Laughing, Crying, Naked: Spiritual Hidden Secrets

الغلاف الأمامي
Trafford Publishing, 01‏/08‏/2003 - 419 من الصفحات
I stood before my kitchen sink washing dishes. It was a beautiful October day in the year 1960. A great part of me was dealing with sadness, a yearning for something, yet I did not know what. It was then that it happened, an enormous feeling of love, encompassing my entire body. It was beautiful, loving and peaceful. Now I heard the inner words: GOD CREPT UP ON ME. I KNOW NOT FROM WHERE. BUT WHEN I TURNED AROUND I FOUND HIM HERE, THERE AND EVERYWHERE. I knew that it came from GOD, no one else could have that power, and I immediately wrote the words down. I knew that they were extremely important and that I would refer to them often. This was the start of my first Mystical experience, called Mystical because it contains mystery, something not easily explained.
Through my five Mystical Experiences, each lasting one week each, in the years 1960, 1973, 1978, 1985 and 1986 all eventually develop into a new understanding of GOD. Each dropped a clue but not fully understood by me. Yet by the end the mystery is resolved, confirmation received and I now understand the message. I also understand that I must do something with this knowledge because all ambassadors of GOD are required to speak out. Untruths are wiped away and new thruths revealed all in a gentle kind manner. I do not judge the actions of others; but do judge what and how I make my own decisions. What guidelines I use and why.
Subjects such as Original sin, Adam and Eve, the Angels in heaven, also the importance of Jesus and Mary become questions that are answered. Why do some believe in a Harsh Punishing GOD and others like me a Kind Compassionate GOD? To understand the reader would have to read this book, for within it, more infromation is contained. It also includes the words of the book THE KING AND QUEEN...A FAIRY TALE which GOD dictated to me in Inspired Writing. In reality when you buy this book you are receiving two books in one.
As we venture through the mentioned years we will find new answers to questions asked in the past. Is it easy to be a Mystic? No, in the beginning it was not, the book explains why. A lot of people receive perhaps seconds, or minutes of Divine revelation and remain confused when it happened. In time it becomes known. In today's world there is too much confusion, too much false information thrown around, and we can become oppressed in Spirit too easily. Now is the time to throw all of this confusion off and stand tall on our FAITH. We do not do it alone for GOD and His Kingdom are there to help us. Not in fighting ways, but through forgiveness of ourselves and others. Changing of relationships for the better and the capability of listening to the Spirit of Truth. The result is finding that we do not have to die to feel the presence of heaven, but right where we stand we can feel the essence of heaven, through the Spiritual gifts of PEACE, LOVE AND JOY.
GOD shines through the pages and in the end He has the proof to redeem His name. The words NO PERSON SHOULD DENY GOD THE RIGHT TO REPRESENT HIMSELF!, finally brings clarification for GOD has made His wishes known. Through the centuries He has spoken, but the words have been forgotten or deliberately dismissed. We will have to play an important part in helping to protect GOD's name from lawsuits here in the USA. The importance of GOD's name and what He stands for also is of grave importance to the rest of the world.
This book explains more details about GOD that is rarely spoken about. I have taken certain steps to help to protect the name of GOD, these steps are explained and hopefully you will agree and do your part also. It may seem like an easy answer but I do believe that it will work. The fact remains that many have developed a make believe god that suits their lifestyle. It is time to question who is really our GOD? It is an important question because the results change with each answer.
Mary Allen, Ph.D., English Department UNSu
Adrienne R. C. Carpenter's Laughing - Crying - Naked is a brave book, offering a detailed account of her five mystical experiences. Carpenter admits to being overwhelmed. "Few realize that within there is a spiritual life that can outrun or outdistance any runner." In 1960, after the first mystical experience, she is put in a mental institution, as was the method in those days of dealing with someone who hears voices.
Brought up Catholic in Long Island, Carpenter had a guarded youth, where speaking out was not in order. Although she and her sister slept in the same bed, they were never allowed to argue, clutching separate sides of the blanket, "extremely careful that our feet did not touch."
As she later speaks out, Carpenter courageously takes her risks. Once, to be closer to GOD, she renounced her marriage and took off her wedding ring.
Carpenter questions the usual view of the Virgin Mary, that saintly girl with no speaking or thinking part. Surely in that passive role, Mary was not happy. And "by neglecting to show Mary as truly being human, the church left a void in the lives of women."
Laughing - Crying - Naked is abig book, one that the reader may want to sample, as it covers a variety of biographical, historical, and spiritual issues. Overall, Carpenter does call for us to question the journey of our souls - again and again and again.
Gisela Enright, a mature Roman Catholic friend: Roberta Allen a retired Roman Catholic nun:
Thank you for writing this beautiful book! It is truly GOD centered.
Daily New Sun:
Laughing-Crying-Naked has a print that is easy to read and her stories are constructed so that you may put the book down for a while without losing the coherence or meaning. In fact, it might be described as a book to be digested slowly to appreciate its message. Carpenter's story is compelling, however, as readers may find themselves wondering what happens next in her journey. Carpenter describes her book as "a review by a Naked Soul who is not afraid to Laugh or Cry." It is a book to sample - to return to again and again - to contemplate and consider as readers undertake their own spiritual journeys.
Retired Rev. Canon Geoffrey Dibbs:
The book Laughing-Crying-Naked, by Adrienne R. C. Carpenter, is interesting and wonderful!

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