THE LADY'S FRIEND. EDITED BY MRS. HENRY PETERSON. VOL. IV. JANUARY TO DECEMBER, 1867. PHILADELPHIA: 319 WALNUT Street. TABLE OF CONTENTS. 383 "A Child Lost!" By Annt Alice,....... A French Aquarium (Illustrated),............... 204 A Memory. By Cora Leigh,. Aunt Julia's Visit. By Mrs. M. F. Ames,....... 210 191 A Welcome to Summer. By Mattie Dyer Britts, 480 A Wind that Blew Somebody Good. By Sophie A Winter Lily. By Florence Percy,.......... 52 260 Premium-How Men and Women "Fin- Vine-Style,....... .359-361 Planting out Exotics-"That Blessed Baby" -Bad Feeding in Infancy, a Cause of Disease-Short Dresses,............ .....424-425 July, 1867-The Academy of Fine Arts- Bread, the Staff of Life-Tan for Straw- berries-The Great American Tea Com- The Village Doctor-The Saturday Evening Post-The Sewing Machine Premium-In- door Plants-Choosing Carpets-The Hya- cinth-Fir-Cone Flower Baskets,.........616-617 Dress Versus Health-Clubs-Indoor Plants - ums,.... German Lessons. By Emma B. Ripley,......... 776 666 ILLUSTRATIONS: Out in the Snow-Children's Fashions for 406896 |