Chap. 8. How Pope Boniface fent the Pall and an Epistle to Justus, Succeffor to P. 135 Mellitus. Chap. 9. The Reign of King Edwin, and how Paulinus, coming to preach the Gofpel, first converted his Daughter and others to the Faith of CHRIST. p. 137 Chap. 10. How Pope Boniface, by his Letters, exhorted the same King to embrace the Faith. Chap. 11. Pope Boniface advises Queen Edelburg to use her best Endeavours for the Salvation of her Confort, King Edwin. P. 142 p. 146. Chap. 12. How King Edwin was perfuaded to believe, by a Vision be bad feen when he was once a banished Man. p. 149 Chap. 13. Of the Council he held with his prime Men about embracing the Faith of CHRIST, and how his High Priest profan'd bis Altars. p. 154 Chap. 14. How King Edwin and his Nation became Christians, and where Paulinus baptiz'd them. p. 157 Chap. 15. How the Province of the East Angles receiv'd the Faith of CHRIST. p. 161 Chap. 16. How Paulinus preach'd in the Province of Lindsey, and of the Reign of Edwin. p. 163 Chap. Chap. 17. Hore Edwin receiv'd Letters of Exhortation from Pope Honorius, who alfo fent Paulinus the Pall. p. 165 Chap. 18. Hore Honorius, who fucceeded Justus in the Bishoprick of the Church of Canterbury, receiv'd the Pall and Letters from Pope Honorius. p. 167 Chap. 19. How the aforesaid Honorius first, and afterwards John, writ Letters to the Nation of the Scots, concerning the Ob• fervation of Eafter, and the Pelagian Herefy. p. 170 Chap. 20. How Edwin being flain, Paulinus returning into Kent, had the Bishoprick of Rochester confer'don bim. p. 172 BOOK III, Chap. 1. How King Edwin's next Succef fors lost both the Faith of their Nation and the Kingdom; but the most Chriftian King Ofwald retriev'd both. p. 176 Chap. 2. How among innumerable other miraculous Cures wrought by the Cross, which King Ofwald, being ready to engage against the Barbarians, erected, a certain Youth bad his lame Arm heal'd. P. 179 Chap. Chap. 3. How the fame King Ofwald, asking a Bishop of the Scotish Nation, had Aidan fent him, and granted kim an Epifcopal See in the Ifle of Lindiffarn. p. 182 Chap. 4. When the Nation of the Picts re ceiv'd the Faith. p. 184 Chap. 5. Of the Life of Bishop Aidan. p. 188. Chap. 6. Of King Ofwald's wonderful Re P. 191 ligiousness and Piety. Chap. 7. How the Province of the WeftSaxons receiv'd the Word of God by the preaching of Birinus; and of his Succeffors Agilbercht and Leutherius. p. 193 Chap. 8. How Earconbert, King of Kent, order'd the Idols to be destroy'd; and of his Daughter, Earcongota, and his Kinfwoman Ethilberga, Virgins confecrated to God. p. 197 Chap. 9. That miraculens Cures have been frequently done in the Place where King Ofwald was kill'd; and that first, the Beast of a Traveller, and afterwards a young Girl was cur'd of a Palfy. p. 201 Chap. 10. The Power of the Earth of that Place against Fire. P. 203 Chap. 11. Of the heavenly Light that appear'd all the Night over the Relicks of King Ofwald, and that Persons poffefs'd were deliver'd by them. p. 205 Chap. Chap. 12. Of a Boy cur'd of an Ague at St. Ofwald's Tomb. p. 208 Chap. 13. Of a certain Person in Ireland that was recover'd when at the Point of Death, by fome Relicks of King Ofwald. p. 210 Chap. 14. How Paulinus dying, Ithamar was made Bishop of Rochester in his ftead; and of the wonderful Humility of King Ofwin, who was cruelly flain by Ofwy. p. 212 Chap. 15. How Bishop Aidan foretold to certain Seamen a Storm that would bappen, and gave them fome Holy Oil to lay it. p. 217 Chap 16. How the same Aidan by his Prayers fav'd the Royal City, when fir'd by the Enemy. p. 218 Chap. 17. That the Shore of the Church next to which Bishop Aidan was when be dy'd, could not be burnt, when the the faid Church was confum'd by 1 rest of Fire; and of bis inward Life. Chap. 18. Of the Life and Death of the Religious King Sigbercht. p. 220 p. 223 Chap. 19. How Furfius built a Monaftery among the East-Angles, and of bis Vifions and Sanctity, of which, his Flesh remaining uncorrupted after Death, bore Testimony C P.225 Chap. Chap. 20. Honorius dying, Deusdedit is chofen Arcbbishop of Canterbury, and who were at that Time Bishops of the Chap. 22. How the East-Saxons again re- ceiv'd the Faith, which they had before caft off, under King Sigbercht, through Chap. 23. The aforesaid Bishop Cedd, ha- ving a Place given him by King Ethil- wald, confecrated the fame to our Lord with Prayer and Fasting, and of his Chap. 24. How that King Penda being flain, the Province of the Mercians re- ceiv'd the Faith of CHRIST, and Of- wy gave Poffeffions and Territories to |