violations of duty, even though they be supposed to be forgiven: shame and self-loathing on considering the opposition which has subsisted, and does still subsist in so great degree, between this perfect rule, and his, conduct, character, and disposition. Hence proceeds "a broken and contrite heart;" which of all things the hypocrite fails most in counterfeiting; though nothing is more essential to, and distinguishing of, a true believer: a cordial approbation of the honour done to the divine law in the obedience and death of the incarnate Son of God; with a sincere application to him, and an undivided dependence upon him, as "the end of the law for righteousness "unto every one that believeth." This will, in this case, be at the same time accompanied with a tenderness of conscience, renewed grief and shame upon every renewed transgression, and a dissatisfaction with every present attainment in holiness; because it is so far beneath the admired and beloved standard. In this person's mind the ideas of perfect holiness and perfect felicity will be habitually associated; sin will be groaned under as the greatest burden, and dreaded and prayed against as the greatest evil; chastenings will be welcomed (upon reflection,) when they restrain from sin, or conduce to holiness; and, however the man values and longs for comfort, yet he especially "hungers and thirsts after righteous"ness." The law is not only treasured in his head, but "written in his heart ;" and the correspondent dispositions there created, will produce repentance, faith, and holiness, of a nature totally distinct from, and in their smallest degree vastly superior to, the most splendid attainments of hypocrites. N. B. I would recommend the character and conversation of Talkative, and Faithful's discourse with him, in "The Pilgrim's Progress," to the reader's careful perusal, as full to the purpose. ENNOMOS CHRISTO.' 'Another paper of Mr. Scott's, on the uses of the Moral Law in subserviency to the Gospel, appeared in the Theological Miscellany for January and February, 1785: but as the author, when he collected his own works in five volumes, considered it as superseded by his Essay on the same subject, (Essay xv. in vol. II. of this edition,) it is not inserted here.-J. S. III. FROM THE CHRISTIAN'S POCKET BOOK, FOR THE YEAR 1794. REFLECTIONS ON THE ENTRANCE OF THE WHAT multitudes of the human specics have been removed from this mutable preparatory scene, into an eternal and unchangeable state, within the space of this last year! whilst we are spared a little longer; but how little longer, who can tell?— What is now the result of all the sanguine expectations, the cager pursuits, the anxious cares, the turbulent joys, the excessive sorrows, or the fierce contests of those millions, who in this short space have finished their earthly career? What are they the better for all their worldly enjoyments, successes, or distinctions? What the worse for their losses, disappointments, afflictions, or degradations; even though they were from a throne to a dungeon or a scaffold? Their wealth, or poverty; their honour or infamy; their pleasure or pain are alike left behind, to be shared amongst 66 their survivors: and they have taken nothing along with them, except, the guilt of their unrepented crimes and abused talents; or, on the other hand, the privileges secured to them as believers, and the "work of faith, and labour of "love, and patience of hope in the Lord Jesus,” to determine the measure of their gracious recompense. Surely man walketh in a vain shew! he disquieteth himself in vain: he heapeth up riches, and cannot tell who shall gather them.” “The end of all things," which to us " is at hand,” is to them arrived: their probation is finished, their state is fixed, and their opportunity of seeking salvation, or of glorifying God on earth, is now for ever gone! 66 But, had we been removed during the last year, how should we have fared; where should we now have been? Were we ready for the summons? Would it have found us "in Christ," by a living faith, and the supply of his new-creating Spirit? Were we engaged in the exercise of repentance, and in keeping a conscience void of offence towards God and man? Were our loins girded and our lights burning? Had we oil in our vessels, as well as the lamp in our hands? grace in our hearts, approving itself to an all seeing God; as well as a credible profession, recommending us to the notice of his servants, who can only judge of the outward conduct? And, even if this were our case, did we not too much yield to slumbering and negligence, instead of being sober, and watching unto prayer. In a word, would death have surprised us, off our guard, lukewarm in spiritual things, eager and anxious about the |