Satisfaction would quickly teach Children to court Commendation, and avoid doing that which they found every Body condemned, and they were sure to suffer for, without being chid or beaten. This would teach them Modesty and Shame; and they would quickly... The authoress, by the author of 'Rachel'. - الصفحة 498بواسطة Authoress - 1810عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب
 | John Locke - 1693 - عدد الصفحات: 290
...condemned, and they were fure to fuffer for, without being chid or beaten. This would teach them Modefty and Shame; and they would quickly come to have a natural Abhorrence for that, which they found made them (lighted and neglected by every Body. But how this Inconvenience from Servants is to be remedied, I... | |
 | 1772 - عدد الصفحات: 326
...were fare to fuffer for 4 .without being chid or beaten t This would teach them modefty.and fhame, and they would quickly come to have a natural abhorrence for that which they found made them flighted and neglccted by. everybody'. But how this inconvenience from fervants ii to be remedied,... | |
 | John Locke - 1779 - عدد الصفحات: 336
...they were fure to luffer for, without being chid or beaten. This would teach them modefty and flume ; and they would quickly come to have a natural abhorrence for that which they found made them flighted and neglected by everybody. But how this inconvenience from fervants is to be remedied, I... | |
 | Samuel Richardson - 1785 - عدد الصفحات: 450
...condemned, and they were fure to fuffer for, without being chid or beaten. This would teach them Modefty and Shame, and they would quickly come to have a natural Abhorrence for that which they found made them flighted and negledted by every body.' This affords me, dear Sir, a pretty Hint : For if ever your... | |
 | 1786 - عدد الصفحات: 684
...they were fure to fuffer for, without being chid or beaten. This would teach them modelly and fhame, and they would quickly come to have a natural abhorrence for that which they found made them (lighted and neglected by every body.' This affords me, dear Sir, a pretty hint: for if ever your charming... | |
 | Samuel Richardson - 1786 - عدد الصفحات: 676
...they were fure to fuffer for, without being chid or beaten. This would teach them modeily and (líame, and they would quickly come to have a natural abhorrence for that which they found made them flighted and negleflcd by every body.' This affords me, dear Sir, a pretty hint: for if ever your charming... | |
 | John Locke - 1802 - عدد الصفحات: 308
...avoid doing that which they found every body condemned, and they were sure to suffer for, without being chid or beaten. This would teach them modesty and...found made them slighted and neglected by every body. But how thi^inconvenience from servants is to be remedied, t must leave to parents care and consideration.... | |
 | John Locke - 1812 - عدد الصفحات: 492
...doing that, which they found every body condemned, and they were sure to suffer for, without being chid or beaten. This would teach them modesty and...found made them slighted and neglected by every body. But how this inconvenience from servants is to be remedied, I must leave to parents care and consideration.... | |
 | Samuel Richardson - 1813 - عدد الصفحات: 608
...avoid doing that which they found every body condemned, and they were sure to suffer for, without being chid or beaten. This would teach them modesty and...slighted and neglected by every body.' This affords me a pretty hint ; for if ever your charming Rilly shall be naughty, I will proclaim throughout your worthy... | |
 | Samuel Richardson - 1816 - عدد الصفحات: 638
...that which they found every body condemned, and they were sure to suffer for, without being chid nr beaten. This would teach them modesty and shame, and...natural abhorrence for that which they found made then lighted and neglected by every body.' This affords me a pretty hint ; for it ever your charming... | |
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