OR, VIRTUE REWARDED. IN A SERIES OF FAMILIAR LETTERS FROM A BEAUTIFUL YOUNG DAMSEL TO HER PARENTS: And afterwards, IN HER EXALTED CONDITION, BETWEEN HER, AND PERSONS OF FIGURE AND QUALITY, UPON THE MOST IMPORTANT AND ENTERTAINING SUBJECTS, IN GENTEEL LIFE. PUBLISHED, In order to cultivate the Principles of VIRTUE, VOL. IV. THE TWELFTH EDITION. LONDON: Printed for W. STRAHAN, J, F. and C. RIVINGTON, PAMELA; OR, VIRTUE REWARDED. In a Series of FAMILIAR LETTERS. VOL. IV. I LETTER I. My Dear Father and Mother, KNOW you will be pleased to hear that we arrived fafely in Town last Night. We found a stately, well-furnish'd, and convenient House; and I had my Closet or Library, and my With-drawing-room, all in complete Order, which Mr. B. gave me Possession of, in a Manner the most obliging that can be imagined. I am in a new World, as I may say, and fee such VOL. IV. vast Piles of Building every where, and fuch a Con B course |