صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


SINCE the preceding Notes were written, the Rev. Dr.

Morse has published his Report on Indian Affairs, made to the Secretary of War, and comprising "a Narrative of a Tour performed in the summer of 1820 under a commission from the President of the United States, for the purpose of ascertaining, for the use of the Government, the actual state of the Indian tribes in our country." This important publication contains (among other things) copious geographical details of the Indian Nations, which would have superseded most of the remarks upon that point in the preceding Notes. The Editor has only to regret it was not sooner laid before the publick, and that it is now too late for him to avail himself of it with a view to making any improvements in the present work. He has, however, thought it would be acceptable to the reader if he should add from the Report (as Dr. Morse has obligingly permitted) the following specimen of the Mohegan dialect, as spoken by the present remnant of the Stockbridge tribe:

Translation of the 19th Psalm into the Muh-he-con-nuk Language, done at the Cornwall School under the superintendance of Rev. John Sergeant, Missionary.

1. Neen woh-we-koi-wau-con-nun

1. The heavens dewih-tom-mon-nau-woh neh week-chau- clare the glory of God; nauq-tho-wau-con Poh-tom-now-waus; and the firmament shewdon neh pau-muh-hom-mau-we-noi-eke eth his handy work. wpon-nooth-ne-kaun



2. Woh-kom-maun aup-to-naun, don 2. Day unto day uttertpooh-quon wau-wiht-no-waun nooh-eth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.


3. Their is no speech

3. Stoh nit-hoh aup-to-nau-wau-con een-huh un-neekh-tho-wau-con neh nor language, where au-ton-nih stoh ptow-wau-mooq.

their voice is not heard.

4. Wtoh-pih-haun-woh pkoch-chih| 4. Their line is gone -au-so-khaun mau-weh pau-paum'h out through all the earth, hkey-eke, don neen wtaup-to-nau-wau- and their words to the con-no-waun pau-chih wihq'h hkey-end of the world. In eke. Whuk-kau-wauk wtuh-tow-waun them hath he set a tabwe-ke-neet neen ke-soo-khun. ernacle for the sun,

5. Nuk nun au-now ne-mon-nawu 5. Which is as a tauq-peet wauk wpih-tow-we-kau- bridegroom coming out neek, don au-nom-me-naut au-now uh- of his chamber, and rewau-pau-weet nee-mon-nawu au-naut- joiceth as a strong man wau-cheh.

to run a race.

6. Nik woh-wok nun wib-que-khuk 6. His going forth is woh-we-koi-wau-con-nuk, don neh from the end of the wtin-ih wew-no-khaun psih-kauch aun- heaven, and his circuit. quih-quok: don-stoh nit-huh kau-qui unto the ends of it; and kau-cheekh-no-wih nih stop au-pauth- there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.


7. Neh wton-kom-meek-tho-wau- 7. The law of the con Tau-paun-no-waut kse-khau-yow, Lord is perfect, convertwquibg-nup-puhg-tho-haun-quon nuh ing the soul: the testiwchuch-chuh-queen: neh wtaup-to-mony of the Lord is nau-wau-con weet-nuth-theek nuh Tau- sure, making wise the paun-mo-waut wau-we-che-khun, wih- simple.. wau-wau-tom-no-haun-quon nuh stoh kau-qui wau-wih-tauq.

8. The statutes of the

8. Neen wtun-kom-meek-tho-waucon-nun. Tau-paun-mo-waut-wneekh- Lord are right, rejoicing nuh, wtih-hon-nom-mih-hooq-nuh nuh the heart: the comwtuh-been: neh whok-koh-keet-wau mandment of the Lord con Tau-paun-mo-waut kse-khau-yow, is pure, enlightening the wih-wau-po-haun-quon-nuh neen eyes. wkees-que-nuh.

9. Qkhaun Tau-paun-mo-waut pe- 9. The fear of the nau-yow, neen o-neem-wau-wau-con- Lord is clean, enduring nin. Tau-paun-mo-waut wnau-mau- forever: the judgments wau-con-no-won wauk conut-tuh toht of the Lord are true, and que-wih. righteous altogether.

10. Un-no-wewu uh-hau-youn- 10. More to be desirquohk neen don khow-wot, quau, don ed are they than gold, mkeh wowh-nihk khow-wot; un-no-yea, than much fine wew sook-te-pook-tuh don aum-wau- gold; sweeter also than weh soo-kut queh-now-wih neh wse- honey, and the honeykhi. comb.

[blocks in formation]

11. Wonk-nuh-hun, neen wewh- 11. Moreover, by chih kton-nuh-kau-con eh-hom-maum- them is thy servant quoth-theen;-don koh-khon-now-wau- warned; and in keeping tau-thow neen htawu mau-khauk hpòn- of them there is great reward.


12. Ow-waun aum wke-sih nooh- 12. Who can undertom-mon-nuh wpon-non-nuh-kau-wau- stand his errors ? cleanse con-nun ? kse-khih-eh key-oh neh thou me from secret wchih nke-mih mbon-nun-nuh-kau- faults.


13. Kaun-nuh kton-nuh-kau-con 13. Keep back thy wonk neh wchih maum-cheen-wih-nau- servant also from prekih mchoi-wau-con-nih-koke; cheen sumptuous sins; let un-naun-tom-hun neen wauch aum un- them not have dominion nowh-kau-quoh: nun kauch ney-oh over me: Then shall I no-noi, wauk chih n'nkus-see-khoi neh be upright, and I shall wchih mau-khauk mchoi-wau-con-nuk. be innocent from the great transgression.

14. Un-naun-toh neen ndaup-to-nau- 14. Let the words of wau-con-nun don neh oi-nih pnow- my mouth, and the medwaun-tok nduh, wauch aum wow-we-itation of my heart, be kih-nau-yon, O Tau-paun-me-yon, acceptable in thy sight, duh-wau-paw-con wonk Pohp-quaukh- O Lord, my strength kon-neet. and my Redeemer.


THE references in this Index to Dr. Edwards' work are made to the original paging, which is preserved in the margin of the present edition.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Nemeethau, elder sister (Shaw.)


Oieet, the man who lives or

dwells in a place

10 Oioteet, the man who fights 12 Otaheh, his heart (Shaw.)

Nemoghome, my grandfather 6 Paumse-an, thou walking

Nepoo or nboo; dead, he is

dead Neeseethau, my uncle (Shaw.) Netohcon, an elder brother Ngheesum, a younger brother or sister Ngwittoh, one Ngwittus, six Nip; to die, I die Nippee, water (Shaw.) Nmase, an elder sister Nmees, elder sister

Paumseauk, we walking

7 Paumseauque, ye walking Paumseecheek; they walking, they who walk



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Paumseet, the man who walks 12 11 Paumseet, he walking 9 Paumse-uh, I walking

9 Pautoh, fetch

7 Peatoloo, fetch (Shaw.)
7 Peesquasoo, girl

11 Pehtuhquisseecheek, the tall
7 men



6, 14



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