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النشر الإلكتروني

ple, in a firm Afsurance of Christ's Ability to heal us, and faying from the Heart, Lord, thou canst make me clean. Which, fo far as relates to the matter now in Hand, is relying entirely upon his meritorious Sufferings; acknowledging, that he hath made ample Satiffaction to the Divine Justice on our behalf; and believing the Efficacy of his Sacrifice, to as many as shall put themselves under the Conditions, appointed for being purged and absolved by it. For this Trust is the proper Foundation of all our Prayers. He, that confesses himself a Sinner, does, in that very Act, proclaim his Misery, disavow all Defert, all that can incline God to love or favour him, for his own fake. He stands condemned out of his own Mouth, as one, to whom the Extremity of Vengeance is justly due; and declares, that, if Salvation be attained, this must be owing to fome other Hand. And, since God hath given no other name in heaven, or earth, by which man must be saved, but only the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; He, who reposes not his Confidence in Him alone, can have no reasonable Encouragement, to ask, or expect Remiffion of Sins.

Acts iv. 12.

Church Catechism.

4. But, in regard we have been taught by the first Elements of our Religion, that the Sacraments are ordained by Christ himself, as means generally necessary to Salvation; and, that One necessary Predisposition to the worthy partaking of these Sacraments, is a lively Faith in God's Mercy through Christ; there may perhaps seem some ground for questioning, whether we ought, whether it be allowed us indeed, to imitate this Leper's Petition, in the Last Thing observed, or express our selves in terms fo full of Doubt and Diffidence, as Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. My Meaning is, whether the Faith in God's Mercy, required from us, do not imply a full Affurance, not only that he can, but that he most certainly will, hear, and forgive, and cleanse us.


Chriftians, though he be, without Occasion for fuch a Check from within, such an Opinion of his own Unworthiness? Which of us can look back, I do not say upon his Faults, (those are a black and ghaftly fight indeed) but even upon his Acts of Devotion, and Penitence, and Turning to God, without a fecret Shame, and sensible Regret? How many fad Relapses into Sin, How many feeble Resolutions, How many broken Sacramental Vows, does even this beft, and most comfortable, Profpect of our Lives prefently alarm us with? And how are we fecure, that those of this, or any other Day, shall be more firm, and more fuccefsful, than the Past? And if fo, How can we forbid them, who so oft have been deceived in themselves, still to go on, in fearing and suspecting themselves? In truth, How can we answer it, should we forbear exhorting, and conjuring them so to do? For fuch a holy Jealousy may awaken their Care, and the Remembrance of their former Failings will render them more watchful over their own treacherous Hearts; more prudent in the midst of Snares and Temptations, more strictly confcientious to strengthen, to recollect, to charge themselves home with their Promises of better Obedience, for the time to come? Especially, a becoming Diffidence in their own very poor Performances will most effectually conduce to their Humiliation, and clip the Wings of that Security and Spiritual Pride, which, of all other Vices, most obstructs our Improvement in Virtue, and our Acceptance with God. For the Humble are his Delight; and These will never think their Piety difparaged, by praying, in the modeft Words and Meaning of this bafhful Leper, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.

III. And those that pray with the same Disposition, he not only can, but will make clean. For my Third and last Head confifts of the Success this Petitioner found,

found, and the Methods of his Recovery, in those Words, Jefus put forth his hand, and touched him, faying, I will be thou clean. And immediately his Leprosy was cleansed. From whence I only beg you to observe, the Readiness of our Dear Redeemer to shew Mercy, The Efficacy of such fervent Prayers to procure it, The Suddenness, and the Perfection, of the Cure. And as easy, as powerful, as speedy, will Our Spiritual Recoveries be; provided we prepare our Hearts, and be equally fitted for that Mercy, which only waits a Disposition in Us, proper to receive it. Once more, I cannot but take notice of our Blessed Lord's marvellous and most amazing Condescension. He, though able to have healed with speaking the Word only, yet disdained not to touch the poor polluted Wretch. Even so, scorn not our polluted Hearts, O meek and gracious Saviour, but touch them in much Mercy and Power, though deformed with the Leprosy of Sin, and defiled with long and manifold Uncleanness. Put forth, not thy Hand only, but the renewing Graces of thy Holy Spirit. Oh enter into us, dwell with us, and reign in and over us, that we may also live, and reign with, Thee for ever! And since, till that blessed time come, we must be content to continue liable to many Weaknesses, and great Temptations; Hear, we beseeeh thee, the Petition proper to this Day, That thou would'st deal with Us, as with this happy Leper, by Mercifully looking upon our Infirmities, and, in all our Dangers and Neceffities, stretching forth thy right hand to help and defend us, O Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen.

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The Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany.

Matth. viii. 24, 25.
Píal. xciv. 17, 18.



God, who knowest us to be set in the midst of many and great Dangers, that by reafon of the frailty of our Nature we cannot always stand upright. Grant to us such Strength and ProteEtion, as may support us in all Dangers, and carry us through all Temptations, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.



1, 2. Let every Christian of what Rank or Profession soever, know that the Gospel sets none of its Professors loose, from Obedience to the Supreme Magi

1 Pet. ii. 13.



Rom. xiii. 1.


ET every foul be fubject unto the bigber Powers: for there is no Power but of God. Powers that be are ordained of God.

2. Whosoever therefore refifteth the Power, refifteth the Ordinance of God: and they that refift, shall receive to themselves damnation.

strate, and to those that are in Authority under him: but quite contrary, teaches them all to acknowledge the Authority of such to be derived from God. Consequently, whoever shall refift this Power, refifts God the Author and Appointer of it; and must expect severely to be punished for such Impiety; if not by course of Law, and the Governor so disobeyed; yet by some method which God will find for the revenging fuch Affronts, to his own Ordinance.

3. For the Design of all Government is to restrain Vice, and to encourage and Support Virtue. So that Men,

3. For Rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the Power? Do that which is good, and thou shalt bave praise of the same.

who behave themselves orderly and well, have no ill to dread, but very beneficial Consequences to expect, from the Institution and Exercise of it.

4. For the Magistrate

is appointed by God for thy Security and De

fence; so that, if thou suffer any harm by him, this is (generally) thy

4. For he is the Minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid: For be beareth not the Sword in vain, for be is the Minister of God, a Revenger to execute wrath on him that dotb evil.

own fault; when thou, by breach of Duty, provokest him to use that Power which God, who hath put Life and Death into his Hands, gave him, for the necessary Correction and exemplary Punishment, of wicked and diforderly Men.

5. This proves Men

5. Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath,

under an Engagement but also for confcience fake.


to Submiffion, not purely from a Principle of Self-preservation, to escape the Civil Sword; but to avoid Sin and Guilt, in obedience to that God whose Commiffion he hath, and in gratitude for the Benefits, that such a Constitution procures to them.

6. For, for this cause pay you tribute also: for they are God's Minifters, attending continually upon this very thing.

6. This is the ground of Governors and their Dignity being supported at the Publick Expence.

And a very reasonable one it is, fince they are the Officers of God, who hath a right to all we have, and make the Protection and Ease of their Subjects, who pay it, the whole care and business of their Lives.

7. Render therefore unto all their Dues; Tribute to whom Tribute is due; Custom to whom Custom; Fear to whom Fear; Honour to whom Honour.

7. And therefore let it be Your Care too, to pay them justly all those Aids and Impofi

tions, all that Subjection and Reverence, which the Laws of God or Man have given them a right to.



Rom the several Duties obliging all Christians in their Personal Capacity, (which are contained in the Twelfth of this Epistle, and have been spoken to at large, upon the Three Sundays next before) S. Paul does here proceed to fuch as are Political, and oblige us, as Members of a Civil Body. A Subject, no less necessary than the Former, and particularly fo, at the time of his writing to these Romans. As will eafily be made appear, by taking a very short view of the Church's Circumstances, at that Juncture.

It had been, for some time, an Opinion too prevalent, among the Jews, that They, as the peculiar People of God, could not be bound in Confcience to obey any foreign Jurifdiction, exercised by Heathens and Idolaters: such as the Romans, their then Conquerors, were. The greater part of the Persons, as yet gained over to the Faith of the Gospel, were such as had been trained up in the Jewish Perfuafion. Men, who still retained so profound a Veneration for their former Principles, that the Apostles found great difficulty, in bringing them off clear from fuch Notions,


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