To feed the Church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. Acts, xx. 28.. LONDON: PRINTED BY S. GOSNELL, LITTLE QUEEN STREET, HOLBORN. Published by L. B. SEELEY, 169, Fleet Street; to whom Communications may be * * This Work may be procured regularly of any Bookseller or Newsman in the PREFACE. IN closing their seventh year's labours, the Conductors of the Chris tian Guardian can with confidence appeal to the past as the best security that their Work shall be devoted to the promotion of vital godliness, more particularly among the Members of the Established Church. Since the commencement of our Miscellany several new periodical works have been published: without disparagement to any of these, it is our opinion, that the Christian Guardian has still its peculiar claims upon Churchmen, as being the only one that is conducted strictly upon Church of England principles, and in which her doctrines are defended, and her formularies explained. All other denominations have found the advantages of having Periodical Journals adapted to, and explanatory of, their particular sentiments; and we are persuaded that Clergymen cannot better promote the interests of religion than by giving their support to a work which is calculated to impress the minds of their people with love to our excellent formularies, and attachment to those pious Ministers, whose varied labours of love are here recorded in the accounts of our different Church-institutions, and in the lives of those persons who have fought the good fight, and finished their course in joy and peace. On comparing the pages of the present year with those of the former, the Conductors wish to express their grateful acknowledgments to their many valuable Correspondents, whose varied labours have enabled them to present their Readers with a series of Religious Communications on a multiplicity of important subjects, which have not, for piety and intrinsic merit, been exceeded by those which are to be found in any other religious publication. And it gives them real pleasure to be able to state, that, from the matter they have in hand, and the promised support of their tried friends, they can engage that their next year's volume will be even still more interesting than the present. Some of our Readers approve, whilst others object to our introduction of Poetry: after due deliberation, we have resolved to continue the practice, and we earnestly request short pieces from our poetic friends, which shall meet with early insertion. To the great object of the London Society for promoting Chris tianity among the Jews we have ever been warmly attached, and our Readers will, with pleasure, have perceived that the Society is now conducted in strict conformity with the rules of our venerable Church: we shall, from time to time, record such of its proceedings as are most interesting. The Church Missionary Society has increased, both in its resources and its means of employing them, in a considerable degree in the course of the present year. Much important information has been communicated to the Public by means of the Missionary Register; and the only reason why we have not given more copious statements has been the impression that the Register was in the hands of most of our Readers; but, finding that some of our respectable Correspondents complain of us on this account, we assure them that whatever communications are sent us by that excellent Society shall, without delay, find a place our Publication. A subject of vital importance to the Church is now much agitated. Several answers to Dr. Mant's views of baptismal regeneration, by able and judicious men, have recently been published; and we are happy to announce, that we have received some able papers on this controverted point from one of our brethren, and that we have the promise of others, from one whose standing in the Church, and sound judgment, would enhance their value, were we allowed to publish his respected name. There is no portion of our work which is read with greater interest and profit than the Biographical; our Correspondents must therefore pardon us for always requiring that such articles be well authenticated, and with real signatures: our secrecy may be depended upon. We carnestly solicit from our brethren contributions of this description. The triumphs of faith are equally interesting in every station of life, and we shall have equal pleasure in inserting the Obituary of the poor man, rich in faith, and proved to be an heir of glory, with the Memoir of the laborious Minister or the exalted Layman. To our numerous Contributors we return, in the name of our Church, unfeigned thanks; and we entreat them still to continue this their labour of love. With such coadjutors, and in such a cause, we have no doubt that, in due time, we shall reap, if we faint not. To Him that is able to keep us we commit ourselves, and the work we are engaged in, with the fullest confidence that our endeavours will not be unsuccessful. And to the Great Head of the Church be all the glory. Amen and Amen. MEMOIR OF THE LATE REV. JOHN To the Editor of the Christian SIR, You will oblige many of your readers in this part of the kingdom, by inserting in your valuable work the following "Memoir of the late Rev. JOHN WALTHAM, M. A. Rector of Darlaston, and one of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the county of Stafford." Yours respectfully, E. B. Stafford and Warwickshire, THERE are few things less becoming the simplicity and humility of the Gospel, than for one sinful mortal to make the obituary of another the vehicle of elaborate and inflated eulogy. We are nevertheless commanded to "remember those who have spoken unto us the word of God;" those whom he has vouchsafed eminently to qualify, and to bless in his service; to follow their faith, considering the end of their conversation." In this view, the examples of great and good men become their best relics, which their contemporaries and successors should endeavour to preserve-not as objects of idolatry or empty boast, but of pious and diligent imitation: first, by glorifying God in them; and then, by following them as they followed Christ Jesus. CHRIST. GUARD. VOL. VII. [No. 1. Vol. 7. When Mr. W. was appointed to Darlaston, the state of the great bulk of its population approximated almost to barbarism! It is true there were some of whom "better things should be said, and things that accompany salvation;" but, it is a melancholy fact to be recorded of any parish within the British empire, that, with respect to the generality of his parishioners, he had to contend with gross ignorance, and with vice in its most offensive forms; with sabbathbreaking; drunkenness; brutal sports, such as boxing, cock-fighting, and bull-baiting; and with what was, if possible, still more arduous, with the formidable determination of many, whom long practice seemed to have made incorrigible, not to be obstructed in their sinful courses! In a situation presenting such difficulties to a faithful Minister, qualifications of no ordinary kind seemed to be indispensable. Mr. Waltham was accordingly favour. ed, in an eminent degree, with the most essential qualities of a Christian Minister. He was a man of competent learning, and of genuine piety. His judgment was solid, and his mind firm and decided. He was laborious, diligent, zealous, and affectionate; and his person and manner were commanding and impressive. He united the office of a magistrate to that of a Minister: this brought upon him a considerable addition of care and B |