صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[blocks in formation]

Taste, in Education of Girls, 501.

Taxation and Education, 723.

Equity in Application, 723, 786.
Teachers as they were, 125, 128, 132.

Teachers Aid Societies, 298, 524.
Annuities, 272, 301.
Associations, 273.

Conferences, 273, 277.

Examinations, 272, 318, 527.

House and Garden, 300.

Inspection, 319.

Institutes, 270, 286, 324.

Libraries, 292, 447.

Mutual Aid Society, 524.

Saturday Normal Classes, 275.

Savings Box, 302.

Social and Pecuniary Condition, 298.

Special Preparation, 507.

Superannuated Fund and Asylum, 524.
Salary and Wages, 301, 529.

Tetzner, 83.

[blocks in formation]

Warburton, Bishop, on Mathematical Studies, 654.
Warren Grammar School in Philadelphia, 8:28.

Washington and West Point Academy, 18.
Webster, D., Education a self work, 14.
Webster, N., Letter from, to Editor, 123.
Reminiscences of American Education, 123.

Essay on Education of Youth, 124.
Webster's Spelling Book, 131.
Weikard, 87.

Wells, W. H., Graded School, 223.
Schools of Chicago, 615.
Conferences of Teachers, 273.
Wayland, F., Portrait, 1.
Educational labors, 771.

Experience as Preacher and Pastor, 773.
Presidency of Brown University, 774.
Text Books, 785.

Services to Popular Education, 786.

Views on Theological Education, 790.

Generous appreciation of meritorious services, 792.
Estimate of characters and labors of Arnold, 797.
Wesleyan Female Seminary, Delaware, (O..) 208.
Cincinnati, (O..) 268.

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West Point, U. S. Military Academy, 17, 659.
Historical Development, 17, 25, 29.
Visitation and Inspection, 29, 661.
Course of Instruction, 29, 36.

Method of study and recitation, 35, 37.
Discipline and Merit-roll, 38.

Relative values of study and conduct, 40.

Military Exercises, 40.

Results, in Scientific Text Books. 42.

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on American Education, 43.

in the Military service, 44.

Relations to Rebellion, 45.

Tribute to the old Professors, 46.

Regulations relating to Admission of Cadets, 47.
Report of Visitors for 1863, 661.

Conditions and mode of appointment, 662.
Selection by Competitive examination, 666.
Evils of the present system of appointment, 673.
Modifications recommended, 675.

No. of Graduates and Failures from each State, 677,
Condition and Examination for Polytechnic, 678.
Memorial of Capt. Partridge, €83.

Whately, Archbishop, on Bacon's Essays, 104.
Annotation on Studies, 104.

Contempt of Studies, 104.

Little Learning, 104.

Smuttering of Knowledge, 107.

Modes of Study, 108.

Studying of Scripture, 108.

Deference to authorities, 111.

Curiosity, 112.

Learning by rote, 113.

Facility of Learning, 114.

Action of studies on the mind, 114.

Indirect influence, 114.

Early Associations, 117.

Injudicious reading of History, 119.

Pleasure-grounds of knowledge, 121.

Whipping, 563.

Whitting, 141, 854.

Wilderspin, Infant instruction, 163, 170.
Wilm, 293.

Teachers' Libraries, 295.

Pecuniary condition, 258.

Wisdom, 599.

Woolworth, S. B., 545.

Worcester, (Mass..) Public Library, 607.

Wordsworth, W., 7, 9, 719.

Wyse, T,, 383.

Young, T. U., Manual for Infant Schools, 155.

Necessity and Nature of Infant Schools, 155.

Qualifications of the Tencher, 169.

Rules and Regulations for Parents, Teachers, 171.
Developing Lessons, 176.

Zenis, (O) Female College, 208.

Zschokke, 90, 237, 240, 242.

Zurich Normal School, 336.

Festival of Swiss Sharp-shooters in 1859, 701.

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