THE WORK S VIR O F IRG I L, In LATIN and ENGLISH. The EN EID Translated By the Rev. Mr. CHRISTOPHER PITT; With feveral NEW OBSERVATIONS, By Mr. HOLDSWORTH, Mr. SPENCE, C. HEYNE, and Cthers. ALSO, A DISSERTATION on the Sixth Book of the NEID, On the Shield of AENEAS, by Mr. W. WHITEHEAD. On the Character of IAPIS, By the late Dr. ATTERBURY, Bilhop of ROCHESTER. AND, Three ESSAYS on Paftoral, Didactic, and Epic POETRY, T IN FOUR VOLUME S. The THIRD EDITION, with confiderable Improvements. VOL. III. LONDON: Printed for J. DODSLEY, in Pall-Mall. M.DCC.LXXVIII. |