صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

(tous les pécheurs passent également dans l'enfer, séjour de tristesse et d'affliction), the Orthodox Church professes that for those who, before death, were penitent, but had no time to bring forth worthy fruits of repentance . . . there remains the possibility of obtaining a refreshment from pain, and even a complete escape from the chains of Hades." This they can obtain by no repentance, or merit of their own, but only by the prayers of the Church. Macarius suggests that the sufferings of the penitent may be less than those of the reprobate, and even that there may be in Hades "plusieurs demeures et des rétributions differentes," but he insists upon there being no distinct place in Hades for the penitent apart from the damned and the devils. Of such a distinct place he says, "Nous ne le saurions, parce que l'Église n'admet point d'état intermédiaire pour les âmes après la mort, point de troisième lieu entre le ciel et l'enfer ou la Géhenne," i.e. the Eastern Church, as I have said already (p. 396), admits no intermediate place such as Purgatory "between Heaven and Hades or Gehenna."

This Macarius repeats with emphasis in the next section on "Purgatory" (see p. 272 for quotation), and asserts that the chief difference between his Communion and the Church of Rome is on the doctrine of Purgatory being a place distinct from "Hell" (Gehenna), and upon the question of temporal punishment; the Easterns deny that temporal punishment is endured in Hades. After the resurrection Macarius teaches that the soul will receive an increase of joy or pain through its reunion with the body, and consequently until the resurrection man is not completely (ie. as a whole) rewarded or punished. His soul is, however, before the resurrection either in Heaven-which is called by many names—or in Hell, which is called by many names. There is no intermediate place for




Abraham's Bosom, and Paradise,
156-60, 237, 275

Achilles and Patroklos, 105
Advent, Second, 176

Æonian, 149, 150

"Aɩdηs, 140, 142 (notes)

Akiba, Rabbi, 125, 128
Alford, Dean, 177
Altars, privileged, origin and mean-

ing of, 319; utility, 321
Anacreon, literary epitaph on, 96
Ancestor worship, Israelite, 68
Anglican Communion, teaching

of, as to intermediate state, 356;
as to authority of Church and
Holy Scripture, 329-33; appeal
of, to Fathers, 332
Annihilation, 132
Anthology, the Palatine, 94
Apocrypha (see Deutero-canonical

Apostles, their teaching office, 8;
inspiration of, 9; teaching of, as
to Second Advent, 175-7
Articles, The XXXIX., XXII.,
299; VI., 329; XX. and XXXIV.,

"hidden receptacles" of souls,
186; on Abraham's Bosom and
the Vision of God, 237; teaching

Aquinas, St. Thomas, on

on Purgatory, 261-3, 301, 334;
Commentary on Sentences, 262;
on temporal punishment, 337
Augustine, St., on intermediate
state, 186; on righteous dead,
187; De cura pro mortuis, 190;
on prayer for departed, 198; on
sacrifice of altar and alms for
departed, 202; on perfecting of
souls before general judgment,
209-10; on classes of souls,
217-18; on "saved, so as by
fire," 219, 242; on severity of
suffering after death, 244; on
penance, 31I

[blocks in formation]

Christ crucified, conformity to,

Chrysostom, St. John, on joy and

sorrow over departed, 184; on
the righteous dead, 185; on in-
vocation of saints, 190; on prayer
for sinful dead, 210-15; on un-
certainty of salvation, 240
Church, a witness, 6; relation to
Bible, 6, 39, 332; not an oracle, 10
Cicero, on funeral rites, 105
Clement of Alexandria, St., on
our Lord's descent into Hades,
172; on suffering hereafter, 243
Coleridge, Father, 303-5, 315-16,
Commendatory prayer, Anglican,
247; Roman, 350
Commination Service, on primitive
discipline, 306, 341
Communion of Saints, the, 295;
when found in Creed, 187, 189
Councils, œcumenical, 11; ac-
cepted by Anglican Communion,
II; of Florence, 263-5, 289,
395; of Bethlehem, 270-1; of
Trent, 255, 287, 288, 300
Creationism, 28

Creeds, contain dogmatic faith, 12;
Nicene, decree of Council of
Ephesus as to, 10-11; a develop-
ment of deposit of truth, 226
Cyprian, St., on Paradise, 183;
on purification after death, 243-4;
on remission of penance, 308
Cyril of Jerusalem, St., 29; on
"caught up to Paradise," 163,
185; on commemoration of saints,
and prayer for departed, 203;
divides dead into three classes,


Damascene, St. John, 268
Dante, 119, 157

66 Day of Christ," 176, 346
Dead, Israelite superstitions con-

demned, 70; Office of the, 260
Death, twofold aspect of, 49; soul

survives, 50; improvement after,
53; in what sense end of proba.
tion, 56-9; type of sin, 142
Delitzsch, 35-7, 161, 169
Departed, prayer for, in Macca-
bees, 117, 127; modern Jewish,
129; Gentile influence as to, 130;
in all religions, 199-200; for
whom among departed, 201-2;
for sinners, 203, 209; in Litur-
gies, 202-7; in Primitive Church,
209, 245-6; in Canon of Mass
and Offertorium of Mass for
Dead, 256; in Eastern Church,
276; in Ist Prayer Book, Ed. VI.,
358; in present Prayer Book,
359; Abp. Temple on, 360;
alms for, 211, 214-15, 217-18, 246,
265, 269; diptychs of, 206
Deutero-canonical Books, 83, 112
Dives and Lazarus, 54, 143, 152
Doctrine, Romish, as to tortures
of Purgatory, 301; of material
fire, 303; of indulgences, 306
Dogma, and doctrine, 12; Roman,

distinction between the, and
doctrine of theologians, 279-84;
on Purgatory not contrary to
Scripture, 365
Dositheus, Bp., 270
Duggan, Father, Steps to Reunion,


Eastern Church (see Orthodox)

"Ecclesia docet," etc., 8
Edersheim, Dr., 121–2, 125
Elias taken up to heaven, 163, 185
Elysian Fields (Isles of Blessed),
92, 93, 98, 103, 111, 132, 133,

Enoch, Book of, 119
Ephesus, Decree as to Nicene
Creed at Council of, 10
Epitaphs, Greek, on Anacreon and
a slave, 96; Plato's on Aster, 97;
on Sabinus, 97; on Pamphile
and Plato, 98; on Plato, a boy,
and Proté, 99; why they contain
no mention of Tartarus, 100
Essenes, 116; belief of as to future
life, 123

Eternal Hope, 149, 150-1

ἑτερὸς and ἄλλος, “ another gospel,”


Eucharist for departed in Primitive
Church, 201, 202, 203, 211, 214-
15, 241, 364; in Eastern Church,
269, 271, 272; in Roman Church,
256, 317; should be valued, 364-5


Faber, Father, 192; Interest and
Characteristics of the Lives of the
Saints, 193-4

Faith, The, once delivered, 8
Fall of man, 158
Fathers, The, on Pagan philosophy,
88; on intermediate state, 177,
234; on two states hereafter,
235-6, 239; on pain of sense,
242-4; different opinions of, 275-6;
hope for sinners, 289 (see Eucha-
rist, Departed, etc.)

"Figures of the true," 136, 137

[blocks in formation]

Guilt, absence of, negative state,
241; of mortal and venial sin, 337


Habits, hard to alter, 51

Hades, 54, 119; no sunlight in,
96; whole nether world, 140,
143; gates of, 141, 142; tem-
porary purgation in, 141, 253;
our Lord's descent into, 143,
159, 160, 162, 164, 172; all
imperfect souls in, 252-3; the
"place of grief and pain," 274
Harnack, Dr., 189
Heaven, four Hebrew words for,

66; belief of Jews about, 119;
the "throne of God," 137; a
region above, 138; future home
of man, 138-9; third, 162-3;
souls already in, 167-8
Hellenisation of Judæa, 113
Hilary, St., distinguishes between
"kingdom of the Lord" and
"kingdom of God," 186
Hillel, school of, 121
Hinduism, sacrifice for dead, 91
Hinnom, Valley of, 119, 140
Hippolitus, St., teaches all souls
in Hades, 238

Homer, his teaching on future life,
91; on burial of dead, 105
Homily on Prayer, denies inter-
mediate place, 360
Honorius, Pope, 283, 284
Humanity, Sacred, visible in heaven,

Hunter, Father, S.J., Outlines of
Dogmatic Theology, 293; on
Indulgences, 309-10


Illuminative way of Church, 81
Immortality, conditional, 39, 44
(see Soul)

Infallibility, dogma of, 286
Inferi, the nether world, 236,257,
260, 262, 265
Inspiration, 64

Intermediate State, little revealed
as to, 13; in Old Testament,
67-84; in ancient religions, 90,
105; in Jewish tradition, 116-21;
in New Testament, 152-168; in
Primitive Church, 175, 334-5;
in medieval, 252-4; in Greek
Church, 276; in modern Roman
Communion, 326; in Anglican
Communion, 333, 343
Invocation of saints, 189; wide-
spread in fourth century, 191;
abuse of, in medieval Church,
"Romish doctrine of," 193,



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