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" He was the third of the English kings that had the sovereignty of all the southern provinces that are divided from the northern by the river Humber, and the borders contiguous to the same ; but the first of the kings that ascended to the heavenly kingdom. "
The Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation: From the Coming of Julius ... - الصفحة 92
بواسطة Saint Bede (the Venerable) - 1723 - عدد الصفحات: 479
عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب

The Complete Works of Venerable Bede: Ecclesiastical history

Saint Bede (the Venerable) - 1843 - عدد الصفحات: 416
...entered into the eternal joys of the kingdom which is heavenly. He was the third of the English kings that had the sovereignty of all the southern provinces...the river Humber, and the borders contiguous to the same ; but the first of the kings that asconscendit. Nam primus Imperium hujusmodi Elli, rex Australium...

The Complete Works of Venerable Bede: Ecclesiastical history

Saint Bede (the Venerable) - 1843 - عدد الصفحات: 412
...entered into the eternal joys of the kingdom which is heavenly. He was the third of the English kings that had the sovereignty of all the southern provinces that are divided from the northern by the river Hiuuher, and the borders contiguous to the same ; but the first of the kings that asconscendit. Nam...

Lectures on the history of England, B.C. 55 to (A.D. 1272) by a ..., المجلد 1

Frances Anne Trevelyan - 1850 - عدد الصفحات: 598
...Northumberland, and afterwards the destruction of the » b [Ethelbert] "was the third of the English kings that had the sovereignty of all the southern provinces...the river Humber, and the borders contiguous to the same; but the first of the kings that ascended to the heavenly kingdom."— Bede, book ii. ch. v. noble...

The Church Historians of England: pt. 2. The historical works of the ...

1853 - عدد الصفحات: 496
...the eternal joys of the heavenly kingdom. He was the third of the kings of the nation of the Angles that had the sovereignty of all the southern provinces...the river Humber, and the borders contiguous to the same ; but the first of all of them that ascended to the heavenly kingdom. The first who had the like...

The historical works of the venerable Bede, tr. with a preface and notes by ...

Bede (the venerable.) - 1853 - عدد الصفحات: 488
...the eternal joys of the heavenly kingdom. He was the third of the kings of the nation of the Angles that had the sovereignty of all the southern provinces...the river Humber, and the borders contiguous to the same ; but the first of all of them that ascended to the heavenly kingdom. The first who had the like...

Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation

Saint Bede (the Venerable) - 1870 - عدد الصفحات: 548
...kings of the nation of the Angles who ruled over2 all their southern provinces which are separated from the northern by the river Humber, and the borders contiguous to it ; but the first of all of them that held, in part, to refute those who denied that monks could rightly...

Augustine of Canterbury

Edward Lewes Cutts - 1895 - عدد الصفحات: 258
...one over the rest to be determined. Bede records that the first who exercised this supremacy " over all the southern provinces that are divided from the...the river Humber, and the borders contiguous to the same," was JEllo, King of the South Saxons, then it came to Ceawlin, King of the West Saxons, and then...

Augustine of Canterbury

Edward Lewes Cutts - 1895 - عدد الصفحات: 276
...one over the rest to be determined. Bede records that the first who exercised this supremacy " over all the southern provinces that are divided from the...the river Humber, and the borders contiguous to the same," was JElle, King of the South Saxons, then it came to Ceawlin, King of the West Saxons, and then...

Gregory the Great: His Place in History and Thought, المجلد 2

Frederick Homes Dudden - 1905 - عدد الصفحات: 512
...all the other provinces as, in some sort, their overlord. " He had," says Bede, 1 " the imperium over all the southern provinces that are divided from the...the river Humber, and the borders contiguous to the same." This supremacy was certainly somewhat loose. It was not constitutional or accurately denned,...

Bede's Ecclesiastical History of England

Saint Bede (the Venerable) - 1907 - عدد الصفحات: 488
...on the Sunday after Whitsunday. dom of Heaven. He was the third of the English kings who ruled over all the southern provinces that are divided from the...by the river Humber and the borders contiguous to it ; ' but the first of all that ascended to the heavenly kingdom. The first who had the like sovereignty...

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