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النشر الإلكتروني


giveness of sins." And thus doth "he bless them, in turning them from their iniquities';" and in turning away from them the punishment of that iniquity. He that sent John Baptist first to preach" repentance, for the remission of sins ;" and hath shed" his own blood for the remission of sins ;" and calleth men to repent for that end";" hath promised to give it to all that thus repent and believe in him, and are converted to him; and commanded his ministers to join these together, and "that repentance and remission of sin be preached in his name." And may we not say with David, and after him with Paul, that they "are blessed whose iniquities are forgiven, whose sins are covered, and to whom the Lord will not impute sin?" O therefore receive converting grace, that you may be made partakers of this blessedness. Take the counsel of Peter to Simon Magus, Repent of thy wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thoughts of thy heart may be forgiven thee." Or as the same Peter to the Jews, "Repent ye, therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out." O blessed hour that freeth the soul from such a load, that else would have sunk it as low as hell! A day and a mercy that must never be forgotten by us.

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5. Another benefit is this; As soon as a sinner is converted, he is reconciled to God: the former enmity is done away: though this be in substance the same with the former, yet doth it shew us our happiness in another consideration. A future reconciliation was purchased before by the blood of Christ, and a conditional reconciliation given out in the Gospel; but the soul was never actually reconciled till the time of conversion. Before, a sinner did either presumptuously intrude into the presence of God to his own danger, or else fled back through the terrors of his conscience. Oh! the frowns of the face of God, were enough to deter a guilty soul! What comfort could that man have to think of God, that lay under his continual curse and wrath? But when once they are converted, the face of God then smileth on them, and his arms are open to embrace them, as the father's were to the returning prodigal. God cannot shew himself

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pleased with a graceless, carnal soul; nor can he choose but be reconciled to the soul that is once possessed of his image, and reconciled unto him. As you are, so will he be to you. He did but stay for the turning of your hearts, that you might be fit to receive that kindness from him, which you are not fit for in the bondage of your sins. This is the happiness of a converted soul, that he hath the love and favour of Almighty God. Therefore doth Christ call them his friends. And what is it that he will not do for his friends, that did so much for us while we were enemies d. O therefore yield to the calls of God. The word of conversion is a word of reconciliation; and this it is that he hath committed to us, that we might " beseech men in his name and stead to be reconciled to God." Which is only by being converted to God. Did you know the worth of peace with God you would quickly yield to return unto him.


6. Another precious benefit to the converted, is, That they are the adopted sons of God; which is a step higher, than to be barely reconciled and his friends. When they are planted into Christ the natural Son, they become adopted sons. For "God sent his own Son made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons; wherefore we are no more servants only but sons f." This is a benefit not common to all. It is as many as are led by the Spirit of God that are his sons ." And they that are in their measure "blameless and harmless, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom they shine as lights in the world "." Christians, know your own felicity, that you may rejoice in it, and give glory to God. You may boldly draw near him, and call him your Father, and look for the love and bounty of a Father, at his hands. O wretched world, to despise so great a mercy as this is! Doth it seem a small thing to them to be the sons of God? blessed apostles into an admiration: "Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God." And as a Father tendereth a son that he delights in, so doth the Lord the poorest of his

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It raised the

e 2 Cor. v. 18-20. h Phil. ii. 15.

1 John iii. 1.

people. The world, I told you, is divided into the children of God, and the children of the devil. And it is by conversion from sin to God, that men are known to be the children of God. If, therefore, you value this wonderful privilege, yield then to the grace of God, which would convert you.

7. Another benefit of the converted, is, That they have the Spirit of Christ within them. By it doth Christ possess and govern them; by it doth he make them like to himself, and work out all that is contrary to his holiness. For it is a cleansing Spirit, and a Spirit of holiness. By this he helpeth them against the flesh, and effectually mortifieth it1. By this doth he quicken them to newness of life; for it is a "quickening spirit "." By this it is that "he helpeth their infirmities, and teacheth them to pray "." By this he "teacheth them his law, and writeth it in their hearts"." By this he possesseth them with filial affection, and causeth them to " cry to him, Abba, Father P." By this one Spirit, all his people have access to him. And by this they are made his habitation: And in the unity of this Spirit, they are one with the Lord, and among themselves. This Spirit is the earnest of their future glory. And where this Spirit is, there is liberty from former slavery". So that you see how great a mercy it is to have the Spirit of Jesus Christ within us; and this is the case of all that are converted, and none but them. "For if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, the same is none of his *." If you did but know what it is to be possessed by the Holy Ghost, when ungodly men have the spirit of uncleanness, you would not rest without this blessedness.

8. Another part of the happiness of the converted, is, That all the promises of grace are theirs. They are the children of the promise, and God is, as it were, obliged to them, and hath engaged his word for their security. All the promises are in Christ, yea, and amen. They, therefore, that are in Christ, must needs have part in them. O how full is the book of God, of free and precious promises to his peo

Rom. i. 4.

Gal. v. 16, 17. Rom. viii. 1, 2. 14.

n Rom. viii. 26. Eph. vi. 18. o 2 Cor. iii. 3.

9 Eph. ii. 18.

m Rom. viii. 11,

P Gal. iv. 6.

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t 2 Cor. i. 22. v. 5

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y Gal. iv. 28. iii. 22. Eph. iii. 6.

z 2 Cor. i. 20.

ple! and all belong to thee that art converted. There hast thou promises for remission; and promises for assistance against temptation; and promises for acceptance of thy person, and duties; and promises for protection and deliverance from evil; and when thou readest them, thou mayst say 'all those are mine.' He that knoweth that God is true, will not take a promise as an inconsiderable mercy. If men account it such a matter to have a lease, or deed of gift of land, and worldly riches, how should we value that covenant and testament of our Lord? In a word, "Godliness is profitable to all things; having the promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come. And what can any man desire more?

Yield therefore to the voice of grace, that you may be converted, and all the promises of grace will be yours: and then it will be an unspeakable comfort to you, that whatsoever condition you are in, you have a promise of God that you shall be better. If you be in poverty, if in sickness, if at the hour of death, yet you have a promise, which is enough to support a believing soul. As one saith, ‘I had rather be at the bottom of the sea with a promise, than in paradise without it." For there is no misery so deep, but we shall certainly be delivered from it, if we have but a promise. But without it, Adam was not safe in innocency.

9. Another benefit of the converted, is, That all their duties are pleasing to God. I mean not their sins, nor the failings of their duties; for God will never be reconciled to these, when he is reconciled to the sinner. But the failings of all their duties are forgiven them, through the blood of Christ; and the failing being forgiven, the duty is accepted and well-pleasing to God. By faith Abel offered a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts. By faith Enoch had this testimony that he pleased God. The "sacrifice of their good works is pleasing to him." Their "prayer and alms-deeds come up before him; for in every nation he that feareth God and worketh righteousness, is accepted of him "." And it is their study and work to do those things that please him, and walking in all pleasingness is

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accepted of him. And all this is through Christ in whom the Father was first well pleased. O how great a consolation is this to the saints! See that you be truly converted, and go to God, and fear not lest he reject you further than is necessary to reverence and caution. When he abhorreth the gilded sacrifice of the hypocrite, he will accept that which seemeth weaker from thee. He will hear thy very groans and tears, and broken expressions. Lament over thy weaknesses, and see that thou disown them, and then thou shalt find, that God will not disown thy services for them. O what a comfort is this in a time of extremity, in trouble of conscience, in sickness, and at death, to have God to be well pleased with all our duties, and to know that he will not abhor our prayers. The time is near, Christian, when thou wilt find this privilege more worth to thee than a thousand worlds, that God will let thee come near him with acceptance, and bid thee welcome, and hear thy prayers; and the time is coming when unconverted sinners would give a world if they had it, for such a privilege, and say, O that I could go to God, and have a gracious hearing as well as they! But it will not be, because they knew not the day of their visitation.

10. Another benefit of the converted, is this; The angels of God have a special order and commission to attend them. They are all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation". Note here, that angels are servants, not to us, but to God for us; and that it is in a special manner for the heirs of salvation: and that it seems it is all the angels that are designed to this office. I say not, all the glorious spirits that are before the throne of God. For, I presume not to determine whether there be not other spirits besides the angels; for the word angel signifieth a messenger, and therefore it is only these that are employed as God's messengers, that are called by that name; and those that believe in Christ, are said to have their own angels always beholding the face of God. These doth he send to deliver his servants in distress, as they did, Dan. iii. 21. vi. 22. And Peter, Acts xii. For, "he giveth his angels charge over them to keep them in all their ways, they

f Heb. iii. 21. Phil. iv. 18. 1 John iii. 22. Col. i. 10. h Heb. i. 14.

i Matt. xviii. 10.

Matt. iii. 17. xvii. 5.

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