66 my HRIST. " he said, It is Time that I return to him who "form'd me out of nothing: I have liv'd long; my merciful Judge well foresaw my Life for me, the Time of my Dissolution draws near; for I “ defire to be dissolu'd and be with Christ. "Having faid much more, he pass the "Day joyfully till the Evening; and the a" bovemention'd Boy faid, Dear Master, there " is one Sentence not yet written. He answer'd, "Write quickly. Soon after the Boy faid, The " Sentence is now written. He reply'd, Well, you have said the Truth. It is ended. Receive Head into your Hands, for it is a great "Satisfaction to me to fit facing my holy Place, "where I was wont to pray, that I may also fit"ting call upon my Father, and on the Pavement " of his little Plave finging, Glory be to the Fa"ther, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghoft. "When he had nam'd the Holy Ghost, he "breath'd his last, and so departed to the "Heavenly Kingdom. All that beheld the "Blessed Father's Death, faid, they had never "seen any other expire in so much Devotion and "Tranquility. For as you have heard, as long as his Soul continu'd in his Body, he never ceas'd with his Hands to give Thanks to the true and living God, faying, Glory be the Father, and other Spiritual Expreffions, with his Hands expanded. Know this, most dear Brother, that I could " lay much of him, but the Want of Eru"dition in my Tongue shortens my Dif course T However I think, God willing, 1 write more of him, which I saw with and heard with my Ears. 27 L Crystallus patria, gregis aftrum, lumen at Laus juris, bajulus legis, honorque ja Beda datus facris, gravitate fenex, puer Devota mentis athera thure replet. Difcit, Scrutatur divina, docet, meditati Hujus cura Deo reddere vota fuit. Juftitia Sedes, virtutum regia, casus Illecebra, gladius lubrica carnis arans Ense pio verbi confratrum casta tuetur, Ne CHRISTI miles hofte ruente rua Non invafit eo presente penuria mentes : Efurie lasis pascua lata fuit. Hujus in Ecclefia nardus refpirat odorem Et circumfufos mulcet odore bono, Hic dum fubtrahitur caco carbunculus or Orbis damna ferens munere lucis eget. Vellere depofito Superum comitatur ovile, Cui merces operis vita beata Deus. bined oved noy pbell aid si bonito luod vid 26 His Country'sGem, Flock's Guide, ou Laws Friend, and Honour, the renowne Bede, fent for pious Ends, who, while a Was grave, and Heaven with pious Ince Whole carliest Vow to God, whose conft Was Learning, reading Scripture, Pre: Δια για αποной одног The place of Justice, Virtue's Realm, tl Of sweet attraction, treach'rous Lufts d By Gospel Arms, long practis'd to defe His Chastity against the dangerous Fie 20 TOT er I think, God willing, shortly to re of him, which I saw with my Eyes, I with my Ears. : Who ne'er upon his Abstinence c With Hunger spent, he made his Here, in this Church, this pleasin And all around refreshing Scents But now from the benighted Wor The World benighted does its Lig While he, new cloth'd, joins with And leads a Life of Bliss for his R Bede as is before mention'd, Wednesday, being the Day of th which happen'd in the 7th Year o of Ceolulph, and of our Lord 735, Year of his Age, according to M according to the common Compu the 59th, he was buried by the I his House in the South Porch of t of Jarrow, which was dedicated to whose Grave some ancient Writin this Epitaph, unworthy of him. Presbyter hic Beda requiefcit carne Sep Dona CHRISTI animam in cœlis gaudere Digne illi Sophia debriari fonte cui jar Suspiravit ovans intento-femper amore. In English thus: Of Bede the mortal Part here buried But his Immortal's blest amidst the S He well deserv'd to drink of Wisdom Who glow'd with Praises of his heave b Soon after his Death his Na spread, and grew facred all over Church, Boniface the Pope, call of his Epiftles, The Candle of the En Lucius his Succefior calls him, B Memory, and blessed Father, and fo Silk (Holofericam,) to his Reliques, ments, however common now, w sents for Princes, and their Dress a fome Orders of Senate for regulat of that Habit. He was likewif Saint, and had that Title given h Altar erected to his Honour, in stery of in the 9th Centu the Missal done into Meter by the same Century, his Memory is celebrated. Pachumius, Beda, Attala, Paj While he rested at Farrow, great made to his Grave, and particular fred a Priest of Durham in the b the eleventh Century, came yearly of his Death, and spent it in wa Prayer at his Tomb; and fuch a had he for him, that he took vately his Bones, and carried them to Durham, and being ask'd by h where they lay, he reply'd, no one k as myself; and after being press'd gave this Answer, Believe me, my be thers, and be assur'd, that the Tame contains the most Holy Body of St. Cut Father, holds likewise that of the vene For and Monk Bede. Soon after his Death his Name began to pread, and grew sacred all over the Chriftian Church, Boniface the Pope, calls him in one fhis Epistles, The Candle of the English Church, Lucius his Succefior calls him, Bede of bleffed Memory, and blessfed Father, and fent a Vest of lk (Holofericam,) to his Reliques, which Veftents, however common now, were then Prents for Princes, and their Dress as appears by me Orders of Senate for regulating the Ufe that Habit. He was likewise esteem'd a Ent, and had that Title given him, and an ar erected to his Honour, in the Monay of in the 9th Century And in Missal done into Meter by Hartiman in fame Century, his Memory is thus jointly brated. Pachumius, Beda, Attala, Pafnutius. hile he rested at Farrow, great Refort was to his Grave, and particularly one ElPrieft of Durham in the beginning of eventh Century, came yearly on the Day Death, and spent it in watching and at his Tomb; and such a Veneration for him, that he took away priis Bones, and carried them with him Bam, and being ask'd by his Friends, hey lay, he reply'd, no one knows so well f; and after being press'd by them, - Answer, Believe me, my beloved Brod be affur'd, that the Tame Chest that be most Holy Body of St. Cuthbert, our Ids likewise that of the venerable DoTonk Bede. In the Year 1054, when remov'd, the Bones of Bede v same Cheft, ty'd in a little lin pears by the History of th Cuthbert, the Bishop; and a Bones were put by themsel Box. In the Year 1154, Hugh, Bi built a Shrine of pure Gold Silver richly enchaft with Jew placed the Bones of Bede, wit other Saints, as Turgot tells u dix; but this Shrine was dem of Hen. VIII. However Spede his Time there was a Tomb c West Part of the Church, of remain'd, notwithstanding wh sticon says, his Bones were at G those of Bishop St. Eftervim Herbert, Abbots of Weremuth. Reliques they show'd, at Dur of Bede. In |