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That Colman being worsted return'd home. and Fuda fucceeded him in the Bishoprick, and what the ftate of the Church was under thofe Teachers.

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HE Difputation being ended, and the Company broke up, Agilbercht return'd home. Colman perceiving his Doctrin was rejected, and his Sect defpis'd, taking also such as would follow him, that is, fuch as would not comply with the Catholick Eafter and Tonfure, for there was likewife much Controverfy about that, went back into Scotland, to confult with his People, what was to be done in the cafe. Cedd forfaking the Practices of the Scots, return'd to his Bishoprick, having fubmitted to the Obfervation of the Catholick Eafter. This Difputation hapned in the Year of our Lord's Incarnation 664, which was the 224 Year of the Reign of King Ofwy, but the 30th of the Epifcopacy of the Scots in the Province of the English; for Aidan was Bifhop feventeen Years, Finan ten, and Colman three. Colman returning into his own Country, the Servant of God Tuda, was made Bishop of the Northum brians in his Place, having been inftructed and ordain'd Bishop among the Southern Scots, and according to the Cuftom of that Province, having the Ecclefiaftical Tonfure of his Crown, and obferving the Catholick Time of Eafter;

a good

a good and religious Man, but govern'd his Church a very fhort Time; for he came out of Scotland whilft Colman was yet Bishop, and diligently, both by Word and Example, taught all Perfons thofe Things that appertain to the Faith and Truth. But Eata, who was Abbat of the Monaftery that is call'd Mailros, a moft reverend and meek Man, was appointed Abbat over the Brethren that thought fit to ftay in the Church of Lindisfarn, when the Scots went away; which, they fay, Colman being upon his departure, requested and obtain'd of King Ofwy, for as much as Eata was one of Aidan's twelve Lads of the English Nation, whom he receiv'd when firit made Bishop there, to be inftructed in CHRIST; for the King much lov'd that Bishop Colman, on account of his fingular Dif cretion. This is the fame Eata, who not long after was made Bifhop of the fame Church of Lindisfarn. Colman returning home, took a long with him fome Part of the Bones of the moft Reverend Father Aidan; and left Part of them in the Church where he had prefided, ordering them to be interr'd in the Sacrifty. The Place he govern'd, fhows how parcimonious he and his Predeceffors were, for there very few Houfes befides the Church were found at their Departure; that is, only fo many, as without which Civil Converfation could not fubfift; they had no Mony, but Cattle; for if they receiv'd'any Mony from rich Perfons, they immediately gave it to the Poor; there being no need to gather Mony, or provide Houfes




for 2005

A Monaftery near Jidburgh in Teifidale, it is now one of the Scotish Presbyteries in that County.

for the Entertainment of the great Men of the World; they never reforting to the Church, but only to pray and hear the, Word of God. The King himself, when Opportunity offer'd, came only with five or fix Servants, and having perform'd his Devotions in the Church, departed. But, if they hapned to take a Repaft there, being fatisfy'd with only the plain and daily Food of the Brethren, they requir'd no more; for the whole Care of thofe Teachers then was to serve God, not the World, to feed the Soul, and not the Belly. For this Reason the religious Habit was at that Time in great Veneration; fo that wherefoever any Clergyman or Monk hapned to come, he was joyfully receiv'd by all Perfons, as God's Servant; and if they chanc'd to meet him upon the Way, they ran to him, and bowing, were glad either to be fign'd with his Hand, or blefs'd with his Mouth, They alfo gave great Attention to their Words of Exhortation; and on Sundays they flock'd eagerly to the Church, or the Monafteries, not to feed their Bodies, but to hear the Word of God; and if any Prieft hapned to come into a Village, the Inhabitants flocking together, were diligent to ask the Word of Life of him; for the Priefts and Clergymen went not into the Villages on any other account, but to preach, baptize, vifit the Sick; and, in few Words, to take care of Souls,and they were fo free from all worldly Avarice, that none receiv'd Lands and Poffeffions for building of Monafteries, unless they were compell'd to it by the worldly Powers; the which Custom was in all Points, for fome Time after obferv'd


in the Churches of the Northumbrians. But enough has been faid of these Things.


That Egbercht, an Holy Man, of the English Nation, led a Monaftical Life in Ireland.


HE fame Year of our Lord's Incarnation

664, there hapned an Eclipfe of the Sun, on the third Day of May, about ten of the Clock in the Morning: Which fame Year a fudden Peftilential Infection having first depopulated the Southern Coafts of Britain, afterwards falling alfo into the Province of the Northumbrians, and having long cruelly rag'd far and near, deftroy'd a great Multitude of Men. By which Plague the aforesaid Priest of our Lord, Tuda, was fnatch'd out of this World, and honourably bury'd in the Monaftery call'd


Pegnaleth. This Peftilence did no lefs Harm in the Island of Ireland. Many of the Nobility, and of the lower Rank of the English Na tion, were there at that Time, who in the Days of the Bifhops Finan and Colman, forfa king their Native Island, retir'd thither, either S 3


a Pegnalaech in King Alfred, Peginaleah, in the Saxon Chron. Vagele. Thought by Dr. Smith to be Finchale, two Miles from Durham.

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for the fake of Divine Studies, or of a more continent Life; and fome of them prefently addicted themselves fincerely to a Monaftical Life; others chofe rather to apply themselves to ftudy, going about from one Master's Cell to another's. The Scots moft willingly receiving them all, took care to fupply them with their daily Suftenance, as alfo to furnish them with Books to read, and their Teaching, gra tis. Among thefe were Edilhun and Ecglert, two Youths of great Capacity, of the English Nobility. The former of which was Brother to Ethilwin, a Man no lefs belov'd by God, who also afterwards went over into Ireland to ftudy, and having been well inftructed, return'd into his own Country, and being made Bishop in the Province of: Lindfey, long govern'd the Church moft worthily. Thefe two being in the Monaftery, which in the Language of the Scots is call'd Rathmelfigi, and all their Companions, either fnatch'd away by the Mortali ty, or difpers'd into other Places, fell both defperately fick of the fame Diftemper, and were grievously afflicted. Of thefe Ecgbert (as I was inform'd by a Prieft venerable for his Age, and of great Veracity, who declar'd he had heard thefe Things from his own Mouth,) concluding that he was to die, went out of his Chamber, where the Sick lay, in the Morning, and fitting all alone in a convenient Place, began feriously to reflect upon his paft Actions, and being full of Compunction at the Remembrance of his Sins, bedew'd his Face with Tears, and from the Bottom of his Heart, pray'd

b Melifont in Ireland.

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