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النشر الإلكتروني



"We have seldom, if ever, met with a more desirable or trustworthy help than the Work whose title-page we have transcribed at the commencement of this paper.

. We do not hesitate, though we cannot exactly accord with the expositions given in all their minute details, to class it among the most useful books of the kind which have ever appeared. True, it has not the minute and elaborate investigation of many of the earlier German Biblical Critics, nor the learning of Mede, yet is it, on these very accounts, more generally useful; and after what has been done to throw light on the various and important topics which are embraced by Lowman, and Newton, and others, a publication of this kind was necessary, and perhaps it could not have been intrusted to safer hands. We can assure our readers they will not be disappointed in their expectations, however high they may have been raised. Whether it is the Author's intention to follow up this work with one on the remaining portion-the unfulfilled of the Apocalypse, or to wait till events enable us to decide more certainly upon the mind of the Spirit, we cannot say but we shall be glad often to meet him, and we cannot too warmly recommend his work. It will be found an admirable help to the explication of the mysteries of Daniel and John."-Orthodox Presbyterian, No. 35.


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"The sound judgment, perspicuous illustration, and acute discrimination displayed, in the author's former excellent and deservedly popular work on prophecy, excited considerable ex

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pectations when the present one was announced, and we have not been disappointed. The same characteristic features are discernible throughout, and we consider this work as one of the happiest specimens of the true mode of elucidating prophecy, and as fitted to form an appropriate correction for that wild and reck"the stuless spirit which has but too generally prevailed among dents of prophecy." We particularly commend to the reader's attention, the sixth chapter, vol. i. which contains the exposition of the prophecy regarding the rise and exaltation of papacy. It is truly wonderful how accurately the pencil of truth has drawn every feature, even the most minute, of that monstrous system. In conclusion, we cordially recommend this work as a valuable addition to the helps for understanding prophecy ; a subject growing hourly in interest to the Christian, at the present momentous period, when every sign in the political and ecclesiastical world seems to indicate that the time is at hand. Blessed is he that is found watching."-Christian

Examiner, Sept. 1832, No. 9, New Series.

"The only sound and legitimate plan of interpreting prophecy Mr. is that adopted by the author whose work lies before us. Keith comes not forward as the herald of the millennium, or to sound the note of preparation for the end of time. He claims for himself no illumination beyond that of a clear understanding and a comprehensive knowledge both of sacred and profane history. His theory is built not on vague speculations on the future, but on the sure immutable foundation of the past. He makes Scripture gather up the illustrations of its own fulfilment from the wide field that lies ever open to the antiquary, the historian, and divine.

"He finds a tongue in the solitudes of Edom, in the rocks of Petra, and the ruins of Babylon. His work on the Evidence of the Truth of the Christian Religion, derived from the fulfilment of prophecy, is highly and deservedly popular; and, we have no doubt, that his present work will be quite as popular. His object is to show where we are, or to ascertain at what point in the development of prophecy we have arrived. By comparing prophecy with history, from the time of the Babylonish captivity down to the present time, he arrives at the conclusion that the 1260 years of Daniel and of John were accomplished at the French Revolution in 1789. The sanctuary con

sequently began to be cleansed about 1820; the sixth prophetic vial is now pouring out, to be presently followed by the seventh and last vial; and the 1335 years, assigned for the full and final development of Prophecy, will terminate in 1864.

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Now, whether this conclusion be well founded, and these dates correct, we have no intention whatever to inquire. All that we mean to say is, that this is one of the few readable books that we have met with upon the subject of prophecy. It is not only a readable, but an extremely entertaining and instructive work. The author plunges us into none of those grovelling and bewildering speculations which are so commonly inet with in works upon this deeply interesting subject; and which frequently defy every effort that we have made to comprehend them. Mr. Keith simply quotes the prophecy, and places beside it the history which he conceives to narrate its fulfilment. In his own remarks there is a total absence of that dogmatism which so often disgusts us in works of this description; and of that spirit which rashly pretends to withdraw the veil from futurity, and to unfold the series and the date of events that are yet to come. There is a simplicity, and an absence of all pretension throughout the whole, which is exceedingly pleasing; and the reader, whether he acquiesce in the soundness of the author's conclusions, with regard to the prophetic periods, or not, will close the work with the feeling that his time could not easily have been either more agreeably or more usefully employed than in the perusal of a book which is rendered very attractive by the mass of historical infor mation embodied in it.

"We should mention that the work contains a very full account of the French campaign in Italy, illustrated by military maps."Edinburgh Advertiser, Sept. 14. No. 7179.

"Among the expounders of prophecy, we are inclined to assign Mr. Keith a high place. It is perfectly true, that in some of his views we are unable to go along with him, and dissent from some of his conclusions. But it is refreshing to meet with a writer who treats such a subject in a cautious and reverent manner. There is no presumptuous attempting to penetrate into what is hidden,―no rash anticipation of future history-no arrogant assumption of the prophetic character, and no impious denunciations of vengeance on those who acquiesce not in his views, or

deny his divine mission. He writes everywhere in the very best spirit, and if he does not always command our convictions, he uniformly secures our respect.

"We were about to express our anticipation that the work would prove a popular one. That is now no longer matter of anticipation. Though very recently published, we hear that second edition is already called for. We are glad to hear it, and wish it abundant success.”—Edinburgh Christian Instructor.

"Under this title,-so pregnant with meaning, and so attractive in its varieties of signification to all classes of readers,—a venerable and excellent friend (the minister of St. Cyrus) has published a work of admirable aim and excellent execution, in two volumes, which display a patience and extent of research, and contain a mass of interesting matter, equally valuable and uncommon, more especially when, at a price so unusually moderate, as to prove, if proof were needed, the single-heartedness and love of his subject, so characteristic of an author to whom profit has not the less fully accrued from his literary labours, that it has ever been unthought of in prosecuting them.

As with our author, the subject would grow upon us, dared we to permit it. . . . We must desist, referring our readers fond of such investigations to the work itself, which exhibits an extraordinary degree of research into works of every description, from James's Naval History to the last Literary Gazette. No source of information has been neglected, and no cost has been spared. There are numerous beautiful and expensive maps, a curious table, with about 700 pages of interesting letterpress-for half a guinea!"-The Scots Times, No. 520, Vol. 7. Sept. 29, 1832.

[To be placed before the title-page of Vol. I.]

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At the end it shall speak, and not lie."-HAB, ii. 3.

Ye can discern the face of the sky; but can'ye not discern the signs of the times ?"-MATT. xvi. 3.









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