D555 THE WHOLE WORKS OF THE REVEREND AND LEARNED MR JOHN WILLISON, = LATE MINISTER OF THE GOSPEL AT DUNDEE. IN FOUR VOLUMES. VOL III. CONTAINING 1. THE BALM OF GILEAD, FOR II. SACRAMENTAL MEDITA- PRINTED BY J. MOIR, PATERSON'S COURT, For J. DICKSON, J. FAIRBAIRN, J. OGLE, J. GUTHRIE, and S. CHEYNΝΣ 1 4-8-1924 THE BALM OF GILEAD FOR HEALING A DISEASED LAND; WITH THE GLORY OF THE MINISTRATION OF THE SPIRIT: AND A SCRIPTURE PROPHECY of the Increase of Christ's Opened and applied in TWELVE SERMONS upon several Texts. TO WHICH ARE ADDED FIVE SERMONS, Preached upon Sacramental occasions. PSALM Ixxii, 19. Let the whole earth be filled with bis glory. Amen and Amen. PREFACE. ALTHOUGH these Sermons were preached in Scotland, and have some reference to the case of that church and land under her present divisions and backslidings; yet they are composed in such a strain, as to be useful and applicable to any church under the like distempers, which, alas! is the case of the most part. What remedies can be so effectual to cure them of these evils, as those proposed in the following Difcourses; to wit, the excellent Balm of Gilead, and the glorious ministra tion of the Spirit? If it were the gracious will of God to difpofe all the bishops and ministers of Britain and Ireland, to make it their business to open up and recommend these noble remedies to their people, it would contribute greatly to heal their maladies, and increase the kingdom of Christ in these lands. I cannot help thinking but those who are confecrated to spiritual offices would be more suitably and profitably employed in this work, than in attending courts, and pursuing secular designs. Seeing now the arm of the Lord is beginning to awake, and many are excited to run to and fro for increasing gospel knowledge, and labour to propagate the doctrine of salvation through the imputed righteousness of the flain Lamb of God: And, feeing the Lord is pleased, in fundry parts of the world, to give countenance to these endeavours by the out pouring of his Spirit, for awakening many fouls to an inquiry and search after true happiness through the blessed Jefus,-It doth highly concern all gospel-ministers and preachers to concur in helping forward the Lord's work, by proclaiming the saving doctrine and offers of free grace to the world, and to exert themselves for removing out of the way all letts and hinderances of the kingdom of Christ, that fo his dominion may spread from fea to fea, through all nations of the earth. In the following Sermons I have made some inquiry into the times and seasons of the increase of Chrift's kingdom: and because this is greatly connected with A 2 the |