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THE AMERICAN LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC, AND MILITARY ACADEMY, at Norwich, Vermont, was opened on the 4th of September, 1820, by Capt. Alden Partridge, and continued under his personal superintendence and instruction, assisted by several professors, until April 1st, 1825, when it was discontinued at Norwich, and reopened at Middletown, Connecticut. The catalogue of the officers and cadets published August, 1821, contains a prospectus from which we make extracts to exhibit the aims of that school and of this particular class of institutions at that date.


The requisite qualifications for becoming members of the Institution are the following, viz: That the candidate be of good moral character, that he be able to read and spell correctly, to write a fair, legible hand, and work the ground rules of arithmetic.


Young gentlemen destined for a college education, can be prepared at this seminary for admission into any college or university in the country, either as freshmen, or one or two years in advance, and in the mean time will be enabled to acquire a good military and practical scientific education. Young gentlemen also, destined for the navy, can here be instructed in the scientific part of their profession, and at the same time, obtain a correct knowledge of fortification, and of military operations generally, on land, which it is believed they would find highly useful in future life. Parents and guardians who are desirous of placing their sons or wards at this seminary, are requested to state whether they wish them to go through with the full course of education; and if not, to specify, particularly, those branches to which they desire them to attend, and also to mention their ages.

The course of Latin, Greek, Hebrew, French, and English languages, Arithmetic, the construction and use of Logarithms, Algebra, Geometry, Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, Planometry, Stereometry, Mensuration of heights and distances by Trigonometry, and also Geometrically, practical Geometry generally, including particularly Surveying and Leveling, Conic Sections, the use of the Barometer, with its application to measuring the altitudes of mountains and other eminences, Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Hydraulics, the elements of Chemistry and Electricity, Optics, Astronomy, Navigation, Geography, including the use of Maps and the Globes; Composition, Logic, History, Ethics, the elements of Natural and Political Law, the Law of Nations, Military Law, the Constitution of the United States, and of the states severally, Metaphysics; Agriculture, Permanent and Field Fortification, Field Engineering generally, the construction of Marine Batteries, Artillery duty, the principles of Gunnery, a complete course of Military Tactics, the attack and defense of fortified places, Castrametation, ancient Fortification, the ancient modes of attacking and defending fortified places, the ancient Tactics, particularly those of the Greeks and Romans, with a description of the organization and discipline of the phalanx and legion; BookKeeping, Music, Fencing, Military Drawing, Topography, Civil Engineering, including the construction of Roads, Canals, Locks, and Bridges; Architecture. The Hebrew and French languages, Fencing and Music will not be considered

as comprised in the regnler course of education. and consequently those who

mounting, and relieving guards and sentinels; the duties of officers of t officers of the day, and adjutants; the making out correctly the differen tions of military reports; in fine, all the duties incident to the field of The military exercises and duties will be so arranged as not to occupy a time that would otherwise be devoted to study; they will be attended t hours of the day which are generally passed by students in idleness, to useless amusements, for which they will be made a pleasing and substitute. Practical scientific operations will be frequently attended will conduce equally to health and improvement.

The students will be required to sleep on matrasses, or straw-beds; 1 beds will be allowed in the establishment.

For the purpose of giving to the students a military appearance, whe on military duty, and also on a principle of economy, they are requir a uniform dress, a description of which is hereunto annexed. In pro dress, it has been endeavored to combine as far as possible, cheapness military appearance, with such a form as, while it leaves the student th unrestrained use of his limbs, will at the same time encumber him the sible. The discipline will be strict, but correct; and particular attenti given to the full development and due cultivation of all those liber noble and independent sentiments which ought to characterize every whether citizen or soldier. The strictest attention will be given to t manners and morals of the students. They will be continually under th inspection of the superintendent, who will bestow upon them all tha attention which it is believed their parents, under similar circu would bestow.


For the accommodation of gentlemen, (particularly of those holding sions in the volunteer corps and militia,) who may not wish to go thr a regular course of military studies and instruction, and also for the diffusing military science more generally, Capt. Partridge will deliver at the before-mentioned seminary, three courses of public lectures course to commence on the second Monday in May, the second con second Monday in July, and the third course on the first Monday in annually. These lectures will embrace the following branches of m ence and instruction, viz. :—

1st. Permanent and field fortification, the construction of field works and also of marinę batteries.

2d. The attack and defense of fortified places.

3d. The use of artillery, with a general exposition of the principl nery.

4th. Military Tactics.

5th. Garrison and field service of troops, embracing particularly th and rules for turning off, mounting and relieving guards and sentinels for guard duty, likewise castrametation.

6th. General rules for the attack and defense of a province or countr ing an exposition of the principles of base lines of operation. 7th. Rules for the inspection and review of troops.

8th. A summary of ancient fortification, and also of the ancient mo tacking and defending fortified places.

9th. A summary of the ancient tactics, particularly those of the G Romans.

10th. A description of some of the most celebrated battles and siege ancient and modern times, for the purpose of practically illustrating ples explained in the lectures. In order to render the lectures on fo perfectly intelligible, plans will be prepared, on which the several parts will be clearly and distinctly exhibited

Particular attention will be given to a full explanation of all the techr used in fortification, as well as in the other departments of military so full course will comprise about twenty lectures; five to be delivere week until the course be finished. The terms for attending a course w dollars. Gentlemen subscribing for two courses, will be allowed ev attend gratis. All those attending the lectures, will be entitled, durin of such attendance, to practical military instruction, and also to the p the reading-room, without any additional charge.

On the 1st of April, 1825, Capt. Partridge was induced by liberal overtures from citizens of Middletown, Conn., to leave his institution at Norwich, and remove to Middletown, Conn., and reopen it in that city. Before doing so he published a card in which he exhibits the progress and results of his labors at Norwich.

This seminary was opened at Norwich, in the state of Vermont, on the 4th of September, 1820, under my immediate direction and superintendence; and although the plan was new and untried, besides containing principles, which were by many considered discordant with each other, viz., the connecting of mental improvement with a regular course of bodily exercise, and the full development of the physical powers, the whole conducted under a military system of discipline; still its success has exceeded, rather than fallen short, of my most sanguine expectations.

The following extract from a recent report of the adjutant of the institution, compiled from the rolls and other authentic documents, will enable the public to form their conclusions, from facts on this subject.

1st. The total number of cadets who have joined the institution, since its organization, is 480.

2d. The numbers from the respective states, and other sections hereafter mentioned, are as follows, viz. :

From Maine,


From South Carolina,




New Hampshire,




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Rhode Island,



New York,




New Jersey,


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District of Columbia, 2
Lower Canada,

Havana, Island Cuba, 1

Island Scio, Greece,

3dly. Of the above number, twenty are commissioned and warrant officers of the U. S. Navy, viz., 4 lieutenants, 1 assistant-surgeon, and 15 midshipmen. 4thly. Out of the whole, 441 have been engaged in the study of the Mathematies, and out of this number 145 have completed a full course of "Hutton's Mathematics." Of these, 80 have, in addition, attended to practical Mathematics, 56 have continued their course through the study of Philosophy, and others are now fast progressing in the accomplishment of those higher branches also.

5thly. The whole number who have studied the Greek and Latin languages, is about 150. Of these, 25 have advanced far towards completing a course, although none have gone entirely through. Of those not included in the last-mentioned number, many have fitted for college, or progressed still farther, and many are progressing. What is here considered a course, is the same which is laid down in the prospectus, which could be scarcely completed in the period since the establishment of the institution.

6thly. The number of those who have attended to the French language, is about 130. Twenty have become well acquainted with the language-30 are very well advanced, and many of the remainder have made respectable progress.

7thly. About ten or twelve of those who have been, or are now members of the institution, have devoted considerable time and instruction of the militia or volunteer corps, in this and various other sections of the country, and many of them are still engaged in that useful employment.

Of those who have been, or are now, engaged in the study of the Latin and Greek languages, I flatter myself there are several who would not suffer by a comparison with any of the same degree of advancement at our older and most approved seminaries; and as a school of practical science, I have little hesitation in asserting, that it is second to none in our country. In confirmation of this assertion, I would observe, that since the establishment of the seminary, my pupils, in addition to their usual exercises in practical geometry, and many operations of minor consequence, have executed, in a very handsome manner, a profile of the country, exhibiting the perpendicular altitudes of all the prominent points, above tide water, as determined by actual observation, from the summit of Manchester mountain, in the state of Vermont, to the summit of mount Washington,

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In the department of French, it is believed, the pupils have made a progress as at any seminary in our country, and in Mineralogy, Botany, though but recently commenced, there appears to be much zeal, and a ponding improvement, amongst the classes which have attended, and th attending, numbering about sixty.

Music and fencing have been attended by a large proportion of the m and with a progress highly creditable to them.

The military exercises and duties are common to all the cadets, and lieved very few have left the seminary, who were not competent to instru the elementary drill of the soldier, to embrace the school of the battali who, in addition, did not possess a very competent knowledge of the pr of the grand tactics, of the elements of permanent and field fortification principles of gunnery, &c. The beneficial effects of the regular system cise and active duty, to which my pupils are subject, upon their health, h fully equal to my expectations. But one death has happened at the inst since its commencement; and this was a youth who had just entered h on the rolls, but was attacked by a prevailing epidemic, of which he d fore commencing his studies or regular duties. Several who joined the s feeble and debilitated, have in a short time been entirely restored to v health. Indeed, such has been the result, I believe, without a single ex That a youth may, by means of a regular system of exercise, preserve bodily activity and vigor, and at the same time apply himself most assi to study, I have never had any doubts; but if I had, the facts develope the establishment of this seminary, would have dispelled them. Many pupils, and those the closest applicants to study, walk with facility fort per day. In the summer of 1823, several of them left Norwich at day-1 the morning, walked to the summit of Ascutney mountain, and returned wich about 9 o'clock in the evening of the same day-the whole distanc six miles which, considering the fatigue and difficulty of ascending a scending the mountain, (upwards of 3,000 feet high,) may reasonably be ted as equivalent to sixty miles on the usual roads of the country. Th tinued their regular studies and other duties the following day. In Sep 1823, a party of nearly thirty accompanied me on a pedestrian tour to th mit of Manchester mountain, in the state of Vermont, a large portion of traveled 150 miles in four days, and on the fourth day one of the party, of sixteen years of age, walked by my side forty-five miles. On a recent sion to the summit of the most elevated of the White Mountains, with of fifty of my pupils, a large portion of them, on the last day, walked fo miles. Belonging to this party, was a youth of but twelve years of a walked the whole distance, (160 miles,) carrying his knapsack, with cloth and returned in perfect health.

Since the latter part of June, 1821, the cadets, as a military corps, ha cuted, under my personal command, six military marches, amounting, in gregate, to 637 miles. Different detachments from the corps have also. the same time, in addition to several of minor importance, performed, un personal direction, four pedestrian excursions, for practical scientific p amounting in the aggregate to 684 miles, and which, added to the forme 637x684-1321 miles. To this may be added an excursion to the White tains, whole distance 170 miles, by a party which I did not accompany, and will make the total distance traveled in those marches and excursion miles.

The foregoing facts are stated for the purpose of illustrating and confirm correctness of the opinion I have so often advanced in my lectures on edu relative to the practicability, and even facility, of combining the full d ment and perfection of the physical powers of youth, with a due cultivat improvement of the mental faculties. Whether a young man, who enters grand theater of active life, with a mind and body equally vigorous and im who, while he has a head to conceive, possesses also an arm to execute, will not possess advantages in the discharge of the various duties he' called upon to perform, over one, who has grown to the age of manhoo and debilitated, destitute of physical energy, and incapable of bodily exe shall leave to the sound discretion of the American people to decide.

As it respects the effect of the system on the morals of youth, I would o that I feel confident no one has left the institution worse than he joined that I flatter myself, several have, in this respect, been improved. Ne the influence of religion, I consider habits of industry and economy as co

ing the surest basis of morals amongst youth. To instill these into the minds of my pupils, ever has, and ever will be, a leading object; and I consequently shall imperatively require the strictest adherence to all the regulations bearing on those points, by all concerned. I would therefore beg leave to assure the parents, guardians, and relatives of my pupils, that the regulations prohibiting the cadets being furnished with money, otherwise than by the superintendent, or by his express permission, is to be taken in its literal meaning, (without exception, and must be adhered to under all circumstances; and that any deviation from it will be followed by immediate dismission. I would much prefer that the great body of my pupils should enter young, and grow up under my system. The mind and body are then more susceptible of improvement, than at a more advanced period. Few, if any, vicious habits have then been formed, and the morals, under a strict and regular discipline, may easily be preserved. It is my fixed determination not, knowingly, to admit any young man of confirmed vicious or dissipated habits into the institution. I would accordingly recommend to parents and guardians not to send me any of this description; for if they should gain admission, and did not immediately reform, (which seldom occurs when the habits are confirmed,) it would only eventuate in their dismission, and consequent disgrace. It is much easier to prevent a youth from acquiring bad habits, than to correct them after they are acquired. If parents and guardians will send me their sons and wards free from habits of dissipation, immorality, and vice, I will guarantee, as far as human agency will authorize, that they shall be preserved free from such habits, while they remain under my care. Every requisite means will be used to correct the foibles and faults incidental to youth-to accomplish this object no pains will be spared. With their foibles I will bear as much as any person, but with their vices I will make no compromise. For the purpose of enabling me the more readily and the more certainly to accomplish this important object, I must request parents and guardians, if their sons or wards have foibles or faults, frankly to state them to me. On this subject there should be no reserve; as, with such information, I should know much better what course to pursue with them.

The favorable view taken of the aims, progress, and results of the scientific and military training provided by Capt. Partridge in his Academy at Norwich, was amply justified by the success of his pupils at Middletown, as practical men in various departments of business and public life.

On account of the condition on which he held a portion of his property at Norwich, Capt. Partridge was obliged to maintain there a literary institution, after his removal to Middletown. When he discontinued his labors at the latter place, and not succeeding in his plans for establishing a scientific and military school in the neighborhood of New York, he returned to Norwich, and in 1832, made preparation to reëstablish his Academy on its old basis, and with enlarged premises. With this view he erected the building known as the North Barracks, which were occupied for two years by Rev. Amasa Buck, for the purposes of a Methodist school, known as the Franklin Seminary.


In the spring of 1834, a number of gentlemen associated to establish at Norwich, not an academic, but a collegiate institution, after Capt. Partridge's views, and in the autumn of that year, obtained from the Legislature of Vermont, a charter by which the petitioners were constituted a Board of Trustees of an institution by the name of the Norwich University. The charter further provides "that the said Board shall be required to furnish at said institution constantly a course of Military instruction, both theoretical and practical, and also in Civil Engineering, and the practical sciences generally; and the President of said institution, with the consent of the Trustees, shall have power to give and confer all such diplomas, degrees, honors, or licenses, as are usually given or conferred in Colleges or Universities, at their discretion; provided, however, that in so doing they

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