The Inscription over Bede's in the Chapel of the Virg ry, hanging there in a Tal BEDA Dei famulus & Presbyter Vir non minus Sanctitate quam Scie VENERABILIS bic jacet, qui natus in territorio Monafteri Girwycensis quod nunc Jarrow dica Cum effet annorum septem datus est Abbat Eto, & deinde Ceolfrido ibidem ea cunctumque ex eo vita tempus in ejufder sterii habitatione peragens, omnem mee Scripturis operam dedit atque inter obfer Difciplinæ regularis & quotidianam c in Ecclefia curam. : Semper aut difcere, aut docere, aut fcribere folebat. Decimo nono autem vitæ fuæ anno Diaco & tricefimo Presbyteratum, utrumque fufcepit. VIR OMNI LAUDE MAJOR De quo doctissimi illorum temporum homi hoc Elogium protulerunt Anglum in extremo orbis angulo natur Ingenio fuo univerfum orbem fuperaffe Quippe qui omnium pene scientiarum & un Theologia Arcana penetravit, ficut opera & volumina multa orbi Chriftiano notr abunde teftantur Quæ etiam illo adhuc vivente tanti nominis erant Auctoritatis ut ex ejus Homiliis multa facris lectionibus funt addita, ubique in Ecclefiaftico Officio publice & Solenniter recitata. Conftat eum aliquando Difcipulos habuiffe celebratissimos praclara paulo post Ecclefiæ lumina ALGUINUM Caroli magni Regis Praceptorem, & CLAUDIUM atque CLEMENTEM qui primi Lutetia docuerunt & Galliam bonis Artibus illuftrarunt. Obiit in Monafterio Girwicensi, A.D. DCCXXXIII. Ætat. fuæ LIX. Die quo Afcentionis Domini memoria celebratur, & ibidem fepultus fuit:' Sed poftea huc Dunelmum primo cum capite Regis OSWALDI Corpore S. CUTHBERTI Deinde in ifta Galilea & feretro per HUGONEM Epifcopum constructo Ofssa ejus funt tranflata. Epitaphium de eodem istud circumfertur. Hic jacent in foffa BEDA VENERABILIS Offa. Y In English, thus: BEDE A Servant of God and Prieft, A Man for his Piety and Learning equally Venerable lies here, Who was born in the Territories of the Monastery of Girwy, which is now call'd Farrow. When he was of the Age of seven, he was deliver'd to the Care of the Abbat Benedict, and afterwards to Ceolfrid, there to be educated, and all the Time of his Life after, dwelling in the fame Monastery, his whole Study he bent to meditate on the Scriptures, b 3 and i and the Time between the Obf his regular Discipline, and the Ca ly singing in the Church, he was ways either to learn or to teach, or The nineteenth Year of his Life he Order of Deacon, and the thirtieth Prieft, both from the Hands of St. Beverly, Archbishop of York, a M rior to all Encomium, of whom the Men of those Times publish'd this E An Eng'ishman born in an obfcure of the World, by his Knowledge enl the whole Universe, for he search'd t furies of all Divine and Humane ing, as those voluminous Works o well known to the greatest Part of th stian World, abundantly testifie; w so were of such Character in his Li that out of his Homilies many sacred ings are added, and every where p and folemnly used in the Offices Church: He had several Scholars of c ted Characters, and who shortly af came bright Luminaries of the C Alcuinus Preceptor to the Emperor the Great, and Claudius, and Clemen first taught at Paris, and enlig France with the Knowledge of usefu rature. He died in the Monastery of An. Dom. DCCXXXIIII, in the LIX his Age, on the Day in which our Afcenfion is celebrated, and was the ried; but after some Time his Bones brought here to Durham, first with the of Oswald the King, and the Body nd the Time between the Obfervance of is regular Discipline, and the Care of daifinging in the Church, he was wont alays either to learn or to teach, or to write. ne nineteenth Year of his Life he took the der of Deacon, and the thirtieth, that of eft, both from the Hands of St. John of verly, Archbishop of York, a Man fupe- to all Encomium, of whom the learned n of those Times publish'd this Elogium. Eng'ishman born in an obfcure Corner The World, by his Knowledge enlighten'd whole Universe, for he fearch'd the Treas of all Divine and Humane Learnas those voluminous Works of his so nown to the greatest Part of the ChriWorld, abundantly testifie; which alre of fuch Character in his Life-time, ut of his Homilies many facred Readre added, and every where publickly emnly used in the Offices of the - He had feveral Scholars of celebraracters, and who shortly after beright Luminaries of the Church. Preceptor to the Emperor Charles t, and Claudius, and Clemens, who ght at Paris, and enlighten'd th the Knowledge of useful Litee died in the Monastery of Girwy, DCCXXXIIII, in the LIX Year of on the Day in which our Lord's s celebrated, and was there buEfter some Time his Bones were -e to Durham, first with the Head The King, and the Body of St. Cuth Cuthbert, and then plac'd in Hugh the Bishop. His Epitap be thus: THE CONTEN OF THE CHAPTER BOOK I. Нар. г. Of the Situation of Chap. 2. Caius Julius Cæfar, Roman that came into Britain. Chap. 3. Claudius, the Second of mans, coming into Britain, brou Islands Orcades into Subjection Roman Empire; and Vefpafian him, reducd the Isle of Wight their Dominion. Chap. 4. That Lucius, King of B writing to Pope Eleutherius, dej be made a Chriftian. |