A Summary of all the foregoing Hiftory of the English, by the same venerable English Saxon Bede, with a short Continuation by another Hand, as there noted; and then Bede's Account of himself. I Have thought fit briefly to fumm up thofe those Things which have been digefted more at large, according to the Distinction of Times, for the better preferving them in Me mory. In the 60th Year before the Incarnation of our Lord, Caius Julius Cafar, the first of the Romans, invaded Britain, and was victorious, yet could not gain the Kingdom. ... In the Year from the Incarnation of our Lord, 46, Claudius, the second of the Romans, entring Britain, had a great Part of the Island furrender'd to him, and added the Islands Orcades to the Roman Empire. In the Year from the Incarnation of our Lord 167, Eleutherius being made Bishop at Rome, govern'd the Church most glorioufly fifteen Years. Lucius, King of Britain writing to him, requested to be made a Chriftian, and obtain'd it. In the Year from the Incarnation of our Lord 189, Severus being made Emperor, reign'd seventeen Years; who enclos'd Britain with a Trench from Sea to Sea. In the Year 381, Maximus being made Emperor in Britain, sail'd over into Gaul, and flew Gratian. Anno 409, Rome was crush'd by the Goths, from which Time the Romans began to reign in Britain. Anno 430, Palladius was sent the first Bishop to the Scots that believ'd in CHRIST, by Pope Celestin. Anno 449, Martian being made Emperor with Valentinian, held it seven Years. In whose Time the English, being call'd by the Britons, came into Britain. 2 Anno 528, There hapned an Eclipse of the Sun, on the 14th of the Kalends of March, from the first to the third Hour. Anno 540, An Eclipse of the Sun hapned on the 12th of the Kalends of July, and the Stars appear'd during almost half an Hour after the third Hour of the Day. Anno 547, Ida began his Reign, from whom the Royal Family of the Northumbrians derives its Original; and he reign'd twelve Years. Anno 565, The Priest Columb came out of Scotland into Britain to instruct the Picts, and built a Monaftery in the Ile of Hii. Anno 596, Pope Gregory sent Augustin with Monks into Britain, to preach the Word of God to the English Nation. Anno 597, The aforesaid Teachers arriv'd in Britain; that being about the 150th Year from the coming of the English into Britain, Hh 3 Anko Anno 601, Pope Gregory sent the Pall into Britain to Augustin, who was already made Bishop, as also several Ministers of the Word, among whom was Paulinus. Anno 603, A Battle was fought at Degfa Stane. : Anno 604, The East-Saxons receiv'd the Faith of CHRIST under King Saebercht, and the Bishop Mellitus. Anno 605, Gregory dy'd. Anno 616, Edilbert King of Kent, deceas'd. Anno 620, The venerable Paulinus was by Archbishop Juftus ordain'd Bishop of the Nation of the Northumbrians. Anno 626, Eanfled Daughter to King Edwin was baptiz'd, with twelve others, on Whitfun-Saturday. Anno 627, King Edwin was baptiz'd with his Nation at Eafter. 1 Anno 633, King Edwin being kill'd, Pauli nns return'd to Kent. Anno 640, Eadbald, King of Kent, dy'd. Anno 644, Paulinus first Bishop of York, but now of the City of Rochefter, departed to our Lord. 1 Anno 651, King Ofwine was kill'd, and Bishop Aidan dy'd. Anno 653, The Midland Angles under their Prince Peada receiv'd the Mysteries of the Faith. Anno 655, Penda, King of the Mercians was flain, and the Mercians became Christians. Anno 664, There hapned an Eclipse of the Sun; Earconberht, King of Kent, dy'd; and Colman return'd to the Scots, and a Pestilence came; and Ceadda and Wilfrid were ordain'd Bishops of the Northumbrians. came; J Anno 668, Theodore was ordain'd Bishop. dy'd. Anno 673, Ecgberht, King of Kent, di'd, and a Synod was held at Herudford, in the Presence of King Ecgfrid, Archbishop Theodore prefiding, which was very beneficial, and confifted of ten Chapters. e Anno 675, Wifere King of the Mercians, dying, when he had reign'd feventeen Years, left the Crown to his Brother Ethelred. Anno 676, Ethelred ravag'd Kent. Anno 678, A Comet appear'd; Bifhop Wilfrid was drove from his See by King Ecgfrid, and Bofa, Eata and Eadbert were confecrated Bishops in his ftead. Anno 679, Elfwine was kill'd. Anno 680, A Synod was held in the Field, call'd Hethfeld, concerning the Christian Faith, Archbishop Theodore prefiding, where John the Roman Abbat was also present. In which Year also the Abbess Hilda dy'd at Streanefchalch. Anno 685, Ecgfrid, King of the Northumbrians was flain. The fame Year, Lothere, King of Kent, dy'd. went to Rome from Britain. Anno 690, Archbishop Theodore dy'd. Anno 697, Queen Oftrid was murder'd by her own People, that is, the Nobility of the Mercians. Anno 698, Bertred the Royal Commander of the Northumbrians, was flain by the Pifts. Anno 704, Ethilred becoming a Monk, after he had reign'd thirty Years over the Nation of the Mercians, gave up the Kingdom to Coenred. Anno 705, Alafrid King of the Northumbrians dy'd. Anno 799, Coenred King of the Mercians, having reign'd fix Years, went to Rome. Anno 711, General Berhtfrid fought with the Picts. Anno 716, Ofred King of the Northumbrians, was kill'd; and Ceolred King of the Mercians, dy'd; and Ecgberht, the Man of God reduc'd the Monks of Hii to the Catholick Easter, and Ecclefiaftical Tonsure. Anno 725, Wichtred King of Kent, dy'd. berht departed; and Ofric dy'd. Anno 731, Archbishop Berhtwald dy'd. The same Year Tatwine was confecrated Archbishop. In the Year from the Incarnation of our Lord 732, Ecgberht was made Bishop of York, in the room of Wilfrid; Cymbert Bishop of Lindisfarn dy'd. Anno 733, There hapned an Eclipse of the Sun, on the 18th Day of the Kalends of September, about the third Hour of the Day; fo that almost all the Orb of the Sun seem'd to be cover'd with very black and horrid Shield. a In the Year from the Incarnation of our Lord 733, Archbishop Tatwine having receiv'd the Pall by Apoftolical Authority, ordain'd Alwich and Sigfrid Bishops, Anno 734, The Moon on the second of the Kalends of February, about the Time of Cocks > Crowing, |