Rom. xii. 3. For I say unto you, through the grace given unto me, to every Man St. John viii. 12. I am the Light of the World. He that followeth me, shall not Rom. xii. 19. Dearly beloved, avenge not your felves; but rather give place unto SERMO N. XV, XVI, XVII. 1 Tim. ii. 8. I will therefore, that Men pray SERMON I. On WHITSUNDAY, 1689. at Lambeth Chapel. JOHN XVI. 8. And when he (the Comforter) is come; he will reprove the world of fin, and of righteousness, and of judgment. T HE Miffion of the Holy Ghoft (which we this Day commemorate) was the Final Confirmation, and Completion of the Christian Religion; which perfected the Mystery of the Redemption of Mankind; and at the fame time fet the last Seal to the Truth of it. Our Saviour had indeed long before gathered a Select Number of faithful Apoftles and Disciples; but VOL. II, B can can scarce be faid to have founded a Church, till he poured out the Holy Ghost upon them. Till then their Notions of the Intention of Chrift's coming into the World were dark and obfcure, their apprehenfions of the Nature and Conftitution of the Kingdom to be founded by him, false and frivolous; and as they certainly knew not what form of Faith to profefs; fo they dared not profess it openly. Their religious Meetings were yet in Secret; and no Attempts yet made to form a Church, by Converfion of Jews and Gentiles. Their Thoughts were not fo much fixed upon the Remembrance of what their Mafter had done and fuffered, as upon the Expectation of fomewhat more to be done by him; that is, upon the hopes of the Comforter which he promised to them. They wanted yet those Perfections of Mind, which might qualify them for the Execution of their defigned Office; that Zeal and Charity which might animate and direct all the Members of the Church; that Knowledge and Understanding, which might fit them for Pastors and Teachers, in the abfence of their Mafter. All these Advantages were abundantly conferr'd, thefe Neceffities fupplied by the fending of the Holy Ghoft, as upon this Day. Then they received internal Light, a full understanding of the Mysteries of the Meffias, a clear Knowledge of all that had been |