominica, he was removed to Tortola. The population of that district, amounting to five or six thousand, scattered over a number of small islands, was the most thoroughly Wesleyan, nearly all the inhabitants considering themselves connected with the society; they were remarkable for their simplicity, their earnestness in religion, their warm attachment to the Ministers, and their liberality in supporting religious institutions among them. He had the happiness of witnessing a blessed outpouring of the Spirit of God among that people, the result of which was the addition of some hundreds to the society, the greater part of whom, they had reason to be convinced, were really partakers of saving grace. The abolition of slavery removed many obstacles to the spread of the Gospel. It was well known that the Church did not formerly think that the Negroes were any part of their charge; and at the Centenary Meeting in Antigua, he

heard a coloured gentleman, a Magistrate, say, that he remembered the time when persons of colour were not allowed to enter the churches; but now those churches were open for their reception; and the Clergy, who did not formerly feel them to be part of their charge, now felt for them, and invited them to their churches; and, in some cases, he must say, tried to lead them away from other churches. When he was in Tortola, there was a Church-school erected there, and when nearly completed, the Clergyman called upon a black man, one of the Elders of their society, and told him that they had erected a school for the instruction of their children, and that he intended to have service in it regularly, and asked him to bring his countrymen to that service. Isaac, for Isaac was his name, replied that it was very good to have services there, and he would be glad to attend them; but they must be held at some other time, for he belonged to the Methodist church, and he must be there at that time. That means failing to draw away that man, he being steadfast in his attachment to those who had conferred so many benefits upon him, under God, other means were employed. His master called him one day, and after telling him how much he liked him, and what a good servant he was, said there was only one fault, he (the master) disapproving of his going to the Methodist chapel; and unless he discontinued that practice, he must lose his situation. The good man replied, with tears in his eyes, "Massa, I love you much; I am willing to do anything to serve you, except that one thing which you desire; religion is worth more to me than all the world beside, and I will sacrifice the world, before I forsake my God." That firmness on the part of the poor man could not fail to touch the heart of any one, and it went to the heart of his employer; and Isaac retained his situation and his religion too. The island of St. Kitt's was another of their stations, where he spent nearly four years. The population was about twenty-three thousand; and, at the last census, the number returned as belonging to their community


ten thousand. The number of church-members belonging to the society was more than four thousand. The island was completely engirdled with their chapels. The centre of the island was an elevated mountain, around which the towns and villages were situated. At Basseterre they had a large substantial chapel, capable of containing from one thousand five hundred to two thousand

people, with a school and Mission-house; three miles from that they had another chapel, which would contain three hundred persons; three miles further on they had another chapel, capable of containing five hundred people, with a Missionhouse, and a resident Missionary; two and a half miles beyond that there was another chapel, containing two hundred and fifty people; two and a half miles from that they had another chapel, capable of containing twelve hundred people, with a Mission-house; two and a half miles further they had another chapel, capable of holding six or seven hundred people; two and a half miles from that they had another chapel, capable of holding a thousand people, with a Mission-house and resident Missionary; five miles further they had a chapel, holding nine hundred or a thousand persons, with Mission-house and resident Missionary; five miles from that there was another chapel, capable of holding four hundred persons; and five miles more brought them to Basseterre. (Applause.) And all those places of worship were filled on the Sabbath-day: they were crowded with people who came to hear the word of God, and many of whom had felt its power. Antigua was somewhat similar to St. Kitt's; and, as the head of the District, was always foremost in every thing praiseworthy. The Legislature of that island thought it expedient to remove slavery at once without the apprenticeship, and there the operations of freedom appeared to greater advantage than in any other island; and the enlightened and public spirit of the leading men in that community caused them to be forward to acknowledge that this was mainly attributable to the operations of Christian Missions, and they had honourably recorded that acknowledgment in their official publications. Antigua had been frequently visited by gentlemen from America and France, anxious to see how the experiment worked; and they had universally expressed themselves not only satisfied, but delighted, with what they had seen, and saw no difficulty in discovering the connexion between religion and the peace and order subsisting there. There was a very weighty reason for maintaining their West-India Missions in a state of complete efficiency, arising out of the state of the foreign West Indies at the present time. They had to complain of having to compete with slave-grown


sugar; but soon they would not have to complain of that, so far as the West Indies were concerned. France had liberated her slaves; Sweden had liberated her slaves; and Denmark was following the example; and if Spain did not soon set her slaves free in Cuba and Porto-Rico, they would set themselves free. was slavery, mainly, which kept Protestantism out of Cuba and Porto-Rico; but let slavery be put an end to, and no doubt the planters would invite Missionaries there; for they would see that nothing but religion could secure the peace and order of society.......He then spoke of the liberality of the members of the churches in the West Indies, showing that, if it had not been for the late depression in the islands, the societies there would now have been self-supporting. Those churches might for a few years longer require that support which they had hitherto received; but he believed that the present trials would result in the production of a state of prosperity more healthy and more permanent than they had before witnessed. He rejoiced in believing that the best interests of those countries would eventually be benefited by that depression, and just in this way. The estates would extensively pass out of the present hands into the hands of natives, and residents of the island, who, living on their own estates, would work them economically, look after their own interests, send their own sugar to this country in the best and cheapest way, and get out their stores in the same way; and then he would have no doubt that the West-India properties would pay, and pay well. Then the fruits of that prosperity, the wealth resulting from it, would be diffused throughout the islands, and enjoyed by the residents, instead of being taken and spent elsewhere; and then, when God shall have turned again the captivity of His people, and crowned them with prosperity, they would relieve the Society of the burden it now bore; they would hasten to do it, and would be glad to repay them for what they had done, by proving themselves valuable auxiliaries to the Society. God would not forsake that people; there was too much of God's work among them; there was too much piety there, there was too much knowledge of God,—too much of prayer,—for God to forget them. God had something in store for them, and better days were coming.



IN these extensive territories, a wide field is presented for the evangelizing efforts of Christian zeal. Hitherto it has been very partially and insufficiently entered by Protestant Missionaries. The emissaries of Rome have taken advantage of our supineness; and there, as elsewhere, are formidable antagonists to the truth and spirituality of the Gospel. There doth indeed "remain very much land to be possessed." But something encouraging and hopeful has been done; of which the letter subjoined will furnish a pleasing specimen. The noble tribes of the "Red men of the forest" surely deserve our Christian compassion; and a Mission in which, with other excellent men, the wellremembered and much-loved PETER JACOBS is employed, can never be thought of but with feelings of affectionate interest. Let it not be forgotten in our prayers. O that men and means could be found for gradually spreading the light and influence of the pure Gospel from the shores of the Atlantic to those of the Great Pacific Ocean! Vancouver's Island, on the western extremity of our territories there, is beginning, we perceive, to attract the attention of British Colonizers. Let not the British Christians overlook it.

Extract of a Letter from the Rev. William Mason, dated Ross-Ville,
December 20th, 1848.

IT again becomes my duty to send you an account of the state and prosperity of this Mission, which I do with pleasure, for the hand of the Lord is upon us for good, and has been so during the past quarter. "From a review of the past we do look cheerfully towards the future," as you advise in your last encouraging communication; and trust, by the continued blessing of Almighty God, to go on in a spirit of humble piety, with a firm, steady reliance on the great Atonement, prosecuting the benevolent enterprise in which we are engaged in faith, and with a devout dependence on Him without whom nothing is strong, nothing is holy.

We have every reasonable ground to rejoice in the very favourable prospects of the Mission, so far as Ross-Ville is concerned. The people continue firm and steady in their adherence to the cause of God: their love to, and diligent attendance on, the means of grace, their thirst for scriptural knowledge, their consistent conduct, the humble, quiet, and inoffensive disposition of their minds, their liberality and zeal,-are all pleasing indications that a saving work of grace is commenced in their hearts, which, we earnestly pray, may continue to increase until it terminates in glory.

Could the sainted spirit of our venerable Founder visit the scenes of his own early Mission to the shores of this im

mense continent, and view the glorious work which he was instrumental in commencing, how great would be the sum of happiness which such a view would infuse in his truly benevolent soul! It is a cheering thought, and one which often rises in my mind, and excites me to greater efforts for the salvation of the Heathen, that it is the cause of God in which many of the best of men have spent their lives, amongst whom we ought not to forget the apostolic Eliot, the pious Brainerd, the devoted and indefatigable Zeisberger, Hecke welder, and their coadjutors, who were the first to carry the glorious tidings of the Gospel to the then numerous and powerful and warlike savage Indian tribes of America, who reigned as monarchs of the soil on which God gave them birth. But they have long ago finished their course, and the tribes to whom they ministered the word of life are become extinct; a remnant alone remain, the deserving objects of Christian benevolence and sympathy. May the efforts which the different communities of Christians are making at the present time, for their temporal and spiritual benefit, be crowned with abundant success! Surely the time to visit Zion has arrived; for the Macedonian cry is heard in every direction, "Come over and help us:" how long shall the call be still unregarded? A servant of the Honourable Company last summer brought an invi

tation from the Chief of the Chipweyans of Athabasca, for a Protestant Minister, declaring that he had viewed the ceremonies of the Romish Priest, and found them to differ very little from their own, and no better; and if a Protestant Minister cane, he would at once place himself under his instructions.

As Mr. Rundle visited OxfordHouse, and York-Factory, he will make you acquainted with the pressing necessity for help there, as well as the wants of his own extensive Circuit. May his appeals be successful, and the vacancies which have occurred by death and removals in these extensive territories be speedily supplied with faithful and zealous ambassadors for Christ!

Could we only place before the eyes of British Christians the deplorable state of hundreds of the poor, wandering, starving Red men of these territories; and correctly describe their awful ignorance, foolish notions, degrading superstitions, and the untold sufferings which their precarious mode of living entails; I am sure many a Christian heart would melt with pity, and their bowels would yearn with compassion for the poor American Indian who is still without the Gospel,-that sure, infallible, and only remedy for all his evils. Hasten, O hasten, to send this sovereign specific, and save from extinction these aboriginal tribes, who for centuries have furnished Britons with the most comfortable means of clothing, while they themselves have often been destitute, and exposed to the rigours of winter, and have expired from want under the most distressing circumstances.

I rejoiced in having frequent opportunities of preaching the Gospel to the Indians, who are still in pagan darkness, with some degree of success. During the past autumn, they remained some time longer than they are accustomed to do, and paid frequent visits to the village, and often expressed their surprise at what they saw and heard. When I conversed with them, they listened with attention, and assented to the truth they heard. The Chief claims me as his relation, and has consented to become a Christian. Should he do so, it will in all probability be the means of leading the rest to follow his example. The influence, however, of Chiefs is not so extensive now as it used to be formerly. He and his whole family attended divine service on the Sabbath during his stay. When conversing with him in his tent on one occasion, he told me he often prayed to the Great Spirit in the same manner as that in which our Christian Indians ad

dress Him, having frequently heard them when praying in the woods; and that af fliction in his family had awakened in his mind a desire to become a Christian. Thus does the Holy Spirit draw the minds of the Heathen to the only fountain of consolation and peace under affliction.

On another occasion, when visiting this same Indian Chief, I was accompanied by one of our Local brethren, Amos Pewe-nah-pao, who spoke at some length from the incredulity of Thomas. The Chief acknowledged the importance of what had been said, and exhorted the other Indians present to begin to serve God; saying, "As for myself, I have made up my mind to become a Christian."

Many came to bid us farewell, as they left for their wintering quarters. O that the good Lord would send his Holy Spirit, write his counsels upon the hearts of these poor benighted Heathen, and bring them into his fold!

The progress of civilization among our Christian Indians is truly encouraging. When I came here in 1843, I was always pained at the sight of the females, with a strap which they passed across their foreheads, carrying heavy loads of wood on their backs daily throughout the winter; and frequently would they come to be bled, saying, "I have fallen with my load of wood;" but it is now very rare to see women carry wood at all: their husbands, or the young men, haul it home upon sledges. Their parchment windows are gradually disappearing, and glass ones taking their place; an air of comfort pervades their dwellings; and often has my heart been filled with joy as I passed their habitations and heard the voice of prayer and praise ascending to the God of all their mercies. Family devotion is most strictly observed, whether at home or in the woods. And our native Local brethren, when hunting, endeavour so to contrive matters, that they may have a small congregation to address on the Lord's day.

Their appearance in the house of God is not only respectable, but, in some instances, even genteel; a few only of the women retain the last vestige of their heathen state, a blanket, which in these cold regions may be overlooked until supplied with cloth cloaks: their blankets are, however, clean; they make their own soap, and take a pride in imitating everything European. happy am I in saying that no single case of either drunkenness or Sabbath breaking has, during the last quarter, taken place amongst them. May they be preserved from every vice, guided by the


Spirit into all the ways of righteousness, holiness, and truth, and at last received into the heavenly kingdom through Christ! Amen.

The Sabbath and day schools, under the constant and unremitting care of Mr. H. B. Stienhauer, continue to prosper, and, we trust, will prove nurseries to the church of God.

I should very much like to proceed a little faster with our printing operations; but this is impossible with the few hands and limited means we possess; yet

we are determined to do what we can. You will be pleased to learn that the Conference Catechism, No. I., is translated and in the press. It will be highly valued by the Indians, who both read and write their own language with propriety. Mr. Ross still continues his kindness to us, and his valuable assistance to the Mission, which I feel it a pleasure as well as my duty to acknowledge. I am sorry to say, that at this time he is confined to his room by sickness. May the Lord speedily restore him to health!


Ir is with deeply painful feeling that we have to record the death of an eminent servant of Christ, the Rev. Joseph Roberts, the General Superintendent of the Wesleyan-Methodist Missions in the Madras District. This lamented event took place on Saturday, April 14th, 1849, at Palaveram, near Madras, whither he had been removed, it is presumed, for change of air. The Rev. R. D. Griffith, under date of Royapettah, Madras, Sunday, April 15th, thus communicates the painful intelligence:-"I have the mournful duty of informing you of the death of Mr. Roberts, which took place at Palaveram yesterday afternoon, at fourteen minutes before three o'clock. I saw him in the morning at seven o'clock, when I observed in him a decided change for the worse; but had no apprehension of his departure being so near. I was sent for at five yesterday afternoon; but ere I reached Palaveram he was gone. I made such arrangements as circumstances afforded for the removal of the corpse during the cool of the night, and succeeded in bringing it to Royapettah by half-past two this morning. His remains are to be interred in the Cathedral graveyard at four o'clock this evening." Mr. Roberts received his first appointment to the East in the year 1818. His vigour of mind made the acquisition of the language in which he had to labour a work of comparative ease; and his frank and generous nature endeared him to his colleagues and to all classes of the inhabitants of Ceylon, for whose spiritual benefit and salvation he laboured for many years with faithfulness and zeal. After his return to England in 1833, he published a most interesting volume, entitled, "Oriental Illustrations of the Sacred Scriptures," which reached a second edition, and has been very much read and admired as a remarkable chapter in the history of the human mind, and as throwing a light on numerous passages of holy Scripture, which has brought out their meaning with peculiar beauty and force. He also executed some translations from the Tamul language, which were published by the Oriental Translation Society in London, connected with the Royal Asiatic Society for Great Britain and Ireland, of which Society he was a Corresponding Member from an early period of his residence in the East. His health having been recruited by his residence in England, and the education of his children having been in a good measure accomplished, he again offered himself for Missionary service; and in the year 1843 succeeded the Rev. Jonathan Crowther as General Superintendent of the Society's Missions in the Presidency of Madras. In this vast field he found

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