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النشر الإلكتروني




By DR. TOBIAS WATKINS, of Baltimore.

AT first view it may be thought by many, fuperfluous to attempt the establishment of a publication fo fimilar in its nature to that of the Philadelphia Medical Museum; but when it is confidered, that however wide the circulation of that valuable work, or however well ftored with original matter, there must be ftill many important facts in Medicine which cannot find room for admiffion, and which may thus remain unknown to the world, the Editor conceives that his attempt, however humble, will neither be confidered ufelefs or unneceffary. No country in the world affords a more ample field for the speculations of the Physician or Philofopher than the United States of America, and perhaps no civilized country has lefs reafon to boaft of its difcoveries or improvements in either fcience: That this is owing to any deficiency of talents in the United States, will hardly be afferted by the most prejudiced foreigner; to what then can it be afcribed but to a reprehenfible paucity of proper channels, through which the obfervations and remarks of intelligent men may be conveyed to the world? There are as many good books withheld from public notice, through diffidence, as there are bad ones ushered into it through vanity; and those very men who would shrink with horror at the idea of expofing themselves in the characters of authors, would readily impart their store of information in the form of epiftolary communication. Under fuch impreffions, the Editor conceives it unneceffary, to offer any apology for his endeavour to augment the catalogue of his Bookfeller. It would be equally unneceffary, and indeed prefumptuous, to

make any promises of what the work may be, as its fuccefs and value must depend wholly upon the number and refpectability of its contributors and patrons. Preference shall always be given to original communications of merit over every other, and of them the Editor must referve to himself the liberty of felecting fuch only as he shall deem most worthy of publication, without feeling obliged to reply to the cavils of any correfpondent who may think himself undeservedly neglected.


I. The title of this publication fhall be "The Baltimore "Medical and Phyfical Recorder."

II. It shall be published on a good paper and new type.

III. It shall be published in numbers, one every three months or nearly fo; fo as to form a volume every year-each number fhall contain at least eighty pages.

IV. The price to subscribers shall be fifty cents for each number, or two dollars the volume.

V. It shall be put to prefs as foon as a fufficient number of fubfcribers can be obtained to defray the expenses. Distant fubfcribers to pay one volume in advance, or obtain fome friend in town to become anfwerable.

Communications and fubfcriptions addreffed to the Editor poft paid, will be thankfully received.

Baltimore Oct. 31, 1807

Information refpecting the Influenza, in a Letter to the Editor from DR. SPALDING, dated Portsmouth, Feb. 24, 1807.

"THE influenza made its appearance in this town about "the middle of last month, and I think more than one half of the inhabitants already have felt the effects thereof.

"I think it flighter than I have heretofore feen it very few call for medical aid. The fymptoms are, a feverish habit, pain in the back, in the head, in and over the eyeballs, fore throat and hoarfe cough, coryza and ozena, inflamed eyes."

It will be obferved that in the close of the last number of the Museum, the Editor adverted to the improper conduct of the editors of the London Medical and Physical Journal, in frequently introducing into their work, copious extracts from the Museum, without any reference to the source from which they are taken. The Editor would have refted fatisfied with the remarks then made, had he not lately received the number of the Medical and Phyfical Journal for October laft, in which out of 32 communications given, only the moderate proportion of 18, are taken from the Museum, occupying 48, of a number consisting of 96 pages. Of this number three only, are said to be taken from the Museum ; fix are merely noticed as addreffed to Dr. Coxe, of Philadelphia; and eight have not even this partial acknowledgement from whence taken; but appear to be introduced in the manner they are, with a view, to poffefs the numerous readers of that work, with an idea of an immediate correfpondence with the authors of the effays. How far this conduct is confiftent with propriety and decorum, the Editor leaves to the judgment of the public; obferving only, that fuch illiberal plagiarism, does not speak greatly in favour of that extenfive correfpondence which they generally notice in their annual address to the public.

The Editor however is determined to lay claim to his own right, and strip thefe Daws of their borrowed plumes, whenever he fhall perceive that due juftice is not rendered him. He trufts however, a more proper fenfe of literary juftice will in future govern them, in duly noticing the fource of their extracts, if they fhould perceive any thing in the Museum worthy of their selection.

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