Not a great deal in the former : there were very few novels and romances that my lady would permit me to read ; and those I did, gave me no great pleasure ; for either they dealt so much in the marvellous and improbable, or were so unnaturally inflaming... The authoress, by the author of 'Rachel'. - الصفحة 547بواسطة Authoress - 1810عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب
 | Samuel Richardson - 1813 - عدد الصفحات: 608
...former : there were very few novels and romances thnt my Indy would permit me to read ; and those Í did, gave me no great pleasure ; for either they dealt...marvellous and improbable, or were so unnaturally in/1 lining to the passioiu, and so full of lave- and i'aIrigue, that most of them seemed calculated... | |
 | Samuel Richardson - 1816 - عدد الصفحات: 638
...the former ; there were тегу few novels and romances that my lady would permit me to read ; and those I did, gave me no great pleasure ; for either they dealt so much in the marvtUout and improbable, or were so unnaturally in_ flaming to the fussions, and so lull of love and... | |
 | Samuel Richardson - 1873 - عدد الصفحات: 558
...former, said I ; there were very few novels and romances, that my lady would permit me to read ; and those I did, gave me no great pleasure ; for either they dealt so much in Afrmarvellaus and improbable, or were so full of love and intrigue, that hardly any of them but seem'd... | |
 | Samuel Richardson - 1883 - عدد الصفحات: 458 in the former: there were very few novels and romances that my lady would permit me to read; and those I did, gave me no great pleasure; for either...intrigue, that hardly any of them but seemed calculated to jire the imagination, rather than to inform the judgment. Tilts and tournaments, breaking of spears... | |
 | Samuel Richardson - 1883 - عدد الصفحات: 460 the former : there were very few novels and romances that my lady would permit me to read ; and those I did, gave me no great pleasure ; for either...intrigue, that hardly any of them but seemed calculated to Jlre the imagination, rather than to inform the judgment. Tilts and tournaments, breaking of spears... | |
 | Samuel Richardson - 1902 - عدد الصفحات: 414 the former : there were very few novels and romances that my lady would permit me to read ; and those I did, gave me no great pleasure ; for either...intrigue, that hardly any of them but seemed calculated to Jire the imagination, rather than to inform the judgment. Tilts and tournaments, breaking of spears... | |
 | Samuel Richardson - 1902 - عدد الصفحات: 402 in the former: there were very few novels and romances that my lady would permit me to read; and those I did, gave me no great pleasure; for either they dealt BO much in the marvellous and improbable, or were so unnaturally inflaming to the passions, and so... | |
 | Samuel Richardson - 1926 - عدد الصفحات: 592 in the former : there were very few novels and romances that my lady would permit me to read; and those I did, gave me no great pleasure; for either...the passions, and so full of love and intrigue, that most of them seemed calculated to fire the imagination, rather than to inform the judgment. Titles... | |
 | Samuel Richardson - 1929 - عدد الصفحات: 480
...the former, Miss; there were very few Novels and Romances, that my Lady would permit me to read; and those I did, gave me no great Pleasure; for either...of Love and Intrigue, that hardly any of them but seem'd calculated to fire the Imagination, rather than to inform the Judgment. Tilts and Tournaments,... | |
 | Marijke Rudnik-Smalbraak - 1983 - عدد الصفحات: 296
...worth citing in full, There were very few novels and romances that my lady would permit me to read; and those I did, gave me no great pleasure; for either...the passions, and so full of love and intrigue, that most of them seemed calculated to fire the imagination, rather than to inform the judgment. Titles... | |
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