16. No idea of abstract sub stance. 17. The cohesion of solid parts, and impulse, the primary ideas of body. 18. Thinking and motivity. the primary ideas of spirit. 19-21. Spirits capable of mo tion. 22. Idea of soul and body compared. 23-27. Cohesion of solid parts in body, as hard to be conceived, as thinking in a soul. 28, 29. Communication of motion by impulse, or by thought, equally intelligible. 30. Ideas of body and spirit compared. 31. The notion of spirit in volves no more difficulty in it than that of body. 32. We know nothing beyond our simple ideas. 33-35. Idea of God. 36. No ideas in our complex one of spirits, but those got from sensation or reflection. 37. Recapitulation. z. Made by the power of composing in the mind. 3. All artificial things are collective ideas. CHAP. XXV. SECT. Of relation. 1. Relation, what. 2. Relations, without correlative terms not easily perceived. 3. Some seemingly absolute terms contain relations. 4. Relation different from the things related. 5. Change of relation may be without any change in the subject. 6. Relation only betwixt two things. 7. All things capable of relation. 8. The ideas of relation clearer often, than of the subjects related. 9. Relations all terminate in simple ideas. 10. Terms leading the mind beyond the subjects denominated, are relative. 11. Conclusion. SECT. Of other relations. 1. Proportional. 2. Natural. 3. Instituted. 4. Moral. 5. Moral good and evil. 6. Moral rules. 7. Laws. 8. Divine 8. Divine law, the measure of sin and duty. 9. Civil law, the measure of crimes and innocence. 10, 11. Philosophical law, the measure of virtue and vice. 12. Its inforcements, com. mendation, and discredit. 13. These three laws the rules of moral good and evil. 14, 15. Morality is the relation of actions to these rules. 16. The denominations of ac 19. We have ordinarily as clear (or clearer) notions of the relation, as of its foundation. 20. The notion of the rela tion is the same, whether the rule, any action is compared to, be true or false. |