صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

benevolent, and pious relict of the Rev. T. Pentycross, late Rector of St. Mary's, in that town. The fear of death was happily removed; and she died waiting and praying for her admission into the abodes of bliss.

A few hours previous to Mrs. P. died at Cholsey, near Wallingford, Mr. Melony, Assistant Preacher to Mr. Lovegrove, of the latter place. The preceding day was to him a happy prelibation of the eternal Sabbath. During a long and painful affliction, he enjoyed a degree of patience, gratitude, and joy, which would meet with very few parallels In the record of modern Obituaries. He has left a widow and several young children, to whose case a benevoleat public are referred. - See the Advertisement on our Cover.


THE Third Half-yearly Meeting of the London Society for promoting Christianity among the Jews, took place on the 13th of June, when two sermons were preached that in the morning, at St. Lawrence Jewry, King Street, Cheapside, by the Rev. T. Scott, M. A. Rector of Aston Sandford, Bucks, and that in the evening, at the Jews Chapel, by the Rev. Heary Draper, D. D. late of St. Edmund's Hall, Oxford, when Il adult Jews, and 14 Jewish children, were baptized. The services were solemn and impressive; and the congregations, which were numerous and respectable, appeared most deeply affected.

On the 14th, the friends of the Institution dined together at the City of London Tavern, in number 260, which was composed of Christians of different denominations.

After the Report was read, the

children were introduced; three of whom delivered suitable addresses, and concluded by singing a hymn, which made a strong impression.

The amount of the Colletions, Donations, and Annual Subscriptions, after the sermons and the dinner, including a Legacy of £ 200 left to the Society, by the late Rev. Mr. Pickersgill, amounted to £820 8s. 6d. - Donations to the Fund for building a House of Industry for Aduit Jews, £ 134 16s. 5d.



June 20. A numerous Meeting of the Supporters of this Institution was held in the adjoining chapel; when three of the studenis delivered orations on the following subjects: - The Atonement of Christ, Mr. J. Burder; The Necessity of the Operations of the Holy Spirit, Mr. Stenuor; - The Influence of the Gospel on the Temper and Conduct, Mr. Spencer. Mr. Turnbull and Mr. G. Clayton engaged in prayer. The next morning there was an Association of the Ministers educated in this Academy; ad many interesting accounts given of the success of their labours.. In the evening, the Res. J. Slatteris preached on the Union of Zeal and Prudence in the Christian Character, from 1 Cor. ix. 22. Mr. Kent, of Gravesend, and Mr. Smith, of Brentwood, engaged in prayer. Before the commencement of the evening service, an old man was detected in stealing a Bible; which he secreted in his hat. As he begged hard to be forgiven, he was placed in a pew near the pulpit; and at the close of the sermon stood up before the whole congregation, while Mr. S. addressed him in a solemn manner, on the enormity of his offence.


Es. d.

10 18 3

43 7 6

Rev. A. Redford and Friends, Windsor
A Collection at Heckmondwike, Yorkshire, on occasion of a Meeting

of Ministers there, by the Rev. T. Hale

Rev. Mr. Bennett and Congregation, Romsey

H. Davies and Congregation, Great Wigston, Leicestershire Collection at Devizes, Witts, by the Rev. Mess. Sloper and Elliott Friends, by the Rev. W. Howell, Knaresborough

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A Friend, by Mr. J. Honywill, Melksham

Ditto, by Mr. Mackie

Dile, by the Rev. Mr. Hopkins (received some time since)

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What is your life? - James iv. 14.

SAY, venerable Sire, whose hoary head,
• White as the almond's bloom, bespeaks thee near

The grave, - that dreary mansion of the dead!

How many are thy days, and what the joys of each revolving year?
Thus to good Jacob Egypt's monarch spake;
And thus the aged patriarch reply'd :-
Great King, my days have few and evil been,
• Clouded with sorrows, and defil'd by sin;
• Nor have my feeble footsteps measur'd o'er

The paths my fellow-pilgrims trod before."
Ah! much-lov'd Israel, with thee I'll stand,
And trace the leadings of Jehovah's hand;
Bending beneath Affliction's heavy load,
I'll lean upon my staff and worship God:
Great Cov'nant Angel, who redeem'd my soul,
Who gave me life, and made my spirit whole,
Thy bounteous hand hath fed me all the way,
Thy pow'rful arm preserv'd me to this day!
Still, O my Saviour, to my heart benigh;
Nor leave me when I bow my head and die!

Ye blooming youths whe sport in Folly's train,
Attend the faithful monitory strain.
'Tis true, your health still blooms, your morning's bright
And hence you think not of th' approaching wight :
But seize the pleasures of the passing hour,
Nor know the righteous Judge is at the door,"
Behold, your emblem in the prophet's gourd,
And hearken to the counsel of the Lord: -
Turn ye at my reproof; so shall ye know
These joys which from the living fountain flow!
Grace shall sustain you through Life's devious road,

› And Glory crown you with a smiling God!'

Sons of Ambition, who of empire boast,
Dealing destruction round from coast to coast,
Add crown to crown! See suppliant princes bend,,


And fawning sycophants your train attend;
But know your transient glory soon shall end !
An arm divine will break your iron rod,


And the whole earth acknowledge He is God!

While you will lie forgotten with the dead,

And all your laurels wither on your head!

Poor sordid slaves of Earth, whose anxious sight,

Impatient waits the op'ning morning's light,
Who eat the bread of Care, and late take rest,
Not to diffuse your blessings, nor be blest;
But make your gold the idol of your trust, -
Regardless of your souls for glitt'ring dust!
Your barns are full, heaps upon heaps are seen;
Yet still an aching void remains within !
O seek those treasures that can ne'er decrease, -
Which yield a present and eternal peace!

Thrice happy man, whose heart and hopes arise
Center'd on Christ and joys beyond the skies!

Thine, though a trying and a thorny way,
Leads to the regions of eternal day!
Kept by the pow'rof Jesus, strong to save
From sin, and death, and the devouring grave,
Thy Lord, the Lamb, shall be thy glorious light,
Nor sorrow grieve thine heart, nor veil thy sight;
With all the ransom'd hosts thy soul shall sline,
And one bright, holy, endless day be thine.


'I WILL be even with my bitterest foe,' Revenge exclaims, and then returns the blow.."I'll be superior," should the Christian say; "And kind forgiveness readily display."

On seeing the Print of Samuel at
Prayer, after a Painting by Sir
Joshua Reynolds.

WHEN I survey this holy child,
With bended knee and count'nance


With eyes and hands uplift in pray'r, Th' approving ray from Heav'o there;

What that implies, O could I be
Whene'er to God I bend the knee!
Thas fervent, reverent, and meek,
When I for heav'nly blessings seek!

But ah! I have a foe within, -
No print can shew the pow'r of sin!
This cools my fervour and desires,-
This unbelief and dread inspires..

for thy Holy Spirit, Lord!
This to my prayers shall life afford!
With Samuel's faith my soul supply,
Whene'er I to thy throse draw nigh!

ON PSALM CXIX. 94. I am thine, - save me! LORD, in thy gospel I behold

Thy truth and mercy shine;
And thus inspir'd, I urge my plea:
O save me! - I am thine.'

Oft Unbelief against thy love
Suggests it is not mine;
Yet, Lord, thy promise cannot fail:
O save me! - I am thime!

Satan persuades my faithless soul
This grace is not divine;
Bat from the guilt of unbelief

* O save me! - I am thine."

Sin and the World's deceitful charms,
In their fatse lustre shine;
But from its flatt'ring pois'nous snares
O save me! - I am thine.'


J. J.

Then in the blissful realms of light, With saints redeem'd I'll join,

G. AULD, Printer, Greville Street, London.

To give the glory due to grace,
And be for ever thine!

H. W.

The wicked shall not live out half their days.- Psalın Iv. 23.

'Tis Mirth and Wine that feast the soul,'

Cries Hellos; fill the jocund bowl,
And wreathes of roses twine;

To eat, to drink, to revel high, • Surpass the glories of the sky,

• These pleasures still be mine!!
He spake; and in the wily snare
Revell'd a while devoid of eare,
Of reason, and of grace:
Decency, maid of modest mien,
And Prudence fly the horrid scene,
Where Wisdom finds no place!

Now Riot opes her brazen lungs,
And rants with Folly's clashing


While Vice sits lowring by. When lo! they wrangle: words for blows. Are soon exchang'd, and friends for


The victims bleed and die! Ah! Hellos, had thy nobler mind Disdain'd these joys of baser kind, And soar'd to those above! Long hadst thou hv'd to bless thy

friends, ":

Possessing peace which never ends; Given from the God of Love!

Angels had hail'd thy kindred soul, And borne from Earth, without controut,

The precious prize away! Where dazzling glories beam around, Where harps divine ecstatic sound

In everlasting day!

Greenwich Road.

E. R.

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