صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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The various, ancient, and modern Methods for Discovery of
Mines, &c. by Shoding, Cofteaning, &c. with several very
curious Difquifitions, Obfervations, and Experiments, upon
the Virtues and Ufes of the Virgula Divinatoria.


Upon Streaming, Drefling, and Smelting of Stream Tin in the
Blowing-Houfe or Blaft-Furnace.


F Bounds and the cutting of them, 137. Their anti-
quity-Charter, 33d Edward I, anno 1305-Quotations

from ancient MSS. 138, 139. Of the Tollur and renewing

of Bounds-The Lord and Bounder's fhares-May drive Adits

through others bounds-Of the fet and difh, or dues, 140.

Deep Mining not ancient-Of the Coffin and Shammels, 141.

Proper place of a working Shaft or underlier, Whym Shaft, and

fire engine Shaft, 142, 143. Of cutting the Lode and turning

house of finking other Shafts and ftopeing the Lode, 144,145.

Of the Adit or Level, 145. Dimensions of the Adit and Adit

Shafts-Of fallering the Adit for air, 146, 147. Great differ-

ence in the charge of driving Adits, 148. Of Adits as seeking

Adventures, 149. Of drawing the water by the hand pump;

Whym and barrels; defcription of the Whym-Of the Rag and

Chain pump, 150. Defcription of the water wheel and bobs-

the cheapest of all engines-its real and comparative power to a

fire engine, 151.
Cornish streams of water very small, but of

great value, and made the most of, 152. Of the fire engine-

Weight of a given small column of water-Neither men nor

horfes could draw it, 153. Defcription of the fire engine-

The boiler, houfe cylinder, pifton, great bob or lever, pump

rods, &c. 154.
Their diftinct and relative ufes-Great im-

provement of being made to work itself, 155, 6, 7, 8, and 9.

Of the Sumph or fink of the Mine, which should be in the

engine Shaft-Of the crofs cut, 160. Of turning houfe, driving

and stopeing on the Lode, and finking of Dippas, 161. Of

Dyzhuing and Hulking the Lode, 162. Of Stulls-doubly

useful-Cutting a Plot, 163. The Little-Winds or under-

ground Shaft-The footway and Sallers, 164, 165. Binding

the Mine; Collaring of Shafts; pillars and arches of the Lode,

166. Judgment required for binding the Mine-Shutting Attal

-Of a new Adit, holeing to the old Gunnies or house of water,

dangerous, 167, 168. Of Forking the water, and clearing the

old Mine, 169. Explanation of the workings of Bullen-Garden

Mine, 170, 171, 172.


F Spalling and dividing the Tin-stuff, and taking the


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