FAMILY PRAYERS. FIRST MORNING PRAYER. O MOST glorious and gracious God, whose kind providence has protected us through the night, and brought us in peace to meet together this morning; assist us, we earnestly beseech thee, to present our unfeigned praises and thanksgivings, and to unite in fervent prayer and supplication before thy mercy-seat. But who are we, O thou high and lofty One, that inhabitest eternity, whose name is Holy, that we should venture into thy awful presence? Even the Seraphim veil their faces in deep humility, when they present their adorations before thy throne and we are not only immensely beneath them in our nature, but, alas! we have been guilty of base ingratitude for thy bounties, and of multiplied acts of rebellion against thee, our Creator and Sovereign. "We have forsaken thee, the "Fountain of living waters," to seek happiness from the "broken cisterns" of earthly enjoyments and possessions. We have proudly rejected thy easy yoke, and become slaves to divers lusts and pleasures. We have refused thee that reasonable 2. On "doing all in the name of Christ: 1810.. 184 3. On discussing the faults of Ministers: 1810.... 191 4. On what the Poor may do for their Saviour: 1810 199 5. Predestination not inconsistent with free Agency; founded on a passage of Sophocles: 1810...... 202 6. On Popery: from Dr. John Edwards: 1811.... 207 7. On the reasons why a more abundant effusion of ..... 271 3. Filial Piety rewarded: (Elizabeth Moulder :) 1803 283 4. On Isaiah Ixiv. 6: "Filthy rags:" 1805...... 285 5. On the public administration of Baptism: 1805.. 288 6. On the lawfulness of Anger: 1807.... 7. On the prophetical period of 1260 years: 1810.. 297 8. Clemency of the reign of George III: 1810.... 298 9. On the Authority of the Septuagint: 1810...... 300 10. On the same, in reply to Dr. A. Clarke: 1810.. 304 11. New Testament quotations from the Old, collated with the Septuagint: 1810, 1811... 12. Defence of Lexicographers and Concordists: 1811 357 13. On preaching the Gospel:' 1813.......... 360 14. On a Hymn in the Communion Service: 1813... 364 15. On attending Public Amusements: 1813...... 366 16. On the authority of Solomon in Education: 1813 373 22. On a supposed new Cross :' 1816..... 419 27. On" the world" which Christians renounce: 1817 439 443 29. On Luther's translation of the Bible: 1818.... 468 30. On the Faith of ancient Believers: 1819...... 471 x. FROM THE JEWISH REPOSITORY, 1814.......... 475 1. Reply to the Paper of a Jew, on the cxth Psalm, and St. Matthew's Genealogy of Christ.......... 475 2. Defence of the preceding Paper...... 481 xi. FROM THE SAILOR'S MAGAZINE: A Letter on the exertions made for the good of Seamen: 1820.... 491 III. POSTHUMOUS PIECES...... 495 i. Notes of a Sermon on Rom. xv. 29; as taken and published by the Rev. D. Wilson, A. M................ 497 ii. Notes of a Sermon on 2 Cor. xii. 16: ditto........ 511 iii. The Vanity of Youth: a Funeral Sermon: 1818.... 531 INDEX... 553 |