Pomum explained, i. 274. ii. 59. iv. 511. Poppies, i. 78. when sown, i. 212. Portunus, i. 437. Poscenium explained, ii. 381. Reponit explained, iii. 76. Rhodope, i. 332. iii. 351, 462. iv. Riding, by whom invented, iii. 95, 115. Riphæan mountains, iii. 196, 382. Position of trees to be regarded, ii. Robigo explained, i. 151. 269. Potnia, iii. 267. Prætorium, iv. 75. Premere virgulta explained, ii. 346. Priapus, where worshipped, iv. 111. Properare explained, i. 261. Propolis, iv. 38. Proscenium explained, ii. 381. Proteus, his character, iv. 374, 388, 391, 394, 405. Purple of Tyre, ii. 465. Putris explained, i. 215. ii. 204. Pythagoras, the inventor of the Q. Quash, whence derived, i. 74. R. Rain, the signs of it, i. 370. Red, that colour applied to the sea, Remus, ii. 533. Relicti considered, iv. 127. Robur signifies timber, i. 162. Rome, on what day founded, iii. 1. Rosemary used in sprinkling, ii. Scythian, a name for all the north- 373. Seges usually signifies the field, i. 1, Selo, a river of Italy, iii. 146. Seneca censures Virgil unjustly, i. Septem trio, the north, iii. 278. the Sheep, fruitful in Italy, ii. 150. go Spring, when it begins, i. 43. the Spuma argenti explained, iii. 449. Star of Julius Cæsar, i. 488. Stones to be buried at the roots of Stork, when it comes into Italy, ii. Storm described, i. 311. Styx, iv. 479. Subsolanus, the east, iii. 278. Suculæ, an improper name for the Sun, its prognostics, i. 438. pale- Swallow, injurious to bees, iv. 15. T. Tabularium, ii. 502. Tabulatum explained, ii. 361. Solstitium signifies only the summer Taburnus, ii. 38. solstice, i. 100. Soul of the world, iv. 221, 226. South wind, why called black, iii. 278. cold, iii. 279. Spadix considered, iii. 82. Taburo, ibid. Tæda, ii. 431. Tænarus, iv. 467. Tanagrus, a river of Italy, iii. 151. Spears, of what wood made, ii. 447. Tarentum, ii. 193. iv. 125. Spatium explained, i. 513. Spelt, i. 73. Sperchius, ii. 487. Tares, i. 75. Tares, when to be sown, i. 228. Tar, iii. 450. Triptolemus, i. 19. Taurus, when the sun enters that Triticum is a bearded corn, sign, i. 217. Taygeta, ii. 4. iii. 444. Temo explained, i. 87. iv. 171. Tempestates signifies storms, i. 27, 252. Thistle, i. 151. i. 219. Truncheons explained, ii. 63. Tyber, i. 499. iv. 369. Tyre anciently called Sarra, ii. 506. ས. Uber explained, ii. 275. Thucydides, his description of the Vellere signa explained, iv. 108. plague at Athens, iii. 478. Thymbræus, a name of Apollo, iv. Thyme of the ancients, iv. 112. Tiger described, iii. 264. Verbena considered, iv. 131. Veru distinguished from Pilum, ii. Vesevus the same with Vesuvius, ii. 224. Vetches, i. 75. when to be sown, Tithonus, i. 447. iii. 48. turned to Vines, the various sorts of them, ii. a Cicada, iii. 328. Tmolus, famous for saffron, i. 56. Tondeo used for the grazing of Tophus explained, ii. 214. Trahea, a threshing instrument, i. Transplanting of great trees, iv. 146. Trenches for vines, ii. 288, 289. Tribulus, the name of a plant, and 153. Triones, whence derived, iii. 381. 91, &c. not accounted trees, ii. Viper or adder, iii. 417. 100. Quintilian, iii. 79. Seneca, Virosus not always used for poison- Vitta, what it was, iii. 487. Unlucky days, i. 276, 277. Voluptas explained, iii. 130. Uva explained, ii. 60. Vulcan used for a large fire, i. 295. W. Water said to be first produced by West wind called Favonius and Ze- Willow described, ii. 13. four sorts Wind rising, the signs of it, i. Wine, rivers of it in the golden age, FINIS. BAXTER, PRINTER, OXFORD. |