we have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children to Abraham. And now the axe is laid un to the root of the tree; every tree therefore, which bringeth not forth good fruit, is hewn down and cast into the fire." The Baptist thus demolished every hope of divine acceptance arising from the covenant God made with Abraham; and proclaimed to the world, that the glories of his kingdom would shortly be revealed and a way of acceptance opened, to which a hearty and sincere repentance of sin was a necessary preparative. The awful manner in which this great man pronounced these solemn truths alarmed and terrified the nation; and a mixed multitude crowded around him, full of anxiety and trouble, inquiring what they should do.In answer to this, he informed them, that a hearty and sincere repentance of their sins, should be accompanied with acts of mercy and benevolence. "He that hath two coats," said he, "let him impart to him that hati none; & he that hath meat, let him do likewise." Amongst the multitudes which surrounded this wonderful man, were numbers of publicans, who were collectors of the Roman taxes. They were on that account, odious to the Jews, and had rendered themselves more so, by injustice and extortion. As theirs was a particular case, they applied to him for particular advice, and his answer was, "Exact no more than that which is appointed you." Similar to their case, was that of the soldiers; who being men trained up to cruelty, slaughter, and all the terrors of war, and whose pay was so scanty, that they were very apt to plunder for subsistance; they were exceedingly terrified at the awful vengeance denounced by the prophet; and, with the utmost seriousness & concern, inquired of him what they should do; to which he replied, "Do violence to no man, neither accuse any falsely, and be content with your wages." The Baptist commenced his preaching six months before CHRIST was baptized, and vast multitudes resorted to him from Jerusalem, from other parts of Judea, and even from Galilee, deeply affected with his discourses, dreading divine vengeance, and confessing their various vileness, they were baptized by the holy man in the river Jordan. He was now generally known and acknowledged for a prophet, and so universal was his reputation, that we read in the Acts of the Apostles, of some brethren at Ephe. sus, and Apollos of Alexandria, who had received the baptism of John; which proves that he was resorted to from foreign countries; and the dawn of the Sun of Righteousness was seen beyond the limits of the land of Israel. Though John received his baptism from heaven, we are left in the dark concerning the name or names in which he baptized: the administration of that ordinance, in the sacred names of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, seems particular to the institution of it by JESUS CHRIST himself. This constant and unremitting course of preaching, delivered with holy vehemence, and the utmost force of expression, accompanied with a manifest innocence of life, and a noble zeal in the cause of God, which reproved vice and error, however flattered or however highly exalted, so far prevailed on the people, that they would willingly have persuaded themselves that John was really the Messiah; for it is very probable, that the vision which Zacharias had seen in the temple, the coming of the Eastern sages to Jerusalem, the prophecy of Simeon, the discourses of Anna, the perplexity of Jerusalem, and the cruelty of Herod, were fresh in the minds of the people, and by them applied to the Baptist. They were ready to acknowledge him the Redeemer of Israel; and put the question to him, "Whether he were the Christ?" A deputation of priests and Levites was sent from Jerusalem, to ask him the question in form; to which he abruptly replied, "I am not the Christ." They then proceeded to enquire whether he were the prophet Elijah; to which he answered, "I am not." They then enquired whether he were one of the ancient prophets, to which 2 he replied in the negative. "Who then art thou," they enquired, " and what answer may we give to them that sent us? What sayest thou of thyself?" To which he replied, "I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Esaias." The priests and Levites then enquired, "Why baptizest thou then, if thou be neither CHRIST, nor Elias, nor one of the ancient prophets?" To this the Baptist answered, "I baptize with water, but there standeth one among you, whom ye know not: he it is, who coming after me, is preferred before me, whose shoes latchet I am not worthy to unloose; he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire; whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and will gather the wheat into his garner, but the chaff he will burn with fire unquenchable." While John remained at Bethabara, beyond Jordan, our great Redeemer thought proper to leave his retirement at Nazareth and repairing to his forerunner, who was baptizing in the river, he proposed himself a candidate for baptism. He, who was perfectly pure and holy, could not stand in need of the baptison, of repentance, but being willing to honour the institution, he offered himself to John, proposing to be baptized. John, by a prophetic spirit, knew the "Lamb of God," acknowledged his superiority, and would have declined the task. "I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me!" cried the holy man. Jesus calmly replied, " Suffer it to be so now, for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness." Our great Redeemer did not think proper to explain the case, and lay down the reasons why it was necessary for him to submit to that institution: but, by this reply, gave the Baptist to understand, that the divine will required it to be done; it having a tendency to promote the great end for which they both came into the world. The good man's scruples being removed, the Son of God descended into the stream, and received the sacred rite at the hands of the holy prophet. The exalted Redeemer ascending from the water, kneeled down on the banks of Jordan, and prayed with great fervency to his heavenly Father. As this holy rite was preparatory to his entering on his public ministry, no doubt he prayed for the assistance of the Holy Spirit, in the great work which lay before him. His prayers were heard; a flood of heavenly glory immediately illuminated the whole concave of the sky, and the Eternal Spirit, arrayed in beamy light, whose whiteness exceeded the new falien snow, appeared in the shape of a dove, hovering over the head of the Saviour of mankind: at the same time, a voice, awful as the thunders of heaven, yet soft and pleasing as the most delightful music, proclaimed to the wondering multitude, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." This manifest testimony from heaven, of the divinity of Jesus was received with wonder and joy by the Baptist: "For he that sent him to baptize with water, the same had said unto him, upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and remaining on him, the same is he that baptizeth with the Holy Ghost." And, confirmed by this appearance and heavenly voice, beyond all possibility of a doubt, he immediately cried out to the astonished beholders, "This is he of whom I spake. Ile that cometh after me, is preferred before me, for he was before me; and of his fullness have we all received grace for grace : for the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. No man hath seen God at any time: the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him." John continued baptizing and preaching at Bethabara, near the banks of the river Jordan, at which place JESUS came to him, whom when the prophet saw, he cried out, "Behold the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sin of the world;" and on every occasion and opportunity that offered, the holy man pointed out the Redeemer of Israel, and proclaimed him to mankind. John after this, continued preaching and baptizing: his discourses were delivered with such freedom and plainness and at the same time with such energy and spirit, as gave him a commanding influence over the minds of his hearers. Full of the Spirit of God, he regarded not the frowns of the mighty, nor sought the praises of man. With holy boldness, impartial freedom of speech, and the high authority of a teacher sent frem God, he reproved the vices and miscarriages of all orders of men. He spared not the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, the prophaneness of the Sadducees, the extortion of the publicans, the rapine of the soldiers, nor the lewdness and incest of Herod himself. That prince, who was tetrarch of Galilee, had taken to wife a princess, whose name was Herodias; she was daughter of Aristobulus, one of the sons of Herod the Great, by his queen Mariamne., Her father was put to death by the old tyrant, when he was in so much perplexity and distress, on account of the troubles and quarrels in his family. This princess was afterwards married to Herod Philip, tetrarch of Iturea, her father's brother; she had now eloped from her husband, and lived with Herod Antipas. This prince was affected with the powerful plainness, and authoritative simplicity of the preaching of the Baptist, and frequently attended on his ministry. The prophet, as he spared no vice, nor man who was guilty of it, however esteemed or exalted, warmly expostulated with him on the wickedness and lewdness of his life, and sharply reproved him for his incestuous marriage. The haughty queen was so offended at the boldness of the prophet, that she demanded his death. The king would have complied with her request, but was afraid of an insurrection amongst the people; for John was highly esteemed and reverenced by all men: Herod therefore endeavoured to gratify her revenge by casting the Baptist into prison. Here the holy man remained several months, and his publick ministry ceased. While he was thus in confinement, he heard of the miracles which JESUS daily wrought, and his public ministry and preaching. But our Redeemer not having taken such steps as the Jewish nation expected from the Messiah (for the prevailing notion was, that this great person, whenever he appeared, would set up a temporal kingdom, and reign over all the earth) the Baptist seemed not to be thoroughly satisfied with his proceeding. His chusing a company of illiterate fishermen to be his disciples, and avoiding all popularity and applause, seemed not to promise the rising of his kingdom. The good man therefore sent two of his disciples to the Son of God, to inquire into the meaning of these things, not directly, but rather seeming to hesitate whether he were the Messiah or not: "Art thou he that should come, or look we for another?" It happened when these disciples came to our Lord, he was employed in publishing his gospel, healing the sick, casting out devils, and restoring sight to the blind. He did not therefore think fit to return a direct answer to the question of John, but referred him to the works he performed, and the miracles he wrought: "Go and tell John," said he, "what things you have seen and heard; how that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the poor have the gospel preached unto them." John continued long in prison, and was mortally hated by the incestuous queen: but it was not in the power of the enraged princess to procure his death. At length an opportunity offered, and the prophet felt a victim to her vengeance. Herod the tetrarch of Galilee, with whom she lived in adultery and incest, made a great feast for the celebrating his birth-day, to which he invited his courtiers, the chief officers of his army, and the nobles and great men of the country. At this entertainment a young damsel, named Salome, the daughter of the queen Herodias, by her former husband Philip, entertained the noble company, and dignified the royal feast by her skill and graceful dexterity in dancing. This gave so much satisfaction and pleasure to the company, especially to the king, that be promised, with an oath, to give her whatever she desired; and assured her, that her request should not be denied, were it for half of his kingdom. The young damsel was not willing to make so important a demand with out the advice of her mother. The enraged princess, having now an opportunity to accomplish her revenge on the prophet, to whom she bore a mortal hatred, commanded her daughter to demand the head of John the Baptist. This request the damsel soon presented at the throne. The king, as he little expected such a demand, was very much concerned; yet as he had given his oath, and was not willing to seem little in the eyes of his guests, he gave immediate orders that John should be beheaded in private, in the castle where he was confined. The orders were immediately executed, and the bloody head of the prophet was brought into the banqueting room, and given to the damsel. She took the cruel present to her mother, who beheld with much satisfaction, the full gratification of her great revenge. Thus fell this great and illustrious person. His disciples hearing of his death, came to Herod, and, begged the body of their master: they buried it in a decent sepulchre, and knowing that John had always esteemed JESUS to be the Messiah, they came and informed him of this mournfal event CHAPTER VIII. CHRIST after his Baptism is driven by the Spirit into the Wilderness, where he fasteth Forty Days; during which Time he is tempted of the Devil several Ways, but overcometh him in all of them: Afterwards Angels administer unto him. OUR blessed Saviour, having been baptized in the river Jordan, and having received the testimony of God, in the most inanifest and glorious manner, amidst vast numbers of spectators, declaring him to be the Son of the Most High, now prepared to begin his publick ministry, and enter upon the great work for which he came into the world. Jordan, in which our great Redeemer was baptized, was the most considerable river in the land of Canaan, and ran almost from the northern to the southern boundaries of the Holy Land. It ran a great way through the wilderness of Judea which was not called a wilderness because it was quite uninhabited, but because it was more wild, uncultivated, and less inhabited than the rest of the country. The river Jordan, like the Nile, overflowed its banks at one season of the year: it was much infested with lions, and other wild beast, who, being driven out of their dens by the rising of the waters, spread themselves over the country; hence the allusion in the prophet, " he comes like a lion from the swelling of Jordan. The exalted Saviour of mankind, when he began his public ministry, did not seek to aggrandize himself, or court the honour or applause of men. It might have been expected, that, preceded by his forerunner the Baptist, and with a blaze of divine glory round his head he would have went to Jerusalem, the seat of power, and made known himself and his pretensions to the great men of the kingdom. But the meek and lowly JESUS shunning every thing that was grand and noble, retired to the desart.The evangelist Mark informs us, that he was driven of the Spirit into the wilderness: it is not to be supposed, that he was driven by any irresistible power, but by the influence of that Holy Spirit which descended on him at his baptism, and always resided in him. The design of this retirement, no doubt, was, that by solitude, contemplation, and spiritual converse with his heavenly Father, he might prepare himself for the great work which lay before him; and by baffling the temptations of the evil spirit, might triumph over the grand enemy of mankind in our stead, and point out to us the duty of withstanding his temptations. "It behoved him in all things to be like to his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high-priest: for in that he hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted." That part of the wilderness into which the holy JESUS retired, is supposed to be about four miles from the river Jordan, and twenty from Jerusalem. It was in respect, a dismal and uncomfortable situation, dry, barren, and waste, surrounded by vast craggy mountains, frequented by wild beasts, solitary, dreary, and forlorn. In this dreadful retreat, our great Redeemer remained forty days (the same time which Moses was in the mount, when he received the law) amidst the howlings of beasts of prey, and the constant temptations of wicked spirits, who, no doubt, used all their arts to interrupt his meditations and disturb his peace, The desart was barren and dry, it produced nothing to eat; nor was there any water to allay the thirst. The Son of God fasted forty days, being supported by divine power; at the end of which time, he felt the calls of nature, & the painful sensations of hunger and thirst. What our Lord suffered from the temptations and delusive arts of the wicked spirits, during his forty days abode in the desart, is not particularly record ed; but it seems at the end of that time, he was attacked by the prince of apostate angels himself. It is not to be supposed but a spirit, so subtle and vigilant, must be fully acquainted with the late manifestation of divine glory, which had, at Christ's baptism, declared him the Son of God; nor could he be ignorant of the circumstances attending his birth, and the various testimonies of his life. But the great adversary of mankind, though he must certainly be convinced that he was an extraordinary person, seems not to be fully satisfied, that he was the Son of God; and to prove this important point, took this opportunity when he was afflicted with hunger and thirst, to ply him with his temptations. The wily tempter approached the holy Jesus, very likely in human shape, and, knowing the extremity of his hunger expostulated with him, why he would endure such hardships, when it was in his power so easily to find relief. "If thou be the Son of God," said he, "command that these stones be made bread." This temptation, seeming so kind and harmless, was the more dangerous: the crafty fiend designing to allure our great Redeemer to some superfluous aets of his divine power, to supply his present necessity, which might have been contrary to an entire resignation and obedience to the will of his heavenly father: but our Lord repelled this insinuating temptation, by quoting the words of Moses, which implied, that God, when he pleases, can by extraordinary means, supply the wants of his creatures, and provide food for the support of the human race, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God." The crafty fiend repulsed in this first open attempt on the blessed JESUS, proceeded to a second trial to insnare our exalted Saviour; in order to which, it is asserted by the evangilist, "that he took him to the holy city, and set him upon the pinnacle of the temple." Our great Redeemer must be hurried through air to the distance of twenty miles: it is supposed he was set upon some spire on the south side of the temple; probably on that part which was called Herod's tower, which was built upon the edge of a rock, under which was a valley of prodigious depth. Josephus writes, that he that was on the top of this tower, and looked down to the valley beneath, his head would immediately swim, and grow dizzy! nay, it was farther than his very eyes could reach the bottom. At this giddy height. the crafty tempter set the blessed Jesus, and thus addressed him: "If thou be the son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee, and in their hands shall they bear thee up, |