SERMONS. By JOSIAH, Lord Bishop of Infcribed to the CLERGY of his two Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always Not for that we have Dominion over your Faith, DUBLIN: Printed by GEORGE GRIERSON, Printer to то тНЕ READER. HE World is already fo full of printed Sermons, that fome Apology may justly be expected from every one who adds to the Number. And I could wish that I had lefs to fay for my felt upon that Head. It is now many Years fince I was difabled for preaching, by an overftrain of my Voice in the Pulpit, at a Time when I had a Cold with a Hoarseness upon me. And fince the Providence of God hath taken from me the Power of discharging that Branch of my Epifcopal Office which confifts A 2 |