Jale UNCLE BARNABY: OR, RECOLLECTIONS OF HIS CHARACTER AND OPINIONS. (1843.) LONDON: RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY; Instituted 1799. SOLD AT THE DEPOSITORY, 56, PATERNOSTER-ROW, UNCLE BARNABY. UNCLE BARNABY'S SENTIMENTS ABOUT NOBILITY. IN the days of my youth, it was always reckoned among the chief of my holiday gratifications, to spend a week or more at the house of my Uncle Barnaby, where I met my cousin Frank. Frank was more than two years older than myself; and, being placed at a public school, was much farther advanced in a knowledge of Greek and Latin, and also of the customs and manners of men. He was nevertheless kind-hearted, generous, and affectionate, and always treated me in such a manner as won my confidence, as well as commanded my respect. This is not uniformly the conduct of school-boys towards those whom they consider as their inferiors. As to my Uncle Barnaby, he was a worthy, benevolent old gentleman, old-fashioned in some of his customs and opinions; but always good-humoured and kind. He was an early riser; active, neat, |