صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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ABBOT, the, the new novel, extracts frog, 93.1

A. B. C. letter of, on orthogrophical innovations, 311.

Abeona transport, melancholy acount of the loss of the,
by fire at sea, 238.

Academical degrees, remarks upon, 255.
Actors, a family of, 207.

Adair, Miss Bridget (humorous lines) 140.

Adders, a great depot of, discovered near Dumfries, 367.
Advertisement, curious, from an Irish paper, 5.-For a
boarding school, 86. Of a runaway slave, 91.

Affections of the Mind, paper on, by Y. Z. 225.

Africa, Campbell's second journey to, 398-M. La-
land's researches in, 191, On the exploration of, 59.
African justice (a curious anecdote) 126.

Agriculture, a discovery in, 116.

Albanians, singularly fearless of death, 398.
Alcander, verses by, 420.-Letter from 423.
Alfred, a ballad, by J. S. W. 212.

Ali Pasha, biographical notices of, 162.
Amateur Theatricals. - See Theatricals.

Amator Decori, letter by, on indelicate placards, 248.
Amelia, lines written by the late Princess, 52.

America, North, on the Indian Tribes of, 173.-On the
size of the Lakes of, 174.-A traveller undertakes to
go to, from Europe through Asia, 339.-List of the
United States of, 279.- Welsh Indians at, 59.

America, South, original letter on the manners and
customs of, 101. Captain Parsons's journal, 2, 30.
American tribute to British humanity, 86.-Slave ad-
vertisement, 91.-Humour, 149.-Muse, 196.-Fri-
gate a (tremendous one) " the Devil," 270.-Aerosta-
tion, 191.-Arts and sciences in general, 191.-Puf-
fing, a capital specimen of, 348.

Amethysts, a large block of, discovered, 131.
Anagrams, a collection of, 213, 221, 237.

Ancestry, a bon mot of Cicero, on the pride of, 343.
ANECDOTES, 6, 7, 16, 23, 35, 48, 56, 75, 102, 111,
120, 120, 124, 124, 125, 126, 126, 126, 135, 135,
142, 142, 142, 171, 175, 190, 190, 191, 219, 255,
255, 267, 291, 294, 298, 307, 326, 326, 336, 343,
343, 346, 351, 354, 387, 387, 393, 393, 395, 395, 415.
Andrews, Henry, the author of Moore's Almanack,

notices of, 205.

Anglesea, Marquis of, lines on his leg, 188.
Angler, the, from the Sketch Book, 105.

Anglo Saxon coins, discovery of, 22.

Animal, a nondescript one discovered in a log of wood,
56.-Sagacity, instances of, 318, 411.-Anecdotes,
387.-Magnetism, prize question on, at Berlin, 59.

Animalculæ, wonderfully small, 310.
Animals, a new mode for killing, for food, 59.-Com-
parative length of the lives of, 293.

Anne, Queen, a farthing of her reign discovered, 375.
Antarctic continent, discovery of, 50.- Other notices of,
330.-Skeleton of a whale found on a hill in, 331.

ANTIQUITIES, 13, 20, 21, 22, 35, 80, 126, 126, 129,
145, 153, 159, 169, 174, 190, 190, 215, 219, 227,
246, 332, 340, 344, 350, 359, 365, 366, 374, 378,
379, 382, 383, 406, 406, 413, 418.

Antiquary, the new play of the, criticised, 55.-The, a
curious origi al character, 158.-Letters of an. See
COINS, the Study of.

"Auld lang syne," new version of, 220.-Beautiful | Botanic Garden, lines on visiting the, 396; and remarks

imitation of, 372.

Ausculation, a curious medical discovery, 72.

on the institution and the study of botany, 396.

Bradbury's Travels, extracts from, 7.

Author, an enraged one, attacks the editor. The edi- Brandenburgh House, a description of, 75.
tor's reply, 352.

Authors, remarks on disappointed ones, 376.
Autumn, lines on, by John Keats, 69.


Avalanche, one in Germany, 62.-In America, 62, 109.

Bachelor, letters of a young one, 73, 96.-Letter from
a disconsolate young one, 328.

Bachelor's Fancy Ball, lines on, and notices of, 300

Description the dresses, &c. 302.-Other lines on,
324.-Thermometer, the, 305.


Bride of the Hills, the, a story after the manner of
Ossian, 123.

Bridge, the new chain one, over the Tweed, 87.
Bridget Adair, Miss, lines on, 140.-Letter from
Bridgetina, 208.

Britain, Little, from the Sketch Book, 97.
Britannia, the, of the copper coins of Charles II. a like-
ness of Francis Stuart, 343.
British Antiquities, 20, 165. Humanity, American

tribute to, 86.

Bronze statue, the (a good story) 9.

"Bagatelle, vive la," lines so titled, 20.
Bahia, letter from, descriptive of the inhabitants, &c. Bubbles, on the blowing of rosin ones, a curious experi-


Bailey, the old, state of, for the year, 195, 255.

Bakewell, Haddon, &c. a Walk through, by Wilfred
Wender, 353.

Ball, the fancy one at the Wellington Rooms, descrip-
tion of the dresses of, 302.- Verses on, 300, 324.-
One at Berlin, 315.

Banditti of Calabria, instances of their ferocity, 195.
Bandy, letter on the game of, 160.
Banks, memoirs of the late Sir Joseph, 57.
Barbers, the Chinese ones described, 255.
Bark, Peruvian, a substitute for, 38.
Barometer, a curious one in Finland, the Mnemosyne,

270.-Spiders, a good one, 126.
Bartley, Mrs. remarks on her performances, 31.
Bat, a live one discovered in a cherry tree, 175, 270.
Bateau roulant, le, a French invention, 132.
Bath, the Floating, letter to Bolton, describing, 48.
Bath, destruction of the Lower Assembly Rooms at, by
fire, 214.

Bear, a Polar one escapes from a caravan, 175.-A tame
Malayan one, 318.-Captain Scoresby's account of the
Greenland one, 198.

Beauty, poetically described, 196.-Original lines on, 4.

Becket, Thomas à, epitaph on, 343.
Bedford, the Duke of, his advice to his sons, 117.
Bees, singular attack on man and horse by, 94.- Poetical

list of the plants they extract honey from, 355.
Beeston Castle, short sketch of the history of, 359.
Bellamy, lines by, addressed to Betsy, 260.-Laughable
critique on, by Polonius Pottinger, 271.
Belzoni's model of the Egyptian Tombs, 342. Other
notices of, 358.

Benefactions to public charities (large ones) 199.
Berlin, a fancy ball at, 315.

ment, 270.

Bull-dog, the, and the tea-kettle, battle between, 279.-

-Instance of the ferocity of, 75.

Buns, cross, origin of, on Good Friday, 366.
Burkhardt, the traveller, curious anecdote of, 126.
Burns, lines by, on a kiss, 69.-Said not to be original,
76, 80. Scott, Byron, and Campbell, compared by
Mr. Gillespie, 273.

Butchers, the law respecting, 207.

Byron, Lord, character of, by Goethe, 23.-Lines on
Ocean, 60. Anecdote of, 191.-Burns, Scott, and
Campbell compared by Mr. Gillespie, 273.-Curious
original anecdote and verses by, 277 -His account of
swimming across the Hellespont, 321.-His remarks
on the British drama, 358.

Bywater, Mr. remarks on his pamphlet on Magnetism,



C. original or translated papers by, 228, 237, 241, 253,
256, 262, 268, 276.

Cæsarian operation performed at Perth, 142.
Calabrian banditti, notices respecting, 195.
Caleb Quotem, a match for, 56.
Cambray, on the Nuns of, settled near Liverpool, 73.
Campbell, Burns, Byron, and Scott, compared, 273.
Campbell, Mr. his second journey to Africa, 398.
Canals of Great Britain, remarks upon, 410.
Cannibalism in New Zealand, 200.

Cannon, extraordinary Asiatic one, 127.

Capital punishments, opinions of great men on, 313.
Caracci Annibal, curious anecdote of, 255.

Carbonari, account of the, 100.

Cards, on the origin of, 171.

Carlos, the Duke San, sale of his goods, 7.
Carp, one weighing 19lb. 23.

Berri, M. le Duc de, pretended prognostics of his fate, 4. Carriage impelled forwards by machinery, 174.

Betsy, lines to, by Bellamy, 260.-Quizzed, 271.

Bible, famous doggrel version of the, 79.

Biggin Dale, described by Wilfred Wender, 402.
Bilston, the great Iron Works at, laughably compared
to hell, 199.

BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES, 15, 26, 34, 42, 57, 104,
158, 162, 205, 205, 230, 313, 325, 329, 350, 387.
Birch, le pattissier, lines on, 60.
Birds, astonishing power of the flight of, 231.-Wild and
tame, curious facts concerning, 166.-Quantities of,
in Westminster Abbey, 255.

Birkbeck's Settlement at the Illinois, letter of John
Woods from, 182.

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Cashmere goats, the French stock of, state of the, 379.
Cat born with four eyes. 134. One saves a favourite
bird from another cat, 120.

Catastrophe, horrible, in India, 187.

Catherine, lines to, by Coade Lambeth, 204.
Cats, on the worrying of, 208, 224, 231.-On their be-
coming rabid, 280.

Cattle, when trespassing cannot legally be abused, 123.
Caxton printing office, poetical sketch after the fire at,


Cecilia, St. a modern'one, 149.

Chain bridge over the Tweed, 87.
Character, remarks on, by the author of Horæ Otiosæ,
335.-A poetical one, 204.-An eccentric one, 205.-

A singular one, 247.-From the life, by D. 316.

Characters, great ones, their weights, 165.

Charade, by Charles James Fox, 244.-Other Charades,

253. Sce also Enigmas, &c.

Charing-cross, origin of the name of, 299.
Chariot made of Etrurian ware in Plutarch's time, 342.
Check-mate, origin of the term, 68.

Chemical experiment, 333-Another, 270.
Chemistry, a query whether taught in any Liverpool
schools, 399.

Chesnut-trees of an immense size, 126.

Artists, whimsical blunders of, 343.

Ashford, epitaph on Mary, 45.
Ashford, Bakewell, &c. a walk through, by Wilfred Bob Trippet, letter from, on his disasters, 143.

Wender, 353.

Asparagus, early crop of, 206.

Assassins, or notices of the old man of the mountains, Bolton Abbey, near Skipton, lines on visiting, 316.

Bold-street, complaints respecting the state of, 168, 256.
Boleyn Ann, coronation of, 13, 21.

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Bombastes Furioso, 17.- On the author of, 39, 40, 46.


Asthma, tar pill recommended in, 46.

Bonaparte, biographical sketches of his private life, 230.

Astronomical tables, wonderful, 218.

Bones, interesting Philosophical facts concerning, 193.

Astronomy of the Japanese, 102. Of comets, remarks BON MOTS. Sce Jeux d'Esprit.

Chess, query respecting, and answer to, 256, 256, 327,
-The double game of, 294, 296.-Letter of S. on,
319.-New and uncommon variations in the game of,

on, by Ölbers, 373.

Atheist, an avowed one in America, 247.

Book Worm, the adventures of one, by the author of
Horæ Otiosæ, 349, 364, 394.


Child, singular escape of a very young one, 388.

Children, three at a birth, 144.

Chinese dinner, description of one, 67.-Mode of war-
fare, 206.-Barbers, their manners described, 255.-
Jugglers, description of their tricks, 261.-Jugglers,
letter on the feats of the, 295.-Notions of retributive
justice, 387.

Christison, biographical memoir of the late Professor, 15.
Christmas as it was two hundred years ago, 229.

CHRISTMAS BOXES, 213, 221, 229, 236, 244, 253, 264.
Circulation of the Blood, original essay on the, 37.
Circumstantial evidence, singular cases of, 119, 136.-
Another, 161.

Clans, gathering of the, a custom common to Scotland
and Ceylon, 159.

Classical dispute between Walpole and Pultney, 250.-
Anecdote of Burke and Fox, 271.
Clio, letter by, on Miss Stephens, 146.

Clock, a wooden one sent to Latakoo, and conceived to
be alive, 126.

Cloth of so close a texture as to resist wet like a skin,
174.-Rendered uninflammable by M. Gay Lussac,
203, 282.

Coade Lambeth, short letter by, 127.-Lines by, 204.

Coal, the, and the diamond (a fable) 188.

Coals, remarks on the weighing of, 208.

Cocciensis, letters from, 359-On British coins, 383, 395.
Cock-crower, the King's, a singular office, 299.

Cocks, on the custom of throwing at, on Shrove Tuesday,


Coffin, a large stone one discovered in Lincolnshire, 165.
-Another, 190.-Another, near Kilburn, 344.
Coffin-boards publicly exposed, a nuisance, 400.
Coincidences, on the game of, 47, 54, 54, 54.

COINS, original papers on the study of, 263, 267, 287,
289, 307, 332, 346; last letter, 383.-Anglo Saxon, on
the discovery of, 22.-French, &c. 80.-Others, 190.
-A review of the British, recommended by Coccien-
$is, 359.

Coinage of England, silver, gold, and copper, 307.
Coke, on the burning of, 200.-Another letter, 294.
Cold, Dr. Radcliffe's opinion of a, 84. On the effects of,
during the Arctic Expedition, 279.

Columbia, Captain Parsons's journal from, 2, 30.
Columbus, biographical notices of, 104.

Colquhoun Dr. his opinion of capital punishments, 313.
Combustion, spontaneous, curious case of, 174.

Comet, a new one, 310, 310.-Olbers on the possible
proximity of one to the earth, 373.

Conjurers, Indian, described, 304.
Conscience, the new tragedy, a critique on, 283.
Conspiracy of a singular nature, 119.
Consular coins, remarks upon the, 287.

Consumption, lines to, 117.

Continent, the discovery of a new one, 80, 150.
Conundrums, 213, 221, 229, 230, 236, 237, 244.
Convict, the, an interesting tale, 81.

Cookery in days of yore (curious) 71.

Copernican system proscribed by the Catholics, 20.
Copperpla e printing, great improvement in, 38.
Cordeliers and the soldier, a tale by Sachetti, 127.
Cornelius, lines by, to Mary, 76.-Original elegy by, 308
Cornwall, Barry, extracts from his poems, 36.

Coronation of Ann Boleyn described, 13, 21.-Ceremo-
nies described, 406. -Jubilee, letter of ( on, 424.
Corporation oratory (a whimsical anecdote) 351.
Cossacks, characteristic anecdotes of the, 222.
Cottage, poetical description of an old English one, 166.
Courtesy, the letter on, by Marmaduke Modish, 215.
Courtship, recipe for, 20.-Presents given during, to be
by law returned, 367.

Cow, a remarkably prolific one, 191.

Craniological pun (a good one) 267.

Craniology, Kant and Lavater, an anecdote, 16.
Creation, the (American poetry) 196.

Credit to youths under age reprehended, 304.
Cribbage, a query respecting the game of, 351.-An-

swered, 360.

D. a character by, from the life, 316.

Damon and Delia, lines so entitled, 156.
Dances of our ancestors, remarks upon, 223.
Dangle, Charles, letters by, 54, 62.
Dead alive, whimsical letter from D. Eccleston, 415.
Dead Sea, the, a description of, 226.

Deaf and dumb cured by a French physician, 174.
Death and the drunkards (a tale from Chaucer) 77.
Death of a friend, lines on, by E. F. 332.
Death, lines on, 140.-The punishment of, opinions of
various great men respecting, 313.-The Albanians
singularly fearless of, 398.

Deaths, the proportion of, at different ages, 407.
Debating societies, letter of Try Again on, 239.-Of J.
S. W. on, 248, 286.

Debating Society defended from an attack in the Courier,
236, 264.

Decatur, Captain, his fatal duel with Commodore Bar-

ron, 3.

Decent Fellow, a letter so signed, 46.

De Courcy, or Heroes in days of yore, 83.

Dermot O'Goster. - See Goster, Dermot O'.

DERBYSHIRE, a Pedestrian Pilgrimage through some
of the most romantic parts of, by Wilfred Wender,
338, 345, 353, 370, 385, 402, 417.

Devil, the, a new American frigate, 270.

Devil (a fish) runs away with two parsons, 407.
Devonshire, the Duchess of, lines by, on passing the
mountain of St. Gothard, 108.

Eclipse, the great solar one of 1820 (with a digram) 73.
-Other notices of, 73, 74, 74.

Eclipse, bon mots respecting, 135, 135.

Eddystone light-house, interesting account of, 27.
Edict, singular, by an Emperor of Morocco, 40.
Edinburgh reviewers, critique on the Sketch Book, 113.
Education, national (a list of schools in Liverpool) 278
Eel, not of the congor species, weighing 361b. 23.-A

remarkably large one, 271.

E. F. lines by, on the death of a friend, 332.

Egremond, the boy of, a poetical tale, 69.
Eggs, query on the preservation of, 327.-Answered, 359.
Egypt, Belzoni on the phenomena of, 211.

Egypt, further discoveries in, 397.

Egyptian mummy, minute description of one, 111.
Egyptian antiquities, the temple of Ybsambul, 227.-
Other notices of, 359-Mummies, 365.

Egyptian tombs, model of, by Belzoni, 342.
Elder-tree leaves, a preventative to moles, 103.
Electricity and George III. an anecdote, 102.

Elephant goes mad, and is attempted to be poisoned, 135.

Eliza, lines addressed to, by D. 229.

Elizabeth, Queen, verses by, 12.

Ellen, lines addressed to, 156.-By Y. 372.
Elliot, Hugh, biographical notices of, 350.

Elocution, Mr. Putnam's readings, &c. 368, 372.
Embalming, a description of the Egyptian mode of, 365.
Emigrant, a sonnet to one, 30.

Emma, lines to, by Westmore, 276.

Diamond, the, and the coal, a fable, 188.-A large one | England, the royal family of, descent of, 14.-In 1598,

belonging to the East India Company, 373.

Dinner, a Chinese one described, 67.-Expenses of a
public one in 1561, 35.

Disinterment, the, an affecting story, 65. A tale from
the original German of Ochlensehlager, 108.
Dispensary, letter of Junius, recommending a new one,
215.-Reply to, by "A Subscriber," 231.
Diving Machine, a new one tried at Vienna, 231.
Dog becomes intimate with an Arctic wolf, 191.-And
turkey, singular attachment between, 387.-The,
coat, and the players, a good story, 142.

Doge of Venice, the, by Lord Byron, announcement of,
150.-Translation, from Sismondi, of the story dram-
atised by Lord Byron, 253.

Dogs, law concerning, in New York, 4.-Mad, curefor
the bite of, 23.- Letter of Julius on the stealing of,
310.-A recommendation to have them muzzied,
416.-Fighting, 376.

Double entendre, an epistolary one, 134.
Dove Dale, described by Wilfred Wender, 403, 417.
DRAMA, the, or criticisms on new plays, &c. 8, 15, 17,
24, 31, 39, 47, 55, 62, 70, 79, 87, 87, 95, 103, 119,
199, 238, 239, 283, 358.-Lord Byron's remarks on
the British, 358.-Essay on the morality of the, by
Lorenzo. 268. Of the age of Elizabeth, an essay on,


DRAMATIC CRITICISMS on Liverpool performers, &c.
8, 16, 19, 31, 32, 39, 40, 47, 55, 63, 71, 79, 79, 87,
88, 88, 95, 103, 110, 111, 111, 119, 119, 128, 136,
143, 143, 143, 151, 151, 159, 199, 391, 392, 400.-
Coincidences, 47, 54, 54, 54, 62, 62, 71.-Recreations
of the Royal Family, 1.

Dramaticus, letters by, 8, 16, 19, 39, 55, 71, 88.-Re-
ply to, 88.-Other letters by, 110, 143, 391.

Dreams, letter of, J. Q. upon, 311.

Dress, its effects in the eyes of the world, 46.
Drunkards, punishment of, at Constantinople, 158.
Drury, an epigrammatic address to, 112.
Drury-lane theatre, new colonnade erecting at, 135.
Dry rot, an American specific for the, 174.
Duck-egg, a live worm found in one, 331.
Duck-hunting, &c. near the Botanic Garden, 376.

Duel, fatal, between Captain Decatur and Commodore
Barron, 3.

Duel of the Honourable Captain Spencer, 75.

Duelling, letter of Joseph II. against, 295.-Letter on,
by Pacificus, 125.-Lines on, by Cowper, 149.-Re- |
marks on, 159.

Cricket, lines to the, 179.
Criticism, humourous, by Palælogus Modestus, on Dulce Domum, lines so entitled addressed to Captain H.,

Willy White," 183.

Cross buns, origin of, on Good Friday, 366.


Dumb and deaf cured by a French physician, 174.

Cruelty to animals, instances of and remarks on, 208, Dutch and Flemish schools of engraving, 225.

208, 231, 280, 288, 376, 399.

Cuckoo, singular custom respecting the, 398.

Culloden, extract from the journal of one who was at
the battle of, 112.

Cumnor becomes a place of great resort, in consequence

of Kenilworth, 398.

Cumnor Hall, beautiful lines so entitled, 412.
Cutlery, superb specimen of, 79.


D. lines so signed addressed to Eliza, 229.


E. letter of, respecting Quadrille and Whist, 376.
Eagle, a Roman one discovered in Germany, 255.
Earth, the, on the internal forination of, 350.

Earthquake at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 126.

Eating, good, a paper in praise of, 389.
Eccentric character, a curious one, 205.
Ecclesiastes, poetical paraphrase of, 148.
Eccleston, Daniel, a whimsical character, letter from,

on the announcement of his death, 415.

from Heintzner's travels, 163.

English on the Continent, manners of the, 102.-Lan-
guage, a list of the derivatives of, 6.-Pronunciation,
queries of a foreigner respecting, 360.-Language,
remarks of A. Q. W. on the anomalies of, 376.-Man-
ners and superstitions before the Reformation, 246.-
Succession curiously and regularly broken, 278.-
Remarks on their character by the French, 411.-Style
of engraving, remarks on, 143.

ENIGMAS, Charades, &c. a collection of, 213, 221, 229,
236, 237, 244, 253, 264.

Enjoyment, remarks on the pursuit of, 223.
Engraving, historical and critical. See Prints.
Engravings on wood, very ancient notices of, 342.
Epicurism, a paper in praise of, 389.
EPIGRAMS, &c. 8, 20, 30, 36, 60, 60, 69, 75, 112, 120,
135, 180, 222, 231, 396, 396.

Epitaphs, curious ones, 370, 371, 424.-Remarks on
their absurdity, by Pyrus, 344.
Escape, a singular one, of a very young child, 388.
Etymologies, local, by Toi, and remarks on by T. 378,

Eutropius, Roman history discovered in the Royal Li-
brary at Bamberg, 126.-A MS. of, discovered, 37.
Evidence, singularly round about, 288.
Ewe yeans five lambs, 126.
Executioner, difficulty of obtaining a Welsh one, 398.
Experiments, two curious chemical ones, 270, 333.
Exeter Cathedral, discovery of sarcophagi in, 174.
Eyam, the scenery of, described by Wilfred Wender,
370, 385.

Eye institutions in Liverpool, letters on, 47, 61.


Facial angle of various nations (with a wood cut) 333.
Fair, a hint to the, 53.

Fairplay accuses the editor of plagiarism, 320.-Editor's
defence, 328.-Editor defended by X. L. D. 336.
Falconer, lines by his sister on his supposed shipwreck,


Falieri, the Doge of Venice, translation from Sismondi
of his history dramatised by Lord Byron, 253.

Fanaticism, curious instance of, 127.

Fancy Ball at the Wellington Rooms, lines on, 308.-
Dresses, &c. at, described, 302.-One at the Castle
Royal, Berlin, 315.-Other lines on, 324.

Fancy, tit-bits for the, 207.

Fanny, lines on, by Poynton, 124.
Farthing, one of Queen Anne's discovered, 375.
Fashion, on the vicissitudes of, 102.

FASHIONS for the months.-Sce the first number in
each month.

Fashionable hours, breakfast at three P. м. 125.

Female presence of mind, a German story, 135.-Sym-
pathy, original fragment on, 286.

Females of Ormskirk, a caution to, by a correspondent,
352. The statements of, denied, 375.
Festival, an extraordinary Russian one, 35.
Filbert, the Kentish one (a tale in verse) 101.

FINE ARTS, a series of papers on, 201, 209, 218, 225,
233, 243, 263, 267, 287, 289, 307, 332, 343, 346, 383,
388,395, 423.-Extraordinary! 120.-Of St. Giles's,
1 207.-Boxing, 315.


Fire alarm, a new and ingenious one, 142.

Fire at the Caxton Office, lines after the, 253. A per-
petual one, 196.-Occasioned by a globe of water,
containing gold fish, 342.-At sea, and loss of the
Abeona transport, 238.

Firman, literal translation of a Turkish travelling one,


Fish, general observations upon, 86. A monopoly of,
in the Liverpool market, 336. The horn of one
found in a ship's bottom, 231.

Fishes, some rare English ones, 327.
Flagellation, immense, by Orbilius, 56.-Reply to, 72.
Flagging the streets, complaint of Thomas Pincher
against, 224-Complained of, 398.

Flemish and Dutch schools of engraving, 225.

Flies, recipe for destroying, 136.

Floating Bath, a Boltoner's letter describing, 48.
Flogging, a machine for, to be used in schools, 343.
Flower, a luminous one, 262.

Flower, a singular one, of a changeable colour, 203.
Food, on the preservation of, 103.

Food of man, paper on, by Y. Z. 217,
Fortune, great reverse of, 315, 221.-Singular advance-
ment of, 387.

Fowls, wild and tame, curious facts concerning, 166.
Fox, Charles James, a charade by, 244.

France and the French nation attacked by Mr. Mulock
in his lectures, 318.-Challenged by three French of-
ficers, 318.

France, a grand map of, 142.-Original papers on the
state of society in, 237, 256.

Franklin, Dr. his opinion of capital punishments, 313.
Freedom, its effects animating the breast of a Negro,


Freemasons in Germany, particulars respecting, 279.
Freezing, evolution of heat by, 80.

French cookery very deceptive, 278. -School of engraving,
remarks upon, 233. Grammar (mes très chers père
et merr) criticism on, 152, 156, 156, 165, 165, 165,
172, 192, 200.-Institute, dictionary of the, 192.-
Luxuries in ancient and modern times, 254.- Voyage
of discovery, L'Urania, 172.

Friday, Good, origin of cross buns on, 366.-at Bahia,

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Gleaner, a, a collection of maxims by, 127.

Housewifery, good, the miseries of, letter of Simon

Globe, the, on the internal formation of, 350.-With Sensitive, describing, 367.
the mountains in relief, 191.

Gluttony, singular fable in verse, ridiculing, 340.
Goëthe, his remarks on Lord Byron, 23.
G. N. letters so signed, 32, 47, 63, 79, 79, 95, 103, 104,
111, 151.-Remarks on the new corps dramatique, 400.
Goodman, the widow, her difficulties respecting two
early offers of marriage, 408.
Goster, Dermot O', letter from, detailing the death of
his friend O'Shaughnasey, 240.-Remarks on, 248.-
Another letter from, 271.-Letter disclaiming the
third canto, 295.-Another letter, 351.

Gothard, St. lines on passing the mountain of, by the
Duchess of Devonshire, 108.

Granaries, Sicilian, used for prisons, 158.

Grant, Mrs. asserted to be the author of Waverly, &c.

• 404.

Grasshopper on the Royal Exchange, cause of the, 35.
Gratitude, lines to the tear of, 380.

Gravity and levity, a jeu d'esprit, 69.

Gregory, brief memoirs of Dr. James, 329.

Gresham, Sir Thomas, anecdote of the early life of, 35.
Gretna Green and the blacksmith, notices of, 350.
Grayhound, properties of a good one described, 220.
Grinding-stones from France, 176.

Guacharo, description of the Grotto of, in South Ame-

rica, 175.

Gulielmus, letter of, on affairs of the heart, 104.
Gymnastic diary, 144.


Haddon, Bakewell, &c. a walk through, 353.
Hail, M. Delcros on the nature of, 59.

Humanitas, letter from, on cruelty to animals, 376.
Husbandry by the spade, economical, 174.
Hydrophobia, reported cures, 23, 351.-Remarkson, 416.
Hymen on crutches, 159.


Illinois, letter of John Woods from Birkbeck's settle-
ment at the, 182.

Imperial coins of Rome, remarks on the, 289.
Importance of the first or last, a query respecting the,


Indelicate placards. - See Placards, indclicate.
India, treatment of the native women in, 254.-Plea-
sures of a voyage to (satirical poetry) 252.-Oration,
in reply to a North American Missionary, 167.-
Tribes of North America described, 173.-Newspa-
per, extract from a North American one, 126.
Indian or Hindoo conjurers, wonderful accounts of, 304.
Indifference and abstraction, curious instance of, 343.
Infirmary, the Liverpool, annual report of, for 1821, 257.
Inhumanity, letter respecting, 208.-See Cruelty.
Inkle, a modern one, 103.

Insanity, curious instance of, near Brighton, 62.
Insanity and murder, horrid case of, 62.
Insects, on the metamorphosis of, 182.

Insects, method of destroying, 310.

Insurance company at Cadiz take the Virgin Mary into
partnership, 346.

Italian banditti, notices concerning, 195.
Intoxication, how counteracted, 270.

Iron bridge, an elegant one in Essex, 235.-Works,
the great ones at Bilston laughably compared to hell,

Halo, curious, round the sun, 38.
Hamlet, Kean's performance of, lines on, by Mr. Al- Irving, Washington. See Sketch Book.

ston, 340.

Hands, a laughable paper on the shaking of, 149.
Hang or marry, an historical anecdote, 284.
Hare, the, and the eager sportsman, an anecdote, 124.
Hat in hand, a school custom, 71.

Hats, on the stealing of, 248.

Haymarket, an obelisk recommended in the, 134, 176.
Head and heels, poets and knights, a jeu d'esprit, 120.

HEART, AFFAIRS OF THE, 38, 73, 80, 85, 85, 96, 104,
117, 320, 328, 375, 383, 384, 384, 390, 390, 392, 399,


Heart, original article on the structure of the, 49.
Heartly, Tom, letter from, 168.

Heaton, Ralph, an ingenious mechanic, notices of, 325.
Hebrides, mode of living of the cattle there, 206.
Heintzner's travels in England, extracts from, 163.
Hellespont, Lord Byron's account of swimming across
the, 321.

Hen and rat, a battle between, 54.

Henriade of Voltaire, anecdote of the, 295.

Henry, a despairing young bachelor, letter from, 328.
"Henry and Helen," an original tale, 52.
Henry IV. of France, an anecdote of, 142.

Henri Quatre, critiques on, 39, 47, 47.
Herculaneum, the last days of, 330.

Heroes in days of yore, 83.

Heroism, youthful, 60.

Gas company, inquiries respecting their tardy progress,
176, 176, 200.-Burned in the day time, person fined
for, 40.-Gas from oil preferable to that from coal, the, 193.-Corrections, 215.

[blocks in formation]

Highlands of Scotland, Mr. Philip's appeal concerning

Highways, remarks upon the improvement of, 397.
Highwayman shot under singular circumstances, 135.
Hindoo superstitions respecting self-sacratice, 23, 150,
176, 254, 420.

Hindoo widows, on the immolation of, 173.-Debate in
Parliament on the burning of, 420.-See Widores,

and Immolation.

George III. and electricity, an anecdote, 102.-An-Historical curiosity, 206.-Queries, 215.
other, 387.

Holdsworth, Mr. his remarks on the steam-boat, 130.

George's Church, letter of I. S. on the architecture of, Holy Land, the, in 1820, 226.

[blocks in formation]

Honest man, poetically described, 204.
Honesty, Turkish ideas or, 255.-An extraordinary in-
stance of, 159.

Honour, the point of, a query proposed, to the editor
respecting, 384.-The case stated by M. 390.-Another
letter, 390.-Editor's opinion, 392.-Conclusion of the
affair, 399.-And remarks on, 400.

Vekespie, the Rev. Mr. his remarks on the poetry of Hookah, joys of the (poetry) 356.-Pains of the, 380.
Burns, Byron, Scott, and Campbell, 273.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

J. H. letter by, on the Liverpool Theatre, 143.
Jerusalem, picture of the Queen's entry into, 75.-De-
scribed in 1820, 226.

Jessamy, letter from, stating the cruelty of his mistress
Sophia, 375.-Answered by two Sophias! 383, 384.
-Letter of advice to, from Valerio, 390.-Letter
from, disclaiming the second Sophia, 390; and her
announcement of her marriage with a present of
bridecake, 392.

JEUX D'ESPRIT, Bon Mots, &c. 8, 20, 30, 36, 36,
45, 48, 60, 60, 62, 69, 75, 84, 102, 111, 120, 124,
124, 185, 135, 150, 180, 182, 188, 214, 214, 219, 231,
267, 267, 276, 276, 276, 343, 343, 395, 396, 396.

Jews, a colony of, in America, 184.

Johnson, Dr. his opinion of the punishment of death,

[blocks in formation]

Kaleidoscope, address on the commencement of the new
series, 1.-Address of the editor on the conclusion of
the volume, 417.

Kant, Lavater, and Craniology, 16.
Kean and Macready compared in Richard III. 119.-
On his farewell address, 128.-His reception in
America, 238.-His speech at a dinner given him in
New York, 255.-And the critics (a capital American
puff) 348.-And Rae, epigram on, 112.-His Hamlet,
lines on, by Mr. Alstons, 340.

Keats, the poet, a sounet to the memory of, 348.
Kelly, the composer and wine merchant, epigram on. 188.
Kenilworth, annour.cement of, 159.-Criginal critique
on, by C. 241. A critique on, from the Scotsman
249.-Castle, description of, 204.-Novel, on the
quadrilles mentioned in the, 242.-Makes Cumnor
place of great resort, 398.

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