صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Chap. 12. How the venerable Men Suitbercht in Britain, and Wilbrod at Rome were ordain'd Bishops for Frifeland. P. 404

Chap. 13. Of one in the Province of the Northumbrians, who rifing from the Dead, related Things dreadful, and others to be wifh'd for, which he had feen. P. 406 Chap. 14. Of another, who before his Death faw a Book containing all his Sins, which was fhow'd him by Devils. p. 415 Chap. 15. Of another, who being at the Point of Death, faw the Place of Punishsment appointed for him in Hell. p. 419 Chap. 16. How feveral Churches of the Scots, at the Inftance of Adamnan conformd to the Catholick Eafter, and how the fame Perfon writ a Book of the Holy Places.

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P. 420 Chap. 17. The Account given by the aforefaid Book of the Place of our Lord's Nativity, Paffion and Refurrection. p. 422 Chap. 18. Of the Place of our Lord's Afcenfion, and the Tombs of the Patriarchs. P. 425 Chap. 19. How the South-Saxons receiv'd Eadbert and Eolla; and the Weft-SaxToons, Daniel and Aldhelm, for their Bihops, and of the Writings of the fame Aldhelm.

P. 427

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Chap. 20. How Coinred, King of the Mer cians, and Offa, of the Eaft-Saxons, ended their Days at Rome in the Habit of the Monks; and of the Life or Death of Bishop Wilfrid. P. 429 Chap. 21. How Albinus fucceeded the religious Abbat Adrian, and Acca, BiShop Wilfrid. P. 440 Chap. 22. How the Abbat Ceolfrid fent the King of the Picts, Architects to build a Church, and with them an Epiftle concerning the Catholick Easter and Tonfure.


P. 442

Chap. 23. How the Monks of Hii, and the Monafteries that were fubject to them, began to celebrate the Canonical Eafter, at the Preaching of Ecgbercht. p. 461 Chap. 24. Of the prefent State of the English Nation, or of all Britain, with an Hiftorical Recapitulation of the whole Work, and fomething concerning the Perfon of the Author.

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P. 464

A Summary of all the foregoing History of the English, by the fame venerable English Saxon Bede, with a Short Continuatian by another Hand, as there noted and then Bede's Account of bimfelf.

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Bede's Prayer to Christ.

P. 468

P. 479


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Kingdom of


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