صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Establish'd Church of England.



Preach'd in the Parish-Church of

St. Clement-Danes,

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Printed for William Taylor, at the Ship in Pater-
Nofter-Row. 1710.






HE Advice of Friends, and the Fuftice I owe my Self, prevail with me to Publish this Difcourse, which pretends to no Merit but that it will receive from its Accufer, who always gives Worth to what be comdemns. Thofe Principles he counts unfound, are Orthodox; what he terms Sedition, is Loyalty; what Obedience, is Rebellion.

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Evil Reports industriously Spread about, or an anonymous Letter Spitefully written, to him Sufficiently prove the Truth of that his Weekly Libels are made


What he charges upon me I utterly abbor; Far be it from me to pronounce of my self Damnation to any of my Diffenting Brethren; but Jure I can't be thought too Intemperate in my Zeal, or uncharitable in Opinion, becaufe I call that a damnable Sin which God has declar'd to be fo: And I hope nothing here will be found contradictory to his Holy Word, or inconfiftent with that Moderation they fo much boast of, and we of the Church


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