صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


How the fame Bishop beal'd an Earl's Wife that was fick, with Holy Water.

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HE fame Abbat related another Miracle, not unlike the former, of the aforefaid Bithop. Not very far from our Monastery, that is, about two Miles off was the Country Houfe of one a Puch, an Earl, whofe Wife had languifh'd near forty Days under a very acute Disease, infomuch that for three Weeks fhe could not be carry'd out of the Room where the lay. It hapned at that Time, that the Man of God was invited thither by the Earl to confecrate a Church; and when that was done, the Earl defir'd him to dine at his House. The Bifhop refus'd, faying, He must return to the Monaftery which was very near. The Earl ftill preffing more earneftly, vow'd, he would alfo give Alms to the Poor, provided he would vouchfafe to break his Faft that Day in his House. I join'd my Intreaties to his, promi


a The Village of this Thane, or Earl is faid to be SouthBurton, two Miles from Beverley, whofe Daughter Yolfride was a Nun there; This Puch gave to that Monastery with bis Daughter the Manor of Walkingtone; Yolfride dy'd the third of the Ides of March, 742. and was bury'd at Beverly. This Mannor of Walkingtone is now the Bishop of Durham's. Dr. Smith,

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fing in like manner to give Alms for the Relief of the Poor, fo he would go to the Earl's Houfe to dine and give a Bleffing. Having at length with much Difficulty prevail'd, we went in to dine. The Bifhop had fent the Woman that lay fick, fome of the Holy Water, which he had blefs'd for confecrating of the Church, by one of the Brothers that went along with me, ordering him to give her fome to drink, and wash the Place where her greatest Pain was, with fome of the fame. This being perform'd, the Woman immediately got up in Health, and perceiving that she had not only been deliver'd from her tedious Diftemper, but at the fame Time recover'd the Strength before loft, She prefented the Cup to the Bishop and to us; and continu'd the Service of drinking to us as fhe had begun till the Dinner was over; following the Example of Peter's Mother-in-Law, who having been fick of a Fever, arofe at the Touch of our Lord, and having at once receiv'd Health and Strength, minister'd to them.



How the fame Bishop recover'd one of the Earl's Servants from Death.


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Tanother Time alfo, being call'd to confecrate Earl Addi's Church, when he had perform'd that Ministry, he was intreated by that Earl to go in to one of his Servants, who lay dangerously ill; fo that having loft the Use of all his Limbs, he feem'd to be just at Death's Door; and even the Coffin was provided to bury him. The Earl back'd his Intreaties with Tears, earne praying that he would go in and pray for him, because his Life was of great Confequence to him; and he believ'd, that if the Bishop would lay his Hand upon, and give him his Bleffing, he would foon mend. The Bishop went in, and faw him in a dying Condition, and the Coffin by to bury him, all that were prefent grieving. He faid a Prayer, blefsd'him, and going out, as is the ufual Expreffion of Comforters, faid, May you foon recover. Afterwards, when they were fitting at Table, the Lad fent to his Lord, to defire he would let him have a Cup of Wine, because he was thirsty. The Earl rejoicing that he could drink, fent Cc him

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a This Earl's Seat was at Northburton, which Village and the Church here mention'd, he gave to the Church of Beverly in the Time of John the Archbishop.


him a Cup of Wine blefs'd by the Bishop; the which as foon he had drank, he immediately got up, and fhaking off his late Infirmity, drefs'd himself, and going in to the Bishop, faluted him and the other Guefts, faying, He would alfo willingly eat and be merry with them. They order'd him to fit down with them at the Entertainment, rejoicing at his Recovery. He fate, eat, drank, was merry, and behav'd himfelf like the rest of the Company; and living many Years after, continu'd in the fame State of Health. The aforefaid Abbat fays, this Miracle was not wrought in his Prefence, but that he had it from thofe who were there.


How the fame Bilbop by his Prayers and Bleffing deliverd one of his Clerks from Death, who had bruiz'd himself by a Fall.


OR do I think that this Miracle, which Herebald, the Servant of CHRIST, is wont to say, was wrought upon himself, is to be pafs'd over in Silence. He being then one of that Bishop's Clergy, now presides as Abbat in the Monaftery, which is at the Mouth of of the River Tine. Being prefent, faid he, and very well acquainted with his Courfe of Life, I found it to be most worthy of a Bishop, as far as it is lawful for Men to judge; but I have known



by the Experience of others, and more particularly by my own, how great his Merit was before the inward Judge; as having been by his Prayer and Bleffing brought back from the Gates of Death into the Way of Life. For when in the Prime of my Youth I liv'd among his Clergy, applying mySelf to reading and finging, but not having yet altogether withdrawn my Heart from youthful Pleafures; it hapned one Day, that as we were travelling with him, we came into a plain and open Way for galloping our Horfes. The The young that were with him, and particularly thofe of the Laity, began to intreat the Bishop to give them leave to make Tryal of the Goodness of their HorJes. He at firft refus'd it, faying, it was an idle Request; but at last, being prevail'd on by the unanimous Defire of many; Do fo, faid he, if you will, provided, that Herebald have no Part in that Contention. I, tho' more earnestly praying, that I might have leave to ride with the reft, for I rely'd on an excellent Horfe he had given me, could not obtain it. When they had feveral times gallop'd backwards and forwards, the Bishop and I looking on, my wanton Humour prevailing, I could no longer refrain, but tho' he forbid me, took in among them, and began to ride full speed; which as I was doing, I heard him bebind me fay, Alafs. How much you grieve me in riding after that manner. Tho' I heard him I went on against his Command; but immediately the fiery Horfe taking a great Leap over an hollow Place, I fell, and loft all my Senfes, and Motion, as if I had been dead; for there was in that Place a Stone, level with the Ground cover'd with only a Small Turf, and no other Stone to be found in all that Plain; aud it hapned, as a Punishment for my Disobedience, Cc 2

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