صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Justice might have been fuffered to take Place That God fhould both be, and ap

upon us.

pear to be, holy and just, is absolutely neceffary. And this ought to be well confidered by thofe Perfons, who reprefent GOD as a Being of infinite Mercy and Compaffion, to the Exclufion of his other moral Perfections; and hence take the Liberty of indulging themselves in their audacious Sins. In fhort: Most of the Errors in the Study of Theology, arise from confidering God as the tender and indulgent Father of his Creatures, without reflecting that he is at the fame Time, the moral Governor of the World. As He is the Father of his Creatures, He must be tender and compaffionate: As He is the moral Governor of the World, He must render to every Man according to his Works; He must treat every intelligent Being, according to the Excellence, or Depravity, of its moral Character.

"But how is it confiftent with diftributive Juftice, that Man fhould fin, and Jefus die? "Is it not neceffary in the very Nature of Things,


Things, that the Soul that finneth should die, and not one that is innocent"?

If a Being can be found, who has a perfect Command over his own Life: If he willingly fubftitute himself in the Place of Sinners: If his Subftitution will anfwer all the Ends of the Divine Government: And if God is pleased to accept fuch Being in the Room and Stead of the Rebellious: Then it is no longer necessary Man fhould be left to the dreadful Confequences of his own Tranfgreffion. But iffuch a Being could not be found, it appears to us impoffible that Man could be faved. For fooner fhall we be left to perish, as the Fallen Angels, than JEHOVAH fuffer his Laws, which are eternal in their 'Obligation, to be violated with Impunity.

"But fing, O Heavens, and be joyful, O Earth, and break forth into Singing, O Mountains, for the Lord hath vifited and redeemed his People; he hath found a Ransom". Jefus is a Perfon every Way equal to the mighty Tafk. "He hath trodden the Wine-Prefs of

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his Father's Wrath alone, and of the People there was none with him. He is a Perfon,



who hath Life in himself, even as the Father hath Life in himfelf". He willingly fubfti tuted himself in the Place of Sinners: come, fays he, to do thy Will, O God; I am content to do it, yea, thy Law is within my Heart". His Substitution in the Place of Sinners gives a brighter and more illustrious Difplay of the Perfection of the Divine Nature, and moral Government of God, than though Man in his own Perfon had endured the Per nalty. And we are not left to conjecture whether the Plan is agreeable to the Father, fince he more than once declared himself well pleased in the Undertaking of his Son; "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased".

The World then in general, and We in particular, without a Saviour, are in a loft, help-lefs, hopeless Condition. It was not consistent with the Perfection of the Divine Nature and Government, to pardon and receive us to Favor without a Satisfaction. Jefus is a Perfon every Way equal to the arduous Task. Willingly he undertook to redeem his People.. And

And the Father has declared himself well plea fed in the Undertaking of his Son,

"It may be asked how, or in what Manner, "did this adorable Saviour accomplish the "Work of Redemption"?


In order to this, two Things were more efpecially neceffary. Man had tranfgreffed the holy, just, and good Law of God: therefore the Saviour muft perfectly fulfil. Man had done an infinite Difhonor to the Di vine Nature and Government: An infinité Satisfaction, or a Satisfaction of infinite Value, must therefore be paid. For we must e ver remember, that the Dishonor done to any Governor by disobeying his Laws, and treating his Authority with Contempt, is always in Proportion to the Eminence and Dignity of that Governor: And confequently, the Satis, faction necessary to maintain the Honor of his Government, must also be in the fame Propor tion.

For Inftance: If an Offence is committed! against the Perfon of the King's Majefty, the Crime is deemed High-Treafon, and the un



happy Perfon forfeits his Lands and Goods, together with Life. If the fame Offence is committed against a private Character, the Perfon guilty endures an inferior Punishment.

But the Being against whom we have tranf greffed, is the great I AM; the infinite, selfexiftent, JEHOVAH; the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords: Therefore the Satisfaction requifite to maintain the Dignity of his Law and Government muft likewife be an infinite Satisfaction.

Now in order to obey the Law for Man, and alfo to pay the Penalty incurred by our Tranfgreffion, it was neceffary the Saviour fhould be in the fame Nature. A Body there fore he took, and was in all Respects like unto us, Sin alone excepted. But to give an infinite Dignity to his Obedience and Sufferings, it was neceffary he should be a Being of infinite. Majesty and Glory. And to our unspeakable Satisfacton, we are informed in the Volume of Divine Revelation, that the Redeemer of the World is God and Man united in one Perfon: Man, that he might obey and fuffer:


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