clausos" in Aen. 9. 67, saying that if he had not been aware that the rhythm introduced was an unusual one, he should not have apologized for it. It is really a question of ear and there are doubtless many ears to which the new line will seem hardly Virgilian, in spite of G. 3. 276 and Aen. 7. 634. "Via" in the received reading is synonymous with "ratio," as in. Aen. 12. 405. "Sic" for " sed" in v. 146 of Aen. 9 depends on a transposition which we have already seen reason to reject. In v. 226 "et," though not found in the MSS., is said to be necessary before "delecta." I do not know what is the objection to taking "delecta iuventus" in apposition with "ductores," but I suppose it is either that the leaders would be too old to be designated as "iuventus," or that the word naturally implies the rank and file, as distinguished from the chiefs. To the first I reply that "iuventus means little more than fighting men, and that Aeneas and Achates are addressed as "iuvenes" Aen. 1. 321; to the second that Catillus and Coras, who are unquestionably leaders, are called "Argiva iuventus" Aen. 7. 672. V. 403 is critically difficult, as the MSS. vary, and the best supported reading is not the most likely intrinsically; but that seems no reason for introducing a conjecture. V. 676 "freti armis" is unobjectionable, as the opposition is not between arms and personal strength, but between the protection afforded by walls and that which a warrior can give himself by his use of his weapons. It is conceivable, however, that as in Aen. 4. 11, Aen. 11. 641, and possibly other unsuspected places, may be from "armi." At any rate we do not need to read "animis." "armis " As to "transiit" Aen. 10. 785, I must refer to the Excursus on G. 2. 81 in the second edition of my first volume. Peerlkamp's "quamvis dolor alto volnere tardet " for "quamquam vis alto volnere tardat" (or "tardet ") is really ingenious; far more so than Hoffmann's "vis alti volneris ardet." The received reading is difficult: "vis," in Virgil at any rate, is generally used for offensive force, and the intransitive use of "tardo" is rare, though we might give it its active meaning, and say that his physical strength keeps him back by reason of the wound. On the whole I am not sure that the 'perversa ratio" of Servius (as M. Ribbeck calls it) is not right, and that "vis" is not the violence of the wound, as the use of the instrumental ablative instead of the possessive genitive is quite in keeping with Virgil's other manipulations of language. There is not much force in M. Ribbeck's objection to "acceperit ultro," Aen. 11. 471, "qui accipit sequitur voluntatem alterius, ergo nihil ultra id facit quod voluit alter." A person may be compelled to accept a thing, or he may accept it voluntarily ; and it is the latter of these situations in which Latinus would gladly have been. "Asciverit urbi" is better than "acceperit urbi:" the one implies that Aeneas would have been the "gener" of the state (comp. Aen. 11. 105): the latter could only refer to Aeneas' admission within the walls, a much poorer thought. In v. 728 I cannot agree that "iniicit iras" is weak, though Heinsius' "incutit," if Virgil could only be shown to have written it, would be an exceedingly good word. "Iniicio" is a strong word in itself: the only question is whether it can be used idiomatically with "iras," and that the dictionaries, with their "iniicere metum," "formidinem," &c., set at rest. Last of all is a passage in Aen. 12. 55, where it is said of Amata, "ardentem generum moritura tenebat." M. Ribbeck objects that "moritura" would mean that she was actually going to die, and substitutes "monitura." Is it possible? Virgil, in the rapidity of his passion, says that the queen clung to her son-in-law with the tenacious grasp of one with death before her: the critic says she held him in order to advise or reprove him. Utri creditis, Quirites? As I said in my former paper, I have no wish to derogate from the undoubted merits of M. Ribbeck's work: but I cannot but think that such criticisms as many of those which I have been noticing are a serious drawback to its value. English scholarship has not a few deficiencies: is it not preserved from some errors by the practice of Latin verse composition? JOHN CONINGTON, ADDENDA. 11. 158. Add Tibullus 2. 6. 31, " Illa mihi sancta est, illius dona sepulcro Et madefacta meis serta feram lacrimis." 686. Virg. may perhaps be thinking of the language of II. 21. 485, where Hera says to Artemis, Ητοι βέλτερόν ἐστι κατ ̓ οὔρεα θῆρας ἐναίρειν, ̓Αγροτέρας τ ̓ ἐλάφους, ἢ κρείσσοσιν ἶφι μάχεσθαι. 12. 7. Comantes tori' is probably to be taken (not as in the note, but) simply as 66 masses of hair: a sense of 'torus' which can be paralleled by Pliny, Ep. 5. 8. 10, "Hanc (historiam) saepius ossa musculi nervi, illam (orationem) tori quidam et quasi iubae decent." 357. Extorqueri,' with the dative of a thing, does not seem to be Ciceronian: Pliny, Ep. 3. 9. 16 has, however, "cum praerepta et extorta defensioni suae cerneret in quibus omnem fiduciam reponebat." (Forc.) 453. Mr. Munro has retracted his emendation "aqua" in the Cambridge Journal of Philology, 1. p. 117. 518. Mr. Munro writes, "Lerna, at the present day, consists of a series of exceedingly deep natural canals of beautifully clear water, which might well be called 'flumina.' These are formed from a vast series of springs in that part of the plain of Argolis. I do not remember any visible 'flumina' which ran into them." 529. Serv.'s interpretation of 'sonantem' in this passage (as="recalling in the sound of his name ") is confirmed by Hieronymus ad Laetam, Ep. 107. (ed. Vallars. vol. 1, col. 672), "Ante paucos annos propinquus vester Gracchus nobilitatem patriciam nomine sonans." Mr. Munro, who thinks 'sonantem = talking of," quotes Martial 5. 17. 1, “Dum proavos atavosque refers et nomina magna, Dum tibi noster eques sordida condicio est," &c. 621. Mr. Munro remarks that this use of diversus' is common in the Annals, but the Annals only, of Tacitus, e. g. 3. 2, "etiam quorum diversa oppida, tamen obvii :” 4. 46, "fore ut in diversas terras traherentur.” "Could 648. He would write, 'Sancta ad vos anima, a! atque istius inscia culpae.' there be," he says, "an easier change than this? Could one of three a's fail to get extruded in MSS.? The kind of feeling expressed by a here would resemble that of Hor. 2 Od. 17. 5, 'A te meae si partem animae rapit.' A is not elided in Tibullus 3. 4. 82, ‘A, ego ne possim tanta videre mala:' and in Horace, Epod. 5. 71, A, a solutus ambulat,' &c. The position of a in the verse would resemble its position in Propertius 1. 11. 5, Nostri cura subit memores, a, ducere noctes' comp. Sen. Medea 1009 (1017), where the best MS., the Florentine, has 'Si possetuna caede satiari, a, manus:' rightly, I should say. In Ov. 3 Am. 7.55 MSS. read, 'Sed puto non blanda, non optima perdidit in me Oscula' editors, 'Sed non blanda puto,' &c., quite spoiling the force of 'puto.' Lucian Müller, in his text of 1861, reads, much to my satisfaction, 'Sed puto non blanda, a, non optima,' &c. In the poem, which is sometimes printed as the 19th of Catullus, beginning Hunc ego, iuvenes, locum villulamque palustrem,' surely no one would hesitate to read with Lachmann (Prop. p. 289) 'Hunc ego, O iuvenes :' and my emendation is even lighter." 697. Comp. II. 20. 423 (of Achilles when he saw Hector coming to meet him), Avτàρ ̓Αχιλλεὺς ̔Ως εἶδ', ὡς ἀνέπαλτο καὶ εὐχόμενος ἔπος ηὔδα κ.τ.λ. 739. The parallel passages should have been limited to the line from Homer. where dative or in with accusa- without preposition, xi. 175 Abunde, with genitive, use of, vii. 552. Accipere, of welcoming, viii. 178: ix. 233 Accusative, cognate, vii. 460: xi. 573 cognate, in apposition to the action of the verb, ix. 53 viii. 180 cognate, after nitor, xii. 386 in apposition to the sentence, viii. 487 Acies inferre pedestris, x. 364 Aclys, the, vii. 730 Acrisioneus, vii. 410 Ad, force of, viii. 359 force of, in composition, ix. 52 limina, denoting humility in supplica- lumina, viii. 411 Adclinis, x. 835 Adcommodus, xi. 522 Addo, of a speech following an act, xi. 95 Adeo, used for emphasis, vii. 629: ix. 156: after numbers, vii. 629 Adiunctus, of close juxta-position, ix. 69 xi. 88 xi. 890 for genitive, x. 520: xi. 84 hypallage in construction with, used for adverb, xi. 426 Adlacrimare, x. 628 Admisceri, of the mixture of blood, vii. Admovere, of victims, xii. 171 Adparere, of servants, xii. 850 Adsidere with accusative, xi. 304 Adverbs formed from participles, x. 405 of Pallas, viii. 435 Aeneadae, viii. 341 Actium, battle of, described as on Aeneas' Aeneas, visit to Evander, viii. 102 Aeneid, the, want of finish in its later | Amplexus petere, viii. 615 85 the, discrepancies between Book Aequalis caterva, x. 194 Aequati numero, sense of, vii. 698 Aeratus aereus, xi. 656 of Aeneas' shield, x. 887 Aestus, of fluctuation in opinion, xii. 486 Aetherius sol, viii. 68 Amplification, turn for, in Virgil, xii. 899 Amyclae, x. 564 Anachronisms in Virgil, vii. 186 Ancilia, the, viii. 664 Anfractus, a curve, winding way, xi. 522 Animi, genitive with epithet, ix. 246: x. Animis animose, xi. 18, 438 Agere, of leading to battle, vii. 804: viii. Animus, vii. 356 of liberality, xii. 23 Ante, without specified object, ix. 315 : xii. alios, pleonastic after superlative, tubam, proverbial expression, xi. 424 Bellator equus, x. 891: xi. 89 portae, the gates of Janus, vii. 607 signum, viii. 1 Bibere, of the spear, xi. 804 Biforis, of the sound of a flute with two Bipennis, in original adjectival sense, xi. 135 Birds of Diomede, xi. 273 -, introducing new element in descrip- Birth of men from stocks and stones, idea tion, xii. 531 Attactus, vii. 350 Attollere fasces, vii. 173 of, viii. 315 Biting the ground in death, x. 489: xi. 418 propitious, xii. 179 Attonitus, of being under strong divine Bubo, xii. 862 influence, vii. 580 Attorquens, ix. 52 Auctor, x. 67 Bacchanalia, the, vii. 385 Bacchic orgies, description of, vii. 385 Bullets, belief that they melted in passing Buxum, of a top, vii. 382 Buxus, of a flute, ix. 619 Capys, x. 145 Carmental gate, the, viii. 338 Carbasus, viii. 34 |