صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

new chining Light of Ecclefiaftical Society and Peace. In the Year of our Lord's Incarnation, 729. in which the Eafter of our Lord was celebrated on the eighth Day of the Kalends of May, he having perform'd the Solemnity of the Mass, in Memory of the fame Refurrection of our Lord, departed that same Day to our Lord, and perfected the Joy of the greatest Festival, which he had begun with the Brethren, whom he had converted to the Unity of Grace, with our Lord, the Apostles and the other Citizens of Heaven; or rather never ceafes to celebrate the same. But it was a wonderful Dispensation of the Divine Providence, thar the venerable Man did not only pass out of this World to the Father, in Eafter, but also when Eafter was celebrated on that Day, on which it had never been wont to be kept in those Parts. The Brethren rejoic'd in the certain and Catholick Knowledge of the Time of Eafter, they rejoic'd in the Protection of their Father, departing to our Lord, by whom they had been corrected. He congratulated his being so long continu'd in the Flesh, till he saw his Followers admit of, and celebrate that as Easter Day, with him, which they had ever before avoided. Thus the most Reverend Father being affur'd of their standing corrected, rejoic'd that he might fee the Day of our Lord, faw it and was glad.




Ann. 729.


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Of the present State of the English Nati-
on, or of all Britain, with an Historical
Recapitulation of the whole Work, and
Something concerning the Person of the


N the Year of our Lord's Incarnation, 725, being the seventh Year of Ofric, King of the Northumbrians, who succeeded Coenred, ViFred, the Son of Ecgberht, King of Kent, dy'd, on the ninth of the Kalends of May, and left his three Sons, Ethilberht, Eadbercht and Alric, Heirs of that Kingdom, which he had govern'd 34 Years and an half. The next Year after, whom, dy'd Tobias, Bishop of the Church of Rochester, a most learned Man, as has been faid before; for he was Disciple to the Masters of Blessed Memory, Theodore, the Archbishop, and Abbat Adrian, by which means, as we have before observ'd, besides his Erudition in Ecclesiastical and general Literature, he learn'd both the Greek and Latin Tongues to such Perfection, that they were as well known and familiar to him as his Native Language. He was bury'd in the Portico of St. Paul the Apostle, which he had built within the Church of St. Andrew for his own Place of Burial. After him Aldwlf took upon him the Office of Bishop, being confecrated by Archbishop BerchtBerchtwald. In the Year of our Lord's Incarnation 728, two Comets appear'd about the Ann. 728. Sun, to the great Terror of the Beholders. One of them went before the Rifing Sun in the Morning, the other follow'd him fitting at Night, as it were presaging much Destruction to the East and West; or one was the Forerunner of the Day, and the other of the Night, to fignify that Mortals were threatned with Calamities at both Times. They carry'd their flaming Bush towards the North, as it were ready to fet Fire. They appear'd in January, and continu'd for near two Weeks. At which Time a dreadful Plague of Saracens ravag'd France with miferable Slaughter; and they not long after in that Country receiv'd the Punishment due to their Wickedness. In which Year the Holy Man of our Lord, Ecgberht, departed to our Lord, as has been faid above, on Eafter Day; and then after Easter, that is, on the seventh Day of the Ides of May, Ofric, King of the Northumbrians departed this Life, after he had reign'd eleven Years, and appointed Ceolwlf, Brother to Coenred, who had reign'd before him, his Successor. The Beginning and Progress of whofse Reign were so fill'd withadverse Disturbances, that it cannot yet be known what is to be writ concerning them, or what End they will have. In the Year of our Lord's Incarnation 731, Archbishop Berchtwald worn An. 730 out with Age dy'd, on the fifth Day of the Ides of January, having held his See thirty seven Years, fix Months and fourteen Days. In his stead the fame Year, Tatwine, of the Province of the Mercians, was made Archbishop, having been a Prieft in the Monastery, call'd Bri



Briudun. He was confecrated in the City of Canterbury by the venerable Men, Daniel, Bishop of Winchester, Ingwald of London, Alduin of Litchfield, and Aldulf of Rochester, on Sunday the tenth of June, being a Man renowned for Religion and Wifdem, and notably learned in facred Writ. Thus, at present, the Bishops Tatwine and Aldulf preside in the Churches of Kent Ingwald in the Province of the East-Saxons. In the Province of the East-Angles, Ealdbercht and Hadulac are Bishops, In the Province of the West-Saxons, Daniel and Forthere are Bishops, in the Province of the Mercians, Aldwine. Among those People who live beyond the River Severn to the Westward, Walstod is Bifhop; in the Province of the Huiccians, Wilfrid; in the Province of the Lindisfarns, Cynibercht prefides; the Bishoprick of the Isle of Wight belongs to Daniel, Bishop of Winchester. The Province of the South-Saxons, having now continu'd fome Years without a Bishop, receives the Epifcopal Ministry from the Prelate of the West-Saxons. All these Provinces, and the others Southward to the Bank of the River Humber, with their Kings, are fubject to King Ethilbald. But in the Province of the Northumbrians, where King Ceolwlf reigns, four Bishops now prefide; Wilfrid in the Church of York, Ethilwald in that of Lindisfarn, Acea in that of Hagulstad, Pecthelm in that which is call'd Candida Cafa, or the White House, the which, the Number of the Faithful being increas'd, has been lately added to the Number of Epifcopal Sees, and has him for its first Prelate. The Nation of the Pifts alfo at this Time is at Peace with the English Nation, and rejoices in being Partaker of the Catholick Peace and Verity with the universal Church. The Scots that inhabit Britain being fatisfy'd with their own Territories, contrive no Mischief against the Nation of the English. The Britons, tho they for the most part, through an innate Hatred, are averse to the English Nation, and wrongfully, and out of wicked Custom, oppose the appointed Eafter of the whole Catholick Church; yet both the divine and human Power withstanding them, they can in neither part prevail as they defire; for tho' in part they are their own Masters, yet in fome part they are also brought under Subjection to the English. This peaceable and calm disposition of Times prevailing, many of the Northumbrians, as well of the Nobility as private Perfons, laying afide their Weapons, rather incline to addict themselves and their Children to Monaftical Vows, receiving the Tonsure, than to study Martial Difcipline. What will be the End hereof, the next Age will show. This is for the prefent the State of all Britain; in the Year fince the coming of the English into Britain about 285, but of our Lord's Incarnation 731; in whose Reign may the Earth ever rejoice, and Britain congratulating in its Faith, may Pf. 97. 16 many Islands rejoice, and may they confefs to the Memory of his Holinefs.

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