صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[blocks in formation]

Fairhaven. ii. 19.

Fairs at boston. ii. 89.

Fairweather, john. viii. 44.

[blocks in formation]

Faunce, john. iii. 213.

iv. Faunce,


see fayrweather, and fayerweather.
Falconet, lieut. viii. 156.
Fall indians, their residence and num-
ber. ii. 36.

Fall of cliff at gay head. iii. 47.
Falmouth. iii. 49. 54.
Familists, heresy of. ii. 58. depend
on revelations. 74. early in rhode
island. vi. 336. opinions extend.
vi. 346. punished in barbadoes.
vi. 346. colony of, intended for
sagadehock. v. 141. settle at
watertown; brought the plough
patent. vii. P. 31.

Fancher, dr. his table of vaccination
in america. iv. 96.

[ocr errors]

executed. i. 64.

Farley, george. ii. 162.
Farm neck. iii. 93.
Farmer, john, table of marriages, etc.
in billerica. ii. 162. sketch of
amherst, new hampshire. ii. 247.
bill of mortality for amherst, new
hampshire. iv. 73. letter to rev.
dr. holmes. iv. 77. vii. 71. 187.
viii. 44. x. 192. note on new lon-
don, new hampshire. viii. 173-
175. account of churches and
ministers in new hampshire. viii.

Farmer's cabinet, printed at amherst,
new hampshire. ii. 252.
viii. 112.

iv. 294.
Fayrweather, thomas. vii. P. 69.
Fayrweather, john. x. 25.

Fayerweather, thomas, esq. ii. 260.
viii. 199.

Feake, robert. iii. 268.

Feake, isle, in virginia. vii. P. 86.
Feake mount. iii. 267. 268.
iv. 294.
Fearing, israel. iv. 293.
Fearing, noah. vii. 160.
Fearing's mills. iv. 287.
Fearnux, nathaniel. viii. 45.
Feast at the court of canonicus. iv.

Febres' grammar of the language of
chili, referred to. x. 109. et seq.
Federal furnace at carver. iv. 272.
Felps, william. vi. 308. vii. P. 60.
See phelps.
Felt, joshua. viii. 45.

Female magnanimity, instance of. i.

Female preacher. iv. 15.
Females directed to wear veils by
roger williams. v. 204.
Fences of cornfields to be kept in
repair. vii. P. 93.

viii. 242.
Fenwick, george, purchases saybrook
fort. iv. 1. lines in remembrance
of. 1. arrives to make a planta-
tion at saybrook, but returns to
england. v. 279. comes to con-
necticut. vi. 309. and claims to
govern it. 309. but sells to con-
necticut people. 310. commis-
sioner. vi. 466. 510.

arrested at exeter for
speaking against the king. vi. 359.
Fish, elnathan. iii. 209.

Fernald, william. ii. 181. major, 180. | Fish,
Fernald, mary. x. 178.

analyzed the springs

Fish, rev. phineas of mashpee. iii.

of boston. x. 175.
Ferry from boston to charlestown
proposed. vii. P. 6. at winne- Fish,
se met, charges fixed. P. 29.
at charlestown, charges fixed. P.

Fessenden, rev. william, of fryeburgh.
iii. 104.

Fessenden, rev. thomas, of walpole,
new hampshire. iv. 78.
Fever at plymouth. iii. 192.
tilential. V. 194. which kills
whites and indians. vii. P. 95. 96.
at kingston. iii. 216. and ague.
iv. 102. vi. 324. 325. spotted,
early in massachusetts. iv. 102.
Field, darby, discovers and visits the
white hills. vi. 381.

Field, william. vii. 93. form of a
deed from him. ix. 198.


iii. 66. 73.
iii. 73.

Fishery at cape cod, granted to ply-
mouth school. iv. 80.

Fisk, rev. john, of wenham. vii.


Fisk, rev. abel, of wilton, new hamp-
shire. viii. 177.

Fiske, william. iii. 269.
Fiske, charles. iii. 269.
Fiske, john-m. ii. 178.
Fistula, cure of. i. 120.
Fitch, thomas. x. 27.
Fitch, mrs. i. 184.

Fitzrandle, edward. iv. 239.

Five mile act of exemption, extended
to anabaptists and quakers.


Field, john. vii. 148. 150. 157. 159. Five nations of indians, their number,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Fletcher, samuel. iii. 111.

Flint rev. henry, of braintree. iii.
161. v. 276. notice of. vi. 607.
vii. 24. 25.

Flint, thomas, assistant. iii. 285. iv.
77. 110.

Flint, edward. viii. 106.
Flint, william. viii. 106.
Flint, henry. i. (xxx.) iii. 211.
Flint, rev. james, of bridgewater. vii.

Florida. ii. 26, 27. v. 9. visited
by gosnold. 10. 12. taken from
the french by the spaniards. v. 45.

Floro, jeremy, an ingenious
founder. iii. 207. 208.
Floyer, capt. viii. 156.
Flucker, thomas. x. 28.
Flushing, long island. vi. 669.
Flynt, rev. henry. viii. 253.

Flynt, william. viii. 45.

Fobes, john. vii. 138. 147. 149.

vobes. vii. 151. 154.
Fobes, edward and william.
Fobes, edward. vii. 159.

iron | Fort du quesne. ii. 223.

Fort western, unhappy individual at.
ii. 228.

Fort halifax. ii. 230.

Fort george. ii. 11.

See Fort elizabeth. iii. 80.


vii. 149.

Fobes, rev. perez, of raynham. iv. 90.

95. vii. 154. 169.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Fortune, ship. vii. 121. forefather's
ship, the second to plymouth. vii.

Fosdick, deacon james. ii. 171.
Foss, joshua. x. 177.
Foss, hannah. x. 179.
Foster, edward.

iv. 220. 222. 224.
239. account of. iv. 243.
Foster, mrs. lettice. iv. 243.
Foster, timothy. iv. 243.
Foster, rev. isaac. ii. 177.
Foster, john. iv. 87. 95.
Foster, thomas. iii. 9. iv. 90. 95.
Foster, ann. vii. 163.
ii. 188.
Foster, william. ii. 178.
| Foster, isaac. ii. 178.

Foster, rev. abiel, of canterbury, new
hampshire. iv. 78.

Foster, rev. joel, of east sudbury. iv.


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number and annuity. 9.

v. 121.




Francis, dr. john-w. x. 192.
Franklin, dr. benjamin. i. 106.
letter concerning small pox
america. vii. 71.
Franklin society of amherst, new
hampshire, its library. ii. 254.
Frary, theophilus. x. 25.
Fraser, rev. —, episcopal mission-
ary to pennsylvania. ii. 213.
Freake, john. viii. 105.

Free school, early in virginia. ix.

Freeborn, william. ix. 179.
Freeby, lieut. viii. 156.
Freeman, samuel. vii. P. 4.
Freeman, edmund. x. 57.

Freeman, col. of sandwich. viii. 194.
Freeman, rev. dr. james. i. 232. 248.
iii. 285. 289. his letter to james
savage, esq containing errata in ar-
ticles furnished by him for these
collections. viii. 328. letter to
from judge davis, accompanying
mourt's relation. ix. 26.

Freeman, john, baptist minister at
mashpee. iii. 7.
instructer. ii. 249.
Freeman's oath, form of. iv. 114.
Freemasons of charlestown erect a
monument to general warren. ii.

Freemen, number of, in massachu-
setts, in 1630. ii. 88. first list of,
proposed in massachusetts. vii. P.
3. 4. none but church members
allowed to be sworn. v. 148. vii.
P. 4. 29. admitted. vii. 12. 20. 32.
35. 44. 51. P. 4. 29. 39. 57, 58. 63.
65. 72. 75. 86. 92. viii. 1. 6. 11.
19. to elect assistants and declare
grievances. vii. P. 57. to vote
for governour, deputy governour,
and assistants. P. 60. first choose
magistrates. vii. P. 75. chose
major general annually; and all
other military officers for life. viii.
11. increase of. iii. 128.
electors and magistrates, letter from
charles ii. about their qualifications.
viii. 48. 54. in rhode island, the


king's pleasure touching. vii. 94.
engagement of, in rhode island. vii.

Freeport, maine, account of; its situ-
ation, rivers, soil, incorporation. iv.
176. productions, mills, trades,
schools. 177. 178. history, in-
dian name. 179. attacked by in-
dians, church gathered. 180.
church members, baptisms, deaths.
182. baptist church, universalist
society. 182. 183. population.
183. deaths. 184.

French, william. ii. 162. iv. 76.
French, rev. jonathan, of andover.
iii. 199.

French, rev. jonathan, of northamp-
ton, new hampshire. iv. 191.
vii. 123.

French, samuel. x. 54.
French driven from florida by the
spaniards. v. 45. begin a planta-
tion in new england, but are dis-
lodged by sir s. argall. ix. 5. make
peace with spain. vii. P. 12. very
early frequent narraganset bay. ix.
50. rifle plymouth trading house at
penobscot; claim as far south as
40° of north latitude. v. 161.
ship cast away in new england three
years before arrival of plymouth
colony. v. 54. pirate takes capt. j.
smith a prisoner. ix. 7. barque at
new england captured by capt. ro-
craft. ix. 8. vessel bound to virginia
was wrecked in merrimack bay, and
her crew arrested by governour
of plymouth. v. 199.

wrecked in buzzard's bay. iii. 190.
vessel wrecked at cape ann, and
men drowned. vi. 649. protes-
tants in new york. i. 149. army
lands at savannah. iii. 241.
Fresh lake, now billington sea. iii.

Fresh meadows. iii. 203.
Fresh river, now connecticut river. v.

18. vi. 305. See connecticut river.
Friars in the "straits" defeat hunt's
project of selling new england in-
dians as slaves, and instruct them in
christianity. ix. 6.

Friends, of new jersey and pennsylva-
nia, slavery common amongst;
their opposition to abolishing. viii.
188. but at last exert themselves
to abolish it. 189.

Friends' society of baltimore. ii. 7.
Friendship, the ship, arrives with cat-

tle at nantasket. vii. P. 31. sails
again for st. christopher's. P. 32.
Frink, rev. thomas, of rutland and
plymouth. iii. 198. iv. 60.
Frisbie, levi, professor at harvard uni-
versity. x. 162.
Frisk, david. vii. 11.
Frisk, john. vii. 138.

Frost, capt. charles, of kittery. vi.

Frost, samuel. viii. 45.

Frothingham, capt. benjamin. ii. 175.
Frothingham, john. ii. 178.
Frothingham, richard. ii. 175. 176.
Frothingham, thomas, jun. ii. 175.
Frothingham, deacon james. ii. 171.
Frothingham, capt. james-k. ii. 180.
Frothingham, rev. nathaniel-1. of bos-

viii. 166.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

at. i. 126.

Fuel, price of, at halifax, massachu-
setts. iv. 280.

Fuller, dr. samuel. iii. 164. 186. 228.
deacon of mr. robinson's church.
v. 115. vi. 662. vii. P. 70. quo-
ted. P. 53. dies of infectious fever.
P. 96. his mistake corrected. P.

Fuller, samuel. iv. 239.

Fuller, bridget and samuel, give land
for a parsonage house at plymouth.
iii. 186.

Fuller, samuel. iii. 208.
Fuller, issachar. iv. 277.
Fuller, hannah. x. 180.

[ocr errors]

i. 51.

Fullerton, ithamar. iii. 119.
Fulton, capt. viii. 156.
Furnace brook. iii. 207.
Furnald, mrs. iv. 199.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Gale of 1804, at abington. vii. 114.

Gale of 1815, at rochester. iv. 264.
at wareham. iv. 272. at plymouth.
x. 45.
Gale, rev. theophilus, gave his libra-
ry to harvard college. ii. 108. vii.

Gale, william. iii. 269.
Galen. i. 108.

Gallard, john, of dorchester. vii. P.

Gallop, john, his fight with the in-
dians. v. 249. viii. 232.
Gallows hill. iii. 185.

Gannett, matthew. iv. 241. vii. 151.
Gannett, thomas. vii. 138. 147. 151.
170. x. 70.

Gannett, caleb. vii. 151. 170. bi-
ography of. viii. 277. minister of
cumberland and amherst, nova
scotia; steward of harvard col-
lege. 277. literary societies of
which he was a member. 278.
279. extract of president kirk-
land's sermon on. 279. letter quot-
ed. 282. account of the eccle-
siastical affairs of nova scotia quot-
ed. 282. 283. extract of letter
to rev. mr. seccombe. 283. list
of articles written by him for the
american academy. 285.
Gannett, barzillai. vii. 170.
Garden seeds, first planted by settlers
at plymouth. ix. 48.

Gardener, thomas, agent for dorches-
ter plantation. v. 106.

Gardiner, richard, his letter from new
england to capt. pierce; surmises
about him. ix. 27. 28.

Gardiner, sir christopher.

iv. 156.



a prisoner in massachusetts.
141. complains to the king against
massachusetts colony. v. 145.
enemy to new england. vi. 662.
notice of; is ordered to be sent to
england a prisoner. vii. P. 21.
accused of bigamy, seized and

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