صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Against the opposing will and arm of Heaven
May never this just sword be lifted up;
But, for that damned magician, let him be girt
With all the griesly legions that troop
Under the sooty flag of Acheron,
Harpies and Hydras, or all the monstrous

"Twixt Africa and Ind, I'll find him out,
And force him to restore his purchase back,
Or drag him by the curls to a foul death,
Cursed as his life.



Alas! good ventrous youth, I love thy courage yet, and bold emprise; But here thy sword can do thee little stead. Far other arms and other weapons must 612 Be those that quell the might of hellish charms.

He with his bare wand can unthread thy joints,

And crumble all thy sinews.

Elder Brother. Why prithee, Shepherd, How durst thou then thyself approach so near As to make this relation? Spirit. Care and utmost shifts How to secure the Lady from surprisal Brought to my mind a certain shepherd lad, Of small regard to see to, yet well skilled 620 In every virtuous plant and healing herb That spreads her verdant leaf to the morning

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his glass,

And shed the luscious liquor on the ground; But seize his wand. Though he and his curst crew

Fierce sign of battail make, and menace high, Or, like the sons of Vulcan, vomit smoke, Yet will they soon retire, if he but shrink.

Elder Brother. Thyrsis, lead on apace; I'll follow thee;

And some good angel bear a shield before us! The Scene changes to a stately palace, set out with all manner of deliciousness: soft music, tables spread with all dainties. Comus appears with his rabble, and the Lady set in an inchanted chair; to whom he offers his glass; which she puts by, and goes about to


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To gaze upon the Sun with shameless brows. List, Lady; be not coy, and be not cozened With that same vaunted name, Virginity. Beauty is Nature's coin; must not be hoarded,

But must be current; and the good thereof
Consists in mutual and partaken bliss, 741
Unsavoury in the enjoyment of itself.

If you let slip time, like a neglected rose
It withers on the stalk with languished head.
Beauty is Nature's brag, and must be shown
In courts, at feasts, and high solemnities,
Where most may wonder at the workman-

It is for homely features to keep home;
They had their name thence: coarse com-


And cheeks of sorry grain, will serve to ply The sampler, and to tease the huswife's wool. What need a vermeil-tinctured lip for that, Love-darting eyes, or tresses like the Morn?

There was another meaning in these gifts; Think what, and be advised; you are but young yet.


Lady. I had not thought to have unlocked my lips

In this unhallowed air, but that this Juggler Would think to charm my judgment, as mine


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Bitter constraint and sad occasion dear
Compels me to disturb your season due;
For Lycidas is dead, dead ere his prime,
Young Lycidas, and hath not left his peer.
Who would not sing for Lycidas? he knew 10
Himself to sing, and build the lofty rhyme.
He must not float upon his watery bier
Unwept, and welter to the parching wind,
Without the meed of some melodious tear.
Begin, then, Sisters of the sacred well 15
That from beneath the seat of Jove doth

Begin, and somewhat loudly sweep the string.

Hence with denial vain, and coy excuse:
So may some gentle Muse

With lucky words favour my destined urn, 20
And as he passes turn,

And bid fair peace be to my sable shroud! For we were nursed upon the self-same


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