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Bishop Blackhall's Sermons on the Beatitudes. Two Vol. Folio.

Moll's Geography. Folio.

Tyrrel's Bibliotheca Politica.

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A Compleat Method of Studying Divinity, written in French by the late Celebrated Mr. Du Pin. Now first Translated into English.

Bishop Patrick's Sermons on Contentment.


Dr. Horneck's Sermons. Two Vol.


Comber on the Common-Payer.

Companion for the Grand Festival of the Chriftian Church, being a Supplement to Mr. Nelson's Feasts and Fafts.

The Lives of the English Poets, with an Account of their Writings. Adorned with curious Sculptures ingraven by the best Masters. In two Vol. 8vo.

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Sydenham's Works.

Boyer's French Dictionary.

The most entertaining History of Hyppolyta and Aminta.

A Com

A Compleat Collection of the most Remarkable Trials at the Old Bailey. In four Vol.


Ingenious and diverting Letters of a Lady's Travels into Spain, defcribing the Devotions, Nunneries, Humour, Customs, Laws, Militia, Trade, Diet and Recreation of that People. Intermixed with great Variety of Modern Adventures. In Two Vol. 120. Neatly Printed.

All the Histories and Novels written by the late ingenious Mrs. Behn, intire in two Vol. Published by Mr. Charles Gildon. The Seventh Edition Corrected and Illustrated with

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BOOKS Sold by THO. MEIGHAM, Bookfeller, over against Earl's Court in Drury-Lane,



A New History of the World, containing

an Hiftorical and Chronological Account of the Times and Transactions from the Creation to the Birth of our Lord Jesus Chrift, according to the Computation of the Septuagint; which the Author manifeftly shews to be that of the ancient Hebrew Copy of the Bible, together with Chronological Tables at the End of each Age. In which the Lives of the Patriarchs after the Deluge, the Reigns of the Rulers and Kings of the Children of Ifrael and Juda, are parallel'd (and agree exactly) with those of the Affyrian, Babylonian, Perfian, Grecian Kings and Roman Emperors: by means whereof all the Objections and Cavils of our Modern Libertines, Deifts, Atheists and PreAdamites, who grounding their Arguments and Reafonings upon the Computation of the present Hebrew Text, make the first Kings of the Affyrian, Babylonian and Egyptian Monarto have Reign'd fome Hundreds of Years Before the Deluge, are clearly confuted. By Cornelius Nary, C. F.P. Dr.


News from the Dead, for the Monthly Packet of Prue, Intelligence from the other World. Written by a Mercury, being Moral Reflections on the Vanity and Folly of the present Age.


Anno 747, The Man of God, Herefrid, dy'd. Anno 750, Cudred King of the West-Saxons, rose up against King Edilwald and Oengufe. Theneorus and Eanred dy'd. Eadbert added the Plain of Cyile and other Places to his Domi


Anno 756, In the 5th Year of King Eadbert, on the Ides of January, there hapned an Eclipse of the Sun. Afterwards, the same Year and Month, on the 9th of the Kalends of February, the Moon fuffer'd an Eclipse being most horridly black.

Anno 754, Boniface, call'd alfo Winfrid, Bishop of the Franks, receiv'd the Crown of Martyrdom with 53 others, and Redger was confecrated Archbishop in his stead by Pope Stephen.

Anno 757, Edilbald King of the Mercians, was miferably murder'd in the Night by his own Tutors. Beonred began his Reign. Cymwulf King of the West-Saxons, dy'd. And the fame Year Offa having vanquish'd Beonred, in a bloody manner sought to gain the Kingdom of the Mercians.

Anno 758, Eadbert King of the Northumbrians, receiving St. Peter's Tonsure for the Love of God, and to gain the Heavenly Country by Violence, left the Kingdom to his Son Ofwulf.

Anno 759, Ofwulf was wickedly murder'd by his own Servants, and Editwald being chosen the fame Year by his People, enter'd upon the Kingdom; in whose second Year there hapned a great Tribulation of Mortality, and conti nu'd almost two Years, several grievous Diftempers raging; but more especially the Disease of the Dysentery,



Anno 761, Oeng King of the Pits, dy'd, who from the Beginning to the End of his Reign continu'd a bloody Tyrannical Butcher. Of win was also slain.

Anno 765, King Aluchred was advanc'd to the Throne.

Anno 766, Archbishop Ecgbert of the Royal Race, and endu'd with Divine Knowledge, as alfo Erithubert, both of them truly faithful Prelates departed to our Lord,


The following is Venerable Bede's Ac-
count of himself



HUS much of the Ecclefiaftical History of the Britons, and more especially of the English Nation, as far as I could learn either from the Writings of the Ancients, or the Tradition of our Ancestors, or of my own Knowledge, has, with the Help of God been digested by me, Bede, the Servant of God, and Priest of the Monastery of the Blesled Apostles, Peter and Paul, which is at Wiremuth and Gyrwum; who being born in the Territory of that same Monastery, at seven Years of Age, was given to be educated by the most Reverend Abbat Benedict, and afterwards by Ceolfrid, and spending all the remaining Time of my Life in that Monastery, wholly apply'd my

felf to the Meditation of Scripture, and amidst


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