صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


By JOSIAH, Lord Bishop of
Kilmore and Ardagh.

Inscribed to the CLERGY of his two

Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always
in Remembrance of these Things, tho ye know
them, 2 Pet. 1. 12.

Not for that we have Dominion over your Faith,
but are Helpers of your Foy; for by Faith ye
stand, 2 Cor. 1. 24.


Printed by GEORGE GRIERSON, Printer to
the KING'S Most Excellent MAJESTY,
at the King's Arms and Two Bibles in
Effex-ftreet. M, DCC, XXXVIII,

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printed Sermons, that some Apology may justly be expected from every one who adds to the Number. And I could wish that I had less to say for my felt upon that Head.

It is now many Years since I was disabled for preaching, by an overstrain of my Voice in the Pulpit, at a Time when I had a Cold with a Hoarseness upon me. And fince the Providence of God hath taken from me the Power of discharging that Branch of my Episcopal Office which confifts

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