the Obfervance of regular Discipline, and the daily Care of finging in the Church, always took delight in either Learning or Teaching, or Writing. In the nineteenth Year of my Age, I receiv'd, the Degree of a Deacon, in the thirtieth that of Priesthood, both of them by the Ministry of the most Reverend Bishop John, and by Order of the Abbat Ceolfrid. From the which Time of my being made Priest till the fifty ninth Year of my Age, I have made it my Business, for the Ufe of me and mine, briefly to note down out of the Works of the venerable Fathers, or to add ac cording to their Sense and Interpretation these following Pieces. On the Beginning of Genefis, to the Birth of Ifaac, and the Election of Ifrael, and the Reprobation of Ifmael, three Books. Of the Tabernacle and its Veffels, and of the Priestly Vestments, three Books, On the first Part of Samuel, to the Death of Saul, four Books. Of the Building of the Temple, two Books. On Ifaiah, Daniel, the twelve Prophets, and Part of Jeremy, Diftinctions of Chapters, collected out of St. Jerom's Treatife. On Efdras and Nehemiah, three Books. On On the Book of the bleffed Father Tobias, one Book of Allegorical Expofition concerning CHRIST and the Church. Item, Chapters of Readings on Mofes's Pentateuch, Jofue and Judges. On the Books of Kings and Chronicles. On the Book of the Bleffed Father Job. On the Parables, Ecclefiaftes, and Canticles. On the Prophet Ifaiah. Alfo on Efdras and Nehemiah.. On the Gospel of Mark, four Books. Of Homilies on the Gospel, two Books. On the Apostle, I have carefully tranfcrib'd in order, all that I have found in St. Auguftin's Works. On the A&s of the Apostles, two Books. On the feven Catholick Epiftles, a Book on. each. On the Revelation of St. John, three Books. 2 Item, Chapters of Readings on all the New Teftament, except the Gospel. On the Book of Epiftles to feverals. Of the fix Ages of the World, only one. one. On the Words of Ifaiah, and they shall be but up in the Prison, and after many Days fhall they be vifited. Of the Reafon of the Biffextil, or Leap Year, and of the Equinox, according to Anatolius, one. Item, of the Hiftories of Saints. I tranflated the Book of the Life and Paffion of St. Felix, Confeffor, from Paulinus's Work in Metre, into Profe. The The Book of the Life and Paffion of St. Anaftafius, which was ill tranflated from the Greek, and worfe amended by fome unskilful Perfon, I have corrected as to the Senfe. I have written the Life of the Holy Father Cuthbert, who was both Monk and Prelate, first in Heroick Verse, and then in Prose. The Hiftory of the Abbats of this Monaftery, in which I rejoice to ferve the Divine Goodness, viz. Benedict, Ceolfrid and Huetberht. In two Books. The Ecclefiaftical Hiftory of our Island and Nation, in five Books. The Martyrology of the Birth Days of the Holy Martyrs, in which I have carefully endeavour'd to fet down all that I could find, and not only on what Day, but also by what fort of Combat, or under what Prince they overcame the World. A Book of Hymns in several forts of Metre, or Rhime. A Book of Epigrams in Heroick or Elegiack Verfe. Of the Nature of Things, and of the Times, one Book of each. Item, of the Times, one larger Book. A Book of Orthography digefted in Alphabetical Order. Item, A Book of the Art of Poetry, and to it I have added another. A little Book of Tropes and Figures; that is, of the Figures and Manners of Speaking, of which the Holy Scripture is compos'd. Bede's V I Bede's Prayer to CHRIST. beseech thee, good JESUS, that to whom thou haft graciously granted Sweetly to partake of the Words of thy Wisdom and Knowledge, thou wilt alfo vouchsafe that he may fome Time come to thee the Fountain of all Wisdom, and always appear before thy Face, who liveft and reigneft God for ever and ever. Amen. Books printed for J. BATLEY, at the Dove in Pater-nofter-Row. HE Hiftory of the ancient Abbeys, Monafterys, Hofpitals, Cathedral and Collegiate Churches, Ye ing the two additional Volumes to Sir William Dugdale's Monafticon,adorned with a confiderable Number of Cop per Plates of the feveral Habits of the Religious Orders, The Profpects of Cathedral and Collegiate Churches, and the Ruins of Sacred Places deftroy'd or gone to Decay, and Profpects of others that are still standing. By John Stevens, Gent. Lord Clarendon's Hiftory of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, began in the Year 1641. In fix Vol. 8vo. The Civil Law in its natural Order, done from the French of M. Domal. By Dr. Strahan. 2 Vol. Folio. A Difcourfe concerning the Refurrection of Jefus Chrift. In three Pares. By Humphrey Ditton, A. M. The univerfal Library,or Comlpeat Summary of Science, containing above fixty felect Treatifes. In two Vol. 8vo. The memorable Things of Socrates written by Xenophon. In five Books. Tranflated into English by Edward Byffe, Genc. A New Method of Fortification, together with a new Treatife of Geometry, as practifed by Monfieur Vauban, Engineer General of France. The fourth Edition, carefully Revifed and Corrected by the Original. The Hiftory of Herodo us, Tranflated from the Greek by Mr. Littlebury. In two Vol. 8vo. The Works of Tibullus, Tranflated by Mr. Dart. In 8vo. -Westminster-Abbey a Poem. Price 1 s. Mifcellanies upon feveral Subjects. By John Aubrey, Efq, F. RS. The fecond Edition. In 8vo. Buchanan's Hiftory of Scotland. In 20 Books. The fecond Edition. Revis'd and Corrected from the Latin Original, by Mr. Bond. Two Volumes 8vo. The Adventures of Telemachus, with Cuts. By Mr. Littlebury and Mr. Boyer. Two Vol. 12mo. |