Jale UNCLE BARNABY: OR, RECOLLECTIONS OF HIS CHARACTER AND OPINIONS. (1843) LONDON: RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY; Instituted 1799. SOLD AT THE DEPOSITORY, 56, PATERNOSTER-ROW, AND 65, ST. PAUL'S CHURCHYARD. UNCLE BARNABY. UNCLE BARNABY'S SENTIMENTS ABOUT NOBILITY. In the days of my youth, it was always reckoned among the chief of my holiday gratifications, to spend a week or more at the house of my Uncle Barnaby, where I met my cousin Frank. Frank was more than two years older than myself; and, being placed at a public school, was much farther advanced in a knowledge of Greek and Latin, and also of the customs and manners of men. He was nevertheless kind-hearted, generous, and affectionate, and always treated me in such a manner as won my confidence, as well as commanded my respect. This is not uniformly the conduct of school-boys towards those whom they consider as their inferiors. As to my Uncle Barnaby, he was a worthy, benevolent old gentleman, old-fashioned in some of his customs and opinions; but always good-humoured and kind. He was an early riser; active, neat, |