صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

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which one of them filled a spunge with vinegar put it on a reed and gave him to drink, being desirous of keeping him alive as long as possible to see whether Elias would come to take him down from the cross. But as soon as JESUS had tasted the vinegar he said, "It is finished;" that is the work of man's redemption is accomplished; that great work which the only begotten God came into the world to perform, is finished. In speaking these words, he cried with an exceeding loud voice, and after that he addressed his Almighty Father in words which form the best pattern of recommendatory prayer at the hour of death; "Father into thy hands I commend my spirit;" and having uttered these words, he bowed his head and yielded up the Ghost.

At the very instant that the blessed Jesus resigned his soul into the hands of his heavenly Father, behold! the vail of the temple was miracu lously rent from the top to the bottom; probably in the presence of the priest who burnt incense in the holy place, and who doubtless published the account when he came out: for our blessed Saviour expired at the ninth hour, the very time of offering the evening sacrifice. Nor Nor was that the only miracle that happened at the death of the great Messiah; no, the earth trembled from it's very foundation, the flinty rocks burst asunder, and the sepulchres hewn in them were opened, and many bodies of saints deposited there, awaked after his resurrection from the sleep of death, left the gloomy chambers of the tomb, went into the city of Jerusalem, and appeared unto many. In all probability these saints were disciples of our blessed Saviour who had but lately passed through the valley of the shadow of death; for when they went into the city, they were known to be saints by the persons who saw them, which could not well have happened if they had not been co-temporaries with them.

As the rending of the vail of the temple intimated, the entrance into the holy place, the type of heaven, was now laid open to all nations; so the resurrection of a number of saints from the dead, demonstrated that the power of death and the grave were broken: the sting was taken from death, and the victory wrested from the grave. In short our dear Redeemer's conquests over the enemies of mankind, were shewn to be complete, and an earnest was given of the general resurrection.

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The remarkable events which attended that awful period when Jesus' gave up the ghost, did not only affect the natives of Judea, but the Roman centurian, who was placed near the cross, to prevent disorders of any kind, glorified the Almighty, and cried out, "Truly this man was the Son, of God." And all the people when they beheld heaven itself bearing witness of the truth of our great Redeemer's mission smote their breasts and returned. They had been instant with loud voices to have him crucified; but when they saw the face of the creation wrapt in the gloomy mantle of darkness during his crucifixion and found his death accompanied with an earthquake, as if nature had been in agony when he died, they rightly nterpreted these prodigies to be so many testimonies from the Almighty of his innocence and their passions which had been inflamed and exaspe rated against him, became quite calm, or exerted in his behalf.

Some were angry with themselves for neglecting the opportunity the governor had given them of saving his life; some were stung with remorse for having been active in procuring Pilate to condemn him, and even offering the most bitter insults, while he laboured under the cruellest of sufferings; and others were deeply affected at beholding the pains he suffered, which were as severe as they were undeserved. These various passions being visibly printed in their countenances, afforded a melancholy spectaele; the whole multitude returning from the cruel execution with their eyes fixed upon the earth, pensive and silent; their hearts ready to burst with grief, groaning deeply within themselves, shedding floods of tears, and smiting on their breasts, to testify their sorrow.

It is observable that the grief they now felt for the blessed JESUS was distinguished from their former rage against him by this remarkable particular, that their rage was entirely owing to the artful insinuations of the priests; whereas their grief was the genuine, the natural feeling of their own hearts, greatly affected with the truth and innocence of him who was the object of their commiseration: and as flattery had no share in this mourning, so the expressions of their sorrow was such as became a real an unfeigned passion. Nor was this una ffected mourning shewn only by a few persons, who might have been represented as the particular friends of the suffering Jesus; no, it was the general condition of the people who bad repaired to Calvary, in order to behold the crucifixion of our dear Redeemer, that when they parted after he had given up the ghost, they covred the roads, and, as it were, darkened all the surrounding country.


A Roman Soldier thrusts his Spear into our Saviour's Side: Joseph of Arimathea comes to Pilate, and begs of him the body of JESUS.

BY the law of Moses, it was expressly forbidden that the bodies of those who were hanged should remain all night on the tree. In conformity to this law, and because the Sabbath was at hand, the Jews begged the governor, that the legs of the three persons crucified might be broken, to hasten their death. To this request Pilate readily consented; and accordingly gave the necessary orders to the soldiers to put it in execution: but on perceiving that JESUS was already dead, the soldiers did not give themselves the trouble of breaking his legs, as they had done those of the two malefactors that were crucified with him. One of them, however, either out of wantonness or cruelty, thrust a spear into his side, and out of the wound flowed blood and water. Some suppose that the spear reached Chis heart; but however that be, it is certain, from the water which issued from the wound, that he pierced the pericardium; and consequently must have killed him, had he not before been deprived of life.

It was of the greatest importance to mankind that this wound was given, for it abundantly demonstrated the truth of our Saviour's death, and con*sequently prevented all objections, that the enemies to our holy faith would otherwise have raised against it. The evangelist adds, that the legs of our great Redeemer were not broken, but his side pierced, that two particular prophecies night be fulfilled: "A bone of him shall not be broken;" and, they shall look on him who they have pierced," and be convinced of the horrid impiety of the deed, as many of them afterwards were, on the preaching of Peter.

There was a person amongst the disciples of the blessed Jesus, called Joseph of Arimathea; he was equally remarkable for his birth, fortune, and office. This man, who was not to be intimidated by the malice of his countrymen, went boldly to Pilate, and begged the body of his great Master: he had indeed nothing to fear from the Roman governor, who, during the whole course of our Saviour's trial, had shewn the greatest inclination to release him; but he had reason to apprehend, that this action might draw upon him the malice of the rulers of the Jews, who had taken such great pains to get their Master crucified. The great regard, however, he had for the remains of his Master, made him despise the malice of the Jews, being persuaded that Omnipotence would defend him, and cover his


enemies with shame and confusion: and he well knew, that if no friend procured a grant of the body, it would be ignominiously cast out amongst the executed malefactors, and perhaps be exposed to many indignities..

The governor was at first surprised at the request of Joseph, thinking it highly improbable that he should be dead in so short a time. He had indeed given orders for the soldiers to break the legs of the crucified per sons; but he knew it was not uncommon for them to live many hours after that operation was performed for though the pain it left must be exquisite in the last degree, yet as the vital parts remain notouched, life would continue some time in the miserable body. Pilate therefore called the centurian to know the truth of what Joseph had told him: and being convinced, from the answer of that officer, that Jesus had been dead some time, be readily granted the request.


Having obtained his desire, this his worthy worth counsellor repaired to mount Calvary; and being assisted by Nicodemus, took the body down from the cross. The latter was formerly so cautious in visiting JESUS that he came to him by night; but in paying the last duties to his Master, he used no art to conceal his design: he shewed a courage far superior to that of any of the apostles; not only assisting Joseph in taking down the body of JESUS from the cross, but bringing with him a quantity of spices necessary in the burial of his Saviour. Accordingly, they wrapt the body, with the spices, in fine linen, and laid it in a new sepulchre which Joseph had hewn ut of a rock for himself. This sepulchre was situated in a garden near mount Calvary; but being not entirely finished when they deposited in it the body of the blessed JESUs, they fastened the entrance by rolling a very large stone upon it.

What a wonderful spectacle was now exhibited in this memorable sepulchre! He who clothes himself with light, as with a garment, and walks upon the wings of the wind, was pleased to wear the habiliments of mortality, and dwell amongst the prostrate dead! Who can repeat the wonderous truth too often? Who can dwell upon the enchanting theme too long! He who sits enthroned in glory, and diffuses bliss amongst all the heavenly host, was once a pale and bloody corpse, and pressed the floor of this little sepulchre! Wonder, O heavens! and be astonished O earth!

In that solemn hour how great was thy triumph, O death! never did thy gloomy realms contain such a prisoner before. Prisoner, did I say ? No, he was more than conqueror. He arose far more mightily than Sampson from a transient slumber; broke down the gates, and demolished the strong holds of those dark dominions. And this, O mortals, is your consolation & security! Jesus has trod the dreadful path, and smothed it for your passage. JESUS. sleeping in the chambers of the tomb, has brightened the dismal mansion, and left an inviting odour in those beds of dust. The dying JESUS is your sure protection, your unquestionable passport through the territories of the grave. Believe in him with all your hearts, and love and obey him, and you will find him the high, way to Sion; he will transmit you safe to paradise. Believe in him, and you shall be no losers, but unspeakable gainers by your dissolution. For hear what the oracle of heaven says on this important point: Whoso believeth in me, shall never die." Death shall no longer be inflicted as a punishment, but rather vouchsafed as a blessing. Their exit is the end of their frailty, and their entrance upon perfection: their last groan is the prelude to life, immortality, and joy.

The women of Galilee, who had watched their dear Redeemer in bis last moments, and accompanied his body to the sepulchre, observing that the funeral rites were performed in a hurry agreed among themselves, as soon as the Sabbath was passed, to return to the sepulcbre, and embalm the body of their great Saviour, by anointing and swathing him in the manner then common amongst the Jews. Accordingly they returned to the city, and purchased the spices necessary for that purpose; Nicode mus having furnished only a mixture of myrrh and aloes for the above end. The chief priests and Pharisees, during these transactions, remembering that Jesus had more than once predicted his own resurrection, came to the governor, and informed him of it; begging, at the same time, that guard might be placed at the sepulchre, lest his disciples should earry away the body, and affirm that he was risen from the dead. This happened a little before it was dark in the evening, called by the evangelist the next day, because the Jews began their day at sun-set. This request being thought reasonable by Pilate, he gave them leave to take as many soldiers as they pleased out of the cohort, which at the feast came from the eastle Antonia, and kept guard in the porticoes of the temple. For that they were not Jewish but Roman Soldiers, whom the priests employed to watch the sepulchre, is evident from their asking them of the governor: besides, when the soldiers returned with the news of our Saviour's resurrection, the priests desired them to report that his disciples had stolen him away while they slept ; and to encourage them to tell that falsehood boldly, promised, that if their negleet of duty came to the gor ernor's ears, proper methods should be used to pacify him, and deliver them from any punishment: a promise which there was no need of making to servants under their own immediate command.

Now the priests having thus obtained a guard of Roman soldiers, men, long accustomed to military duties, and therefore most proper for watch ing the body, set out with them to the sepulchre; and to prevent these guards from combining with the disciples in carrying on any fraud, placed them at their post, and sealed the stone which was rolled to the door of the sepulchre. Thus, whilst the priests cautiously proposed to prevent the resurrection of our great Redeemer from being palmed upon the world, and doubtless intended, after the third day, was passed, to shew his body publicly as an impostor, they placed the truth of this stupendous miracle beyond all doubt, by furnishing a number of unexceptionable witnesses to it, whose testimony they themselves could not refuse or gainsay, and therefore attempted to stifle it.



Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary, go out to view the Sepulchre, and bring Spices to embalm the Body of JESUS: A great Earthquake accompanies the Resurrection: An Angel descends, and Jesus rises from the Dead: the Behaviour of the Jewish Rulers thereupon.



AFTER the sabbath, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, came very early in the morning to visit the sepulchre, in order to embalm our Lord's body: for the performance of which they had, in concert with several other women from Galilee, brought unguents and spices. But before they reached the sepulchre, there was a great earthquake preceding the most memorable event that ever happened amongst the children of men, the resurrection of the Son of God from the dead: "For the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door of the sepulchre, and sat upon it: his countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow; and for fear of him the keepers did shake, and become as dead men;" they fled into the city and the Saviour of the world rose from the dead. The angel, who had till then sat upon

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