صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

partakers of the spirit by which it is accompanied, Without, therefore, prefuming to determine upon the condition of those who are out of the church, we are at least justified in faying, that their hope of fal vation must be built upon fome general idea of Divine mercy, to which the member of the church has a covenanted claim. In the one cafe we have an act of Grace indeed; but for the performance of which there is no fecurity, because it does not ftand on the fure ground of any revealed promife: whilst in the other we build on a positive act of Covenant, which affuredly will take place, according to the conditions on which it has been made; because "He is faithful who hath promifed.".

In this one church, then, we have the facraments of CHRIST's appointment; as feals of that covenant, by which fallen man lays claim to eternal life. In this one church, we have the ambaffadors for CHRIST, whofe facred office it is to administer, in the name of Him whom they are commiffioned to reprefent, the facraments of that covenant, which GOD on his part is thereby engaged to fulfil. In this one church, we have moreover the spirit of CHRIST accompa nying his own ordinances; according to the promise made at the original establishment of this church,

that He would be with it always, even to the end

of the world "

Such are the effential advantages attendant upon communion with the church.

Let us now confider for a moment the difadvantages confequent upon a feparation from it.

When you leave the church, then, it should be remembered, you leave the minifters and facraments of CHRIST behind you. You may indeed appoint other minifters, and inftitute other facraments; but let it be obferved, these minifters are not the ambaffadors of CHRIST; nor are the facraments which they adminifter, the facraments of CHRIST: for the effence of an ambaffador's office is, that he fhould be commiffioned by the party whom he represents, and in whose name he acts; and the effence of a covenant, of which the facraments are feals, is, that it fhould be binding upon the party in whofe name it is made. But ministers of the feparation are not ambassadors of CHRIST, becanse they have never been fent by him; and with refpect to the benefit to be derived from the facraments administered by them, their dif ciples must not look to God, for this obvious reason, because GOD is not bound but by covenants of his own making.

Now the effect to be looked for from the Chriftian facraments depends not upon the mere performance of the miniftry, in the adminiftration of the elements of water in baptifm, or of bread and wine in the LORD'S-Supper; (for in that cafe, any minister, however appointed, might answer the purpose;) but upon the spirit of GoD accompanying ordinances of his own inftitution. And there is little reafon to fup pofe, that the Divine bleffing will accompany irregular miniftrations, call them by what name you please; which are not only not fanctified by Divine appointment, but are moreover in direct oppofition to that order, which is effential to the peace and preservation of the Chriftian church Whoever, therefore, hopes to receive benefit from religious fervices, muft perform them according to God's will, rather than his own; for let our religion be ever fo right and good in our own eftimation, it cannot, on that account, have any covenanted title to thofe privileges and bleffings, which are by Divine authority annexed to the church of CHRIST.

In this fenfe, the primitive fathers are to be underfood, when they fay, that there is no falvation out of the holy Catholic Church. By which is meant, that no covenanted plan of falvation has been revealed

to man, fave that which is addreffed to him as a member of the church of CHRIST.

"The fecret things belong unto the LORD our GOD." Where, therefore, no knowledge has been vouchfafed, no judgment fhould be paffed. In all fuch cases every confiderate man concludes, with faithful ABRAHAM, that "the Judge of all the earth will do right." But fo far as revelation holds out a light to direct, we are authorised and required to judge; because a revelation must be supposed to be given for that purpose.

In this revelation then we read, that "no man cometh to the Father, but by CHRIST." And according to the fame authority, to have an interest in CHRIST, man must be admitted into his church. In conformity to the general tenour of this revelation, then, we hesitate not to fay, that there is abfolute fecurity in the church for every found member of it, and that we know of no fecurity out of it. The difference between the condition of a member of the church of CHRIST at the bar of trial, and of one that is not, appearing to us to be this: the former, in arrest of judgment, pleads a covenanted title to the benefit of an act of grace paffed by the Judge in hist the latter, having no fuch title to plead, is


obliged to throw himself unconditionally on the mercy of the court. Upon a matter, therefore, of the utmost importance; when there is abfolute certainty founded on the revealed word on one fide, and no fpecific declaration on the other; the wife man, who has confidered the fubject, will, it is prefumed, take no long time to fettle his judgment.

To the foregoing advantages and disadvantages of primary importance, confequent upon communion with, or feparation from, the church, may be added others; which, though of a fubordinate kind, will not fail to have their weight in the scale of every reafonable man. When Chriftians affemble in the houfe of GOD, it is understood to be for the purpose of joining in those acts of religious worship, fuitable to their condition as fallen, finful, and dependent creatures. Thefe acts are diftinguished by the ap propriate titles of confeffion, prayer, and thanksgiving. The first, the neceffary condition of forgiveness; "If we confefs our fins, GoD is faithful and just to forgive them." The fecond, the condition upon which all Divine bleffings are to be obtained; " Afk," fays our bleffed Master, "and it shall be given unto you." The third, that demonstration of gratitude for mercies and bleflings beftowed, which will ever

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